Includes: • Building a New Garage
• Repairing & Replacing Doors & Windows • Improving Storage • Maintaining Floors
• Upgrading Electrical Service • Complete Garage Plans
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Copyright © 2009 Creative Publishing international, Inc. 400 Fi rst Avenue North, Suite 300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 1-800-328-0590 IN' All rights reserved
Printed in China
Library of Congress Cataloging-In-publlcation Data
The complete guide to garages: Includes building a new garage, improving storage, maintaining floors, upgrading electrical service, repa iring & replacing doors & windows.
p. cm. "Black & Decker." Includes index. Summary: "Includes wide selection of garage projects, from
simple organization to planning and building an all-new garage"-Provided by publisher. ISBN-13: 978-1-58923-457-4 (soft cover) ISBN-10: 1-58923-457-X (soft coven 1. Garages--Design and construction--Amateurs' manuals,
2. Garages--Maintenance and repair--Amateurs' manuals, I. Black & Decker Corporation (Towson, Md.) II. Title.
TH4960.C66 2009 69C'.898--dc22
The Complete Guide to Garages
President/CEO: Ken Fund VP for Sales & Marketing: Kevin Hamric
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Creative Director: Michele Lanci-Altomare Senior Design Managers: Jon Simpson, Brad Springer Design Manager: James Kegley
Lead Photographer: Joel Schnell Set Builder: Bryan MCLain Photo Coordinator: Cesar Fernandez Rodriguez Shop Help: Charlie Boldt
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Created by: The Editors of Creative Publishing international, Inc., in cooperation with Black & Decker. Black & Decke~ is a trademark of The Black & Decker Corporation and is used under license.
For safety, use caution, care, and good judgment when following the procedures described in this book. The publisher and Black & Decker cannot assume responsibility for any damage to property or injury to persons as a result of misuse of the information provided.
The techniques shown in this book are general techniques for various applications. In some instances, additional techniques not shown in thiS book may be required. Always follow manufacturers' instructions included with products, since deviating from the directions may void warranties. The projects in this book vary widely as to skill levels required: some may not be appropriate for all do-it-yourselfers, and some may require professional help.
Consult your local building department for information on building permits, codes, and other laws as they apply to your project.
The Complete Guide to Garages
Introduction .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .• . .. . ... . .. 5
Gallery of Garages . . .... . . .. ..... . . .. . . .7
Building a New Garage ..... .. . . .... . ... 23 Making Plans . . ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . • . . .. . . . . 24
overview: Building a Garage ..
Building the Foundation ........ .. .... . . . .
Framing & Raising walls ...... . .. . .... .. . .
.. ...... 26
.. .. 28
.. .. 34
Installing Roof Framing ............................. 44
Sheathing walls ............... . ........ . .•........ 52
Installing Fascia & Soffits ..... . .. . .... .. . . .. ..... 56
Building the Roof .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .... . . .. . . . . 60
Installing Windows & Service Doors . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 68
Installing Overhead Garage Doors . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 76
Installing Siding & Trim . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . 82
Garage Plans . . .... .. .... . ..•. . .. ..... 91 Single Detached Garage ............................. 92
Additional Garage Plans ......... . ........ . .•........ 98
compact Garage ............. .. .... .. .. . ..... 102
Gambrel Garage. . .. . . .. .... . . .. . . . 116
Carport . . . .. . . ... .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . .. . . . 132
Garage Workshop .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 142
Garage Improvements ... . ... . • . .. . ... . 151 storage & workspace Improvements ..... . . . . ........ 152
Electrica l & Lighting Improvements ................... 178
Floor Improvements ..................... . .•....... 206
Installing Roll -out Floor Covering. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 214
Installing Interlocking Floor Ti les .. . . .. . . .. .... . . .. . . . 216
Garage Maintenance . . . . . ... . •. ... ... . 221 Renewing a Garage Floor . .. ..... 222
TUning up Garage Doors ..... . . .. .... .. . . . ..... 226
Garage Door Openers ....... . . .. .... .. . . ...... 232
Resources/Credits ... . .... _ ..• .... . . . . 235
Metric Conversion Charts . ....• .. .. . . . . 236
Index _. _ .. . . . . _ ... . .... _ ..• .... . . . _237
First a nd fore most, a garage is a she ltered building where you can park your ve hicles safely. But it can be muc h
more than that, and it often is. A garage may also se lve as an orga nized a nd c lim ate-cont roll ed workspace to
pursue hobbies or as a uti li ty shed for stori ng gardening Cl nci s novv-removal equip ment. It may be a workshop, a
\,\ral k-in sports locker, or eln overflov,' storage area. How can one room do it al l? Truth be told, having a versat ile, hard-working, well-organi zed garage is a very tall o rder-but w ith practical projects and the right approach it can
definitely be done. You can have the garage you 've always \vanted, a nd thi s book \·vill help you achieve it.
In The Complete Cuide to Carages, we'll start fro m scratch and build from there. The "Ga llery of Garages'·
section (pages 7 to 21) introduces you to a wide range of garage styles a nd spotl ights the many and various \'vays we use them. It's a c hance to let your imagination go and an opportun ity to dream big. But if your garage space or
budget requi res you to keep things manageable, even one or two ideas from these ga llery p hotos cou ld open up a
ne\v storage idea or workspace possibility that YO Ll ca ll adapt to your own space.
If your home does not have a garctge or if your c urrent model is baSica lly a tear-daVlin, this is one of the fe\v
books on the marke t that \,vill teach you how to build a ga rage yourse lf. The first major sect ion of the book,
"B uilding a NeVIl Garage ," walks YOLI step by step through the process of constructing a detached, s i ngl e~car
garage. You' ll learn how to fra me and erect walls and build a rafter~style roof. vVe' ll s how you hm\! to sheathe the
structure, trim and sh ingle the roof like the pros do, and then in stall siding, wi ndO\vs, and doors.
Next, you'll find CI co mplete set of meas ured plClns for the garage seen in the first chapter, along with plans
Clnd hovv~to photos for two add itio nCiI ga rages, a carport, a nd a garage \\Iorkshop conversio n . Or, use these three
detailed garage projects to help acq ua int yoursel f wi th the skill s you' ll need in order to build whatever garage
you choose.
T he second half of this book focuses on garage improvements to help you transform an existing garage.
In "Garage Improvements," you can fi nis h those bare stud wal ls and ceil ing and then outfit them with pegboard,
shelving, wal l tracks, and cabinets to maximize every ava ilable in ch of storage space. To bring lights to your many
projects, turn to the "E lectrical & Lighting lmprovements" section for help. vVe' ll shO\·v you how to insu late, run
new outlets, hclIlg a shop light, install CI skyl ight, a nd add a heater- improvements that PClY dividends in the long
run, i\llaybe your dull , da mp gmage Aoor co uld use a facel ift. The final sec tion offers several painting and floor~
covering opt ions that will give you stun ning results in less than a v,leekend's time.
Now is the perfect time to begi n planning you r new ga rage or tackling that first improvement project.
Doing it yourself- and doing it right-is easier than you think. Le t us show you how.
• 5
Gallery of Garages
It's remarkable what you r garage ca n become whe n you approac h it c rea tively a nd set the bar high. T he
ga llery that foll ows \-vi ll take you on a t OUf of several residential garages. As YO Ll 're about to see, the re's s imp ly no reason why that covered pa rking spot at the head of your driveway ca n't evo lve into the pe rfect e nte rta inment room, mec hanic's space, woodworking shop, or art studio you dream about . SUfe, some of these exampl es migh t st retc h the limits of budgets and practica lity for everyday folks, but they testify to the fact that homeowne rs evcl)lwhere love lheir garages. Keep in mind that ma ny of these homeowners would ca ll their garage a perpetual "work in progress." Transforming a garage into an attrac tive, fun ctiona l and even exci ting pa rt of you r home doesn't happen
overnight. It takes place s lowly, one project a t a t ime. But , it will never happe n withou t that firs t good improveme nt project a nd the determi nation to ge t the job done.
So, enjoy th is behin d-the-sccncs gl impse into truly inspirational garage spaces. ' r\lc hope you catch the fever; then step out in to yo ur own ga rage a nd sta rt dreaming.
• 7
Even a small detached garage can give you the room you need to explore that restoration project or other latent hobby If you're up to the challenge, consider building the garage yourself.
With the right architecture, a garage can be far more than a spot to park cars. Here, the area above this garage provides another living space and elegantly ties the garage and home together.
A skylight is an effective way to bring natural light into your garage without creating the security concerns that arise when a window is Installed.
Sometimes organized clutter still looks cluttered. The beauty of garage cabinetry is that it hides what you would ordinarily see. You effectively get a "less IS more" feeling Without actually lOSing any storage capability.
Racking and shelf systems offer the ultimate in garage storage organization. Creating a dedicated spot for everything is the best way to prevent creeping clutter from taking over your garage space.
Gallery of Gllmges • 9
If a workout or relaxation space IS what you need, your garage can adapt to that purpose. No matter what your family's recreational pursuits may be, a garage can become that perfect work station with the right wall-hanging and storage systems.
Installing a durable floor covering adds years to your garage flOOr'S life, as well as giving it a finished look.
NO matter how modest your budget may be, even a few garage organizers will help you take back wasted space in your garage so you can put It to more productive use.
Garage windows don't have to be plain . An architecturally interesting window can be installed Just about anywhere to fend off the monotony of the utility window
Think carefully about how to organize your shelving layout. Integrate shelves around windows, the workbench, and areas for hanging items to make the best use of available wall space.
Gallery of Gllmges • 11
Give your garage a professional, industrial look by outfitting it with metal-clad cabinets and wall-hanging systems. You can buy these cabinets with polished chrome or brushed-finish surfaces, depending on the look you want.
CaileryofCamges • 13
want the "show" face of your garage to make a dramatic statement? Replace your ordinary sectional garage doors with custom frame-and-panel wood doors. There are a wide variety of wood types, styles, and window arrangements from which to choose.
It'S a trophy garage space that's equipped for even your most prized possession.
Freestanding base cabinets and track-mounted wall units are combined with a removable slatted wall "backsplash" to form a work center that is sturdy, efficient, and portable.
A single corner of your garage can offer serious storage potential when it's outfitted with the right set of cabinets.
Heavy-duty wall brackets, wire bins, and shelving can transform an empty garage wall into an organized storage spot for all your favorite sports equipment
A little natural lighting goes a long way toward making your garage more inviting and functional. Here, a service door with divided glass really serves as an entrypoint and a window
Gallery of Gllmges • 15
A wall-track system, heavy-duty hooks, or even a ceiling hoist can get those seldom-used items up and out of the way.
Epoxy-based garage floor paint comes in several attractive colors. You can even add granules to the paint to improve traction or enhance its appearance. Floor paint IS applied much like wall paint, but be sure to check the mOisture content of the concrete first, and clean the slab thoroughly
White cabinets not only make your garage workspace look neat and clean, but they'll also help make the most of the room's available lighting.
color choices, modular configurations, and specialized features continue to expand every year. Here, corner cabinets and a wall truck system combine for effective storage.
Gallery of Gllmges • 17
1\.. , y !1 i' , YJ 1 J J 1 ','
... . ..... ' - III
The first step to organizing a garage effectively is to Identify what you really need to keep and store. Reduce unnecessary clutter, then come up with a plan that makes efficient use of the available space.
..- '. :;.. 1
Heavy-duty shelf standards and brackets provide an effective system for staling bulky or seldom-used items.
Painting the floor IS a low-cost way to add years to your garage base. It's easy, and paints are available In many colors.
safety and organization are directly related when it comes to garage planning. Having dedicated cabinets (preferably lockable) for storing poisonous and flammable products greatly decreases the chances that an accident will occur
An epoxy floor coating will seal small cracks, conceal old stains or minor wear, and, most Importantly, give your garage floor a new luster and shine it's never had. To learn about two-part epoxy floor coating, see pages 206 to 213.
Gallery of Gllmges • 19
Recessed can lights and a translucent door will make your garage seem more welcoming at night. Accessory lighting also improves your home's security.
By installing some texturized flooring, adding a few matching cabinets, and choosing two or three colors to paint the walls {and even the floor}, you've suddenly given the room a whole new dimension.
Imagine how your favorite hobbies could grow if you lust had a dedicated place to pursue them.
A complete set of dedicated garage cabinets may be beyond your means, but why not start slowly and build a collection over time. Even one ta ll floor cabinet can provide lots of space for lawn and garden chemicals, sports equipment, extra paint or automotive supplies. Add more cabinets when you can, and before you know It, you'll have the most organized garage on the block!
Gallery of Gllmges • 21
Building a New Garage
Here you have the opportun ity to fol low along as we build a detached si ngle-car garage from scratc h.
As you'll see in the plan s on pages 94 to 10 I, the overall design is stra ightforwCJrd, so this structure will blend well with most home styles . T here is still p le nty of room
to add your own special tOllc hes with the siding, roofing, doors, and wi ndows you select. Even if you choose not to build this exact garage design, you ca n lise the project to learn construction methods and techniques that ca n be adapted to whatever garage you decide to bui ld.
BUilding a new gamge ca n be an incredibly graLifying
experience for an experienced dO- it-yourselfer. "You have
the opportunity to prac tice a va rie ty of skills, from pouring a foundation to framing and erecting wall s and rafters to hanging soffits and fasc ia. If you've never
dared to install sid ing or shingle a roof, this ga rage project proVides a ma nageable way to explore Lhose skills so you can bo lster your co nfidence for bigger projec ts . \!\fe'll even show you how to in stall w indows,
a service door, a nd a sectio nal garage door so you can truly take on every aspect of this job.
In this chapter: • Making Plans • Overview: Building a Garage • Building the Foundation • Framing & Raising Walls • Installing Roof Framing • Sheathing Walls • Installing Fascia & Soffits • Building the Roof • Installing Windows & Service Doors • Installing Overhead Garage Doors • Installing Siding & Trim
• 23
I Making Plans
To slIccessfully build your O\VIl g<J rage you must hClve a complete set of construction drmvings. At a mi ni mum
that will include a site drmving that shows you r garage in
situ relative to you r hOLlse, including property boundaries and munic ipal sidewalks; elevation drawings from the front,
back, and both sides; Clnd a plan vie"v drmving. You will need these along v" ith a cost estimate for your building permit applications. A dditional drawings, such as deta il
drmvings of rafters or trusses and fi nish ing de tail s, and materials and cutti ng lists arc also helpful. Fina ll y, draft a
plan with hard dates to create an overall project sc hedule.
Be sure to flag any points where you'll need deliveries
(such as ready-mix concrete for the slab) or a helper or
two. It is important to be rea listic when maldng plans.
Some of the projects in this book inc lude complete
construction drawings in the style of archi tectural
blueprints (see Garage Plan s, pages 9 1 to 10 1). I f
you're not familiar with reading plan s, don't v/orry;
they're easy to use once you know how to look at the
different views. Flipping bac k and forth betv\leen the
plan drawings and the project's step-by-step photos
will help you visualize the actua l structure.
A complete plan for building your garage starts with detailed construction drawings. Based on your drawings, break the project into smalier tasks and try to estimate how long each phase wlli take and whether you will need to enlist help.
1'-6Y!' S'·I PI: 1'-611,"
1'--'''--,r-----~~~:=====+~~~--2 x 6 Ridge 12 :::'ff.~==;;;~~~:;~=t=jt=::::2 x 4 (ollar, 32" D.C. 6 ~ ..-: VI" Plywood roof $heo thing
1:;---1;===1~~~::::'-------------=~~~~~~2 x 4 Ralter, 16"0.C. _ Double 2 x 4 top plates
2 x 8 Nailer
~~=+j=~~~~~;=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~;;;,~~~~~:=2 x 4 Studs, 16" O.c. :: 2 x 4 Bottom plate, set on joists
VI" Plywood, set between plates
1 x 6 Fascia
2 x 6 Joists, 16"0.c.
Double 2 x 4 top plates
2·2 x 8 Header wi 'h" plywood spacer
Text ure 1-11 plywood siding
1+ _________________ ---l1+=~2 x 4 Studs, 16"0.C.
..:±=~E:'t::===~~~==============:~~~::::::=- 3 'h" Concre te slob on·grode 4" Comp ac ted grovel
A building section is the most comprehensive drawing, giving you a side view of the structure sliced in half down the middle. It shows both the framing and finish elements.
Rough opening
2 x 6 Ridge
Double 2 x 4 stud under ridge
Goble wolltop pla te
2· 2 x 6~--~~1F~~~==~~~ Header 'III'!!" pl vwood spocer
~~1 " 4 Angle brm, installed @45°
2 · 2 x 8 Header '11/%" plywood spacer
2 )( 4 Studs
--++~~,=======~~;16· 0.C.
f f f ~1' 4T'''''d
,j, '-'-1'-'.O·,'f-__ ---;;----78--" ·0,-' -,-------"f1'-'.-'O.-;f, bottom plate Rough opening
Elevations give you a direct, extellOr view of the building from all sides. Drawings may include elevations for both the framing and the exterior finishes,
~ Roof li nes shown doshed
2)( 4 sluds 16" O.L
311l" Flooling (onue te slob on.grade '11/6 x 6" -10/10WWM
,-"'-r-' '--7"'--,-"--'- - .. ---.... T .. ---~
I !' ,
i 8' x 6'·S" Garage door i I '-!-':'1 ! f,-r- -t--' _. __ ...!... ----------------_ •• _------- -_. ---- --.!
R oug~.op:n i ng 2'-0· H'.U· 2'-0· .,
12'-0' Dr memlon5 ore 10 outSide loces of studs
Plan views are an overhead perspective, as if looking straight down from above the structure. Floor plans show the layout of the walls or upright supports with the top half of the structure sliced off. There are also foundation plans, roof framing plans, and other plan views,
2 x 4 Stud ------------------~
Tex ture 1·11 plywood siding
.1ft" Anchor boh. S' lon g, 4' -0 ' O.L mo x. 6" from (orner
2 x 4 Tr eated bottom plate
31h" (onuete slab-an-grade. w/6 x 6" WIA x W1.4 W.W.M.
2 · #4 Bors ': . '
4" (ompaded gravel ,.
Detail drawings and templates show close-ups of specific areas or parts of the structure. They typically show a Side or overhead view.
Planning Considerations ~
In most cases, deciding where to locate a detached garage is pretty obvious. But here are some points to keep in mind as you evaluate possible locations:
• Soil and drainage: To ensure that your foundation will last (whatever type it is!. locate your garage on solid soil in an area that won't collect water.
• Utility lines: Contact local utility prOViders
to find out where the water, gas, septiC, and electllcallines run through your property. Often, local ordinances and utility companies require lines to be marked before digging, Building permits: Obtain permits, if your local jurisdiction requires them, Setback requirements: Most zoning laws
dictate that all buildings, fences, etc., In a yard must be set back a specific distance from the property line. This setback may range from 6" to 3 ft. or more. Neighbors: Out of respect- and to prevent complaints that could later interfere with the bUilding process- talk to your neighbors about your project.
B1rildillg (j New Camge • 25
Overview: Building a Garage
Building the Foundation (pages 28 to 33) Framing & Erecting walls (pages 34 to 43)
Installing Roof Framing (pages 44 to 51) Sheathing walls (pages 52 to 55)
Installing Fascia & Soffit (pages 56 to 59) Building the Roof (pages 60 to 67)
Installing Windows & Service Doors (pages 68 to 75). Installing Overhead Garage Doors (pages 76 to 81)
Installing Siding & Trim (pages 82 to 89)
~yvek IO"'.~.p .
.. ~--~.".~
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 27
Building the Foundation
A concrete slab with an adlolning concrete apron and driveway is the most common garage foundation setup.
The slab foundation comm only lIsed for ga rages is
called a slab~on-grade foundat ion. This combines a 3Y2· to 4 1!- thi ck floor slab with a n 8- to 12" -thick
pe rimeter footin g that provides extra support for the wa ll s of the building. The \vhole found a tion can be
poured at one time usi ng a si mple \.voad form.
Beca use they sit above ground, slab-on-grade foundations are susceptible to frost heave; in coldweather climates they are suitable on ly for detached bu ildings. Specific design requireme nts also vary by loca lity, so c hec k with the local building department
regarding the depth of the slab, the meta l reinforcement
requi red, the type an d amoun t of gravel requ ired for the
subbase, and whether a plas tic Of other type of moisture barrier is needed under the sbb.
T he slab shovm in this project has a 3 Y2 I1 ~ thi ck
interio r with a n 8 11 -wide x 8 11 -deep foot ing along the
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye
protection Stakes & boards
lVb so n's li nes Plumb bob
Long leve l
Tape measure Dri ll
Whee lbarrow
Bull flo"t \.vood or magnesium
conc rete float Concrete groover tool
perimeter. The top of the sbb si ts 4" ctbove ground level (grade). The re is a 4"-thick layer of com pacted
gravel underneath the slab and the concrete is reinforced internally with a layer of 6 x 6" I Oi l 0 we lded wire mesh (WWM ). In some a reas, you may
be required to add rebar in the foundation perimete r.
C heck the loca l code. After the concrete is poured and
finished , 8"-lo ng J-bolts are set into the s lab alo ng the
edges. Th ese a re used later to anchor the wall framin g to the slab.
A slab for a garage requ ires a lot of conc rete .
Cons idering the amou nt invo lved, you'll pro ba bly \vant to order ready-mix concrete delivered by truck to the
site (most compan ies hctve a one-ya rd minimum). Order air-entra ined conc rete, \vhi ch vvill hold up best, and tell the mixing co mpany that you 're using it for an exterior slab.
Concrete edging tool Pai nt ro ller
Compac tab le gravel
2 x 8 lumber
3" deck sc rews iVIetct1 mending pbtes Re-wi re mes h
J -bol ts
Concre te cure & sea l
h 5'·4'
~ ~ . -
1\ ~
1\ jop/loo"do""" oo"h elevation 0' -8'
~ .. fo r door above I/~ot'h loo"doti"" 8'
~ ~ .
~ ~ 3' -IW 2'·1 0'
'"' '" h;- 1'/ • •
/ . ,, ' Top/Foundation
Elevation 0'-0'
8' 1' 4' l 4'·" ,
r 4' f t
t 1 '-4" L 4'-0' I 4'·0'
1 1 \ '\
\ \ j// Top/ foundation wall elevation 0'·0' \+\ TVp. - for onchor bolt IO(Qlion
Anchor bolts· typo top/lioor slab elevotion 0'·1"
UnexulYoted 4' (onc slob wi 6' x 6" -#\0 x '10 W.W.F. over 4" grovel bose
Pilch floor Z'
Notch foundation 6" above service dr.
/ V Top [loor [emailprotected] 0'-1"
/ Top/foundation wall elevation 0' -0' -,
• • • • l 3' .•• l 1'4' l 5'·4' l 4'·0' l 1'4' , ,
A plan view of the slab should include J-bolt locations, door locations, and footing sizes. Also indicate the overall dimensions and the direction and height of the floor pitch.
"t=;~~~- 2Yi proj.
Temporary form slokes
Remove form boards after concrete sels.
2 -#4 rods
The garage slab cannot Simply float on the ground. It requrres footings around the penmeter. For detached garages, an 8 x 16" footing will comply With most local codes. For attached garages, the footings must extend past the frostilne. In both cases, an ample layer of drainage rock IS required to help minimize movement from freezing and thawing.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 29
I How to Pour a Concrete Slab
To 6" be low frost line, if required
2" 510 pe toward door for drainage
Hold down bolts
--- --- ------ ---
Begin to layout the excavation with pairs of batterboards installed at each corner of the garage slab site. Position them about 2 ft. outside the perimeter of the slab area so you'll have plenty of room to work. Run level mason's lines between the batterboards to establish the final size of the slab. Drop a plumb bob down from the intersections of the strings, and drive a stake at each corner.
Excavate the area about 2 ft. wider and longer than the staked size of the slab. The poured slab should slope 2" total from the back wall to the overhead door wall to facilitate drainage. Remove 3 to 4" of soil from the excavation area, and dig a deeper trench around the perimeter for the footing. The outside of the footing should line up with the mason's lines. Slope the sOil to create a transition between the excavated interior and the footing. Check your local building codes to determine the correct footing size and depth for your climate and soil conditions.
Fill the excavation area with 4" of compactable gravel, letting it spill down into the 12"-deep footings that frame the perimeter. Tamp the gravel level and smooth it with a rented plate compactor. The gravel surface should maintain the 2" total back-to-front slope. Depending on your soil conditions, some concrete contractors recommend laying 6-mil polyethylene sheeting over the compacted base to form a moisture barrier. Tip: Install electrical conduit underneath the slab if you will be providing underground electrical service.
Build a form for pouring the slab using 2 x 8 lumber or strips of exterior-rated plywood. The inside dimensions of the form should match the final slab size. If necessary on long runs, JOin the lumber end-to-end, reinforcing the butt joints with metal mending plates screwed to the outside surfaces. Fasten the form pieces together at the corners with 3" deck screws. Position the form so It aligns with the mason's lines. The form should also follow the 2" total back-to-front slope.
Add re-wire reinforcement according to the requirements in your area. Here, rows of 6 x 6 10/10 wire mesh are set onto spacers (chunks of brick) in the pour area. Overlap the sheets of mesh by 6", and stop the rows about 2" in from the Insides of the form. Fasten the mesh together with wire tie. Option: Reinforce the footings by laying out two rows of #4 rebar 2" above the bottom of the trench by wire-tying it to shorter pieces of rebar driven into the gravel. Space the rows about 4" apart. You'll need to dig out the gravel to accomplish this.
Drive wood stakes along the outsides of the form at 4-ft intervals. Place two stakes at each corner. Set the tops of the stakes flush with the top edges of the form (or slightly below the tops). AS you drive the stakes, periodically check the form for level and measure from corner to corner to ensure that it's square. Measure down from the mason's lines to position the form 4" above grade. Attach the stakes to the form with deck screws to hold the form in place.
Estimating Concrete ~
Calculate the amount of concrete needed for a slab of the design shown on this page using this formula:
Width x Length x Depth, in feet (of main slab) Multiply by 1.5 (for footing edge and spillage) Divide by 27 (to convert to cubic yards).
Example- for a 12 x 12-ft x 3v," slab:
12x12x3v," = 42
63 + 27 = 2'\\, approx. (2.33 cubic yards)
Concrete coverage Surface
volume Slab Thickness Area
1 cu. yd. 2" 160 sq. ft
1 cu . yd. 3" 110sq.ft
1 cu . yd. 4" 80 sq. ft
1 cu . yd. 5" 65 sq . ft.
1 cu . yd. 6" 55 sq . ft
1 cu . yd . 8" 40 sq . ft
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 31
Pour the concrete. Have ready-mix concrete delivered to your Job site and place it into the forms with wheelbarrows and shovels (make sure to have plenty of help for this job). Fill a form with concrete, starting at one end . Use a shovel to settle the concrete around the reinforcement and to remove air pockets. Fill the form to the top. Note: In most municipalities you must have the forms and subbase inspected before the concrete is poured.
Smooth the surface further with a bull float as soon as you're finIShed screedlng, working across the width of the slab. Floating forces aggregate down and draws sand and water to the surface to begin the smoothing process.
Strike off the concrete once a section of a form is filled. The best way to do this is to have two helpers strike off (screed) the wet concrete with a long 2 x 6 or 2 x 8 that spans the width of the form. Drag the screed board back and forth along the top of the form in a sawing motion to level and smooth the concrete. Fill any voids ahead of the screed board with shovelfuls of concrete.
Push J-bolts down into the concrete, wiggling them slightly to eliminate all pockets. Twist the bottom hooked ends so they face into the slab. POSition the J-bolts 1%" from the edges of the slab, aligned with your layout marks. Leave 2y," of bolt thread exposed, and make sure the J-bolts are plumb. Smooth the surrounding concrete with a wooden or magnesium concrete float.
Bleed Water ~
Timing is key to an attractive concrete finish. When concrete IS poured, the heavy materials gradually sink, leaving a thin layer of water- known as bleed water- on the surface. Let bleed water dry before proceeding with other steps. Follow these rules:
• Settle and screed the concrete and add control joints immediate ly after pouring and before bleed water appears.
• Let bleed water dry before floating or edging. concrete should be hard enough that foot pressure leaves no more than a )I." -deep
impression. • Do not overfloat the concrete; it may cause
bleed water to reappear. Stop floating If a sheen appears, and resume when it is gone.
Optional: Cut control joints using a groover (left photo) if your local codes require them (dividing slabs into 10 x 10-ft. sections is standard). Lay a long 2 x 12 to span the slab and line up one edge so it's centered on the slab's length. Use a 2 x 4 (or the 2 x 12) as a guide for cutting across the slab with a groover tool. Then, round the edges of the slab next to the forms using an edging tool (right photo). Note: Instead of grooving, you may cut control joints in the dried concrete using a concrete saw.
Use a magnesium or wood hand-held float to refine the slab's finished surface as soon as the bleed water evaporates (see Bleed Water, left). Work the float back and forth, starting from the middle of the slab and moving outward to the edges. Use large scraps of 2"-thlck rigid foam insulation as kneeling pads while you work.
Apply a coat of cure and seal product (See Resources, page 235) to the surface once it dries so you do not have to water the concrete surface during the curing stage. After a couple of days, stnp off the forms. Wait at least one more day before you begin building on the slab.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 33
Framing & Raising Walls
Framing a nd e recting walls shou ld prove to be
one of the more e njoyable aspects of your new
garage project. You' ll be able to asse mble the entire skele ton of the bui lding fa irly rapidly, especially if you
,",\lork wi th a he lper or two and use a pneumatic nail
gun for faste ni ng a nd a povver mi ter savv fo r c utti ng.
Assembling \vall s isn't a complicated process. In fac t, if you set as ide a fu ll day for the job, you' ll probably
have a ll the wall s assembled and stand ing o n the s lab
before sundown- maybe even sooner. \/\/c' ll usc fundamental st ick-framing techn iques
and 2 x 45 to assemble the wal ls of th is garage. In
terms of the tools you need, be sure to have a circu la r
saw or power mite r saw on hand with a qual ity
(ca rbide-t ipped) crosscutt ing or com binat ion blade
installed. You also need a fmIn ing squme, speed square, or combination square; a long level, a 25- or
50-foot tape measure, str ing line, and a fram ing
hammer or pneumatic fram ing nailer.
As you layout eac h \va ll section, carefu lly inspect
the studs and top and bottom plates to make sure they're
straight and free of large sp li ts , knots, or other defects.
Separate your lesser-quCll ity lumber for use CIS \va ll braces
or shorter pieces of blocking. If you end up with a lot of
bad studs , ca ll your supplier and request a bette r su pply.
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye
Combination square
D ri ll & spade bit
M iter saw
1\11 arker
Speed square
Tape measure Ham mer (or
pne um Clt ic nailer)
Ca u lk gun
IVlason's line
Reciprocating saw
2x lum ber for
sole plates
2x p ine lu mber
(2 X 4, 2 x 8, 2 X 12) Ga lvan ized common
nails (8d, I ad, 16d)
I x 4 brac ing
Deck screws Ga lvan ized \ ... ras hers
& nuts fo r J-bolts Yl l! pl)'\vood
Construction ad hesive
Raising the garage walls IS an exciting time in your project, as the structure begins to emerge rapidly With relatively little effort,
Tips for Framing ~
The best hand-nailing technique for Joining framing members depends on whether you assemble the framed wall and then raise it, or you add boards one at a time in their final position. If you're assembling the wall on the floor or ground, end-nail the studs to the plates whenever you can (left sample). End-nailed joints, usually made with 10d common nalls, are strong and fast to make. TO double up wall studs or headers, facenail the parts (right sample) with 8d common nails. Facenailing is also used for attaching jack studs to king studs. To fasten a vertical stud to a top or sole plate that is already in place, toenailing (middle sample) is your best option .
A pneumatic framing nailer makes fast work of frame carpentry Typical collated striPS have nails with diameters roughly equivalent to an 8d nail and varying in length between 2%" and 2W'. Framing nailers can be relatively expensive but are also available for rent at larger rental centers.
~ -- --~ -1-.'-
-- _~'.J. -~ --- "'1-- - - -1-',-
Measure the diagonal distances once you have assembled each wall. The distances between opposite corners will be equal when the walls are square.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 35
I How to Frame a Garage
Prepare the sole plates. Select straight pressure-treated lumber for the wall sale plates and cut them to length. Position the bottom plates on the slab and up against the J-bolts. Follow your plans to determine which walls run to the edges of the slab (called through walls) and which butt into the other walls (called butt walls). Use a combination square and pencil to extend a line across the bottom plate at each J-bolt location.
Make plates for the through walls: Cut a cap plate for the first wall so its length matches the sale plate. Stand both plates on edge and line up the ends. If the first wall is a through wall. make marks at 1 W' and 3" to indicate the end stud and extra corner stud. Mark the next stud at 15W' according to your stud layout. Step off the remaining studs at 16" on center. Mark double studs at the opposite end of the wall. Draw Xs to the side of each of these marks to designate on which side of the marks the studs should go. Extend these stud layout marks across both edges of the cap and sale plates.
Drill guide holes for J·bolts. Make a tick mark on the J-bolt layout marks 1%" in from the outside edge of the bottom wall plates to determine where to drill the J-bolt through-holes. Drill through the bottom plate at each hole location with a %" or %" spade bit to allow some room for adjusting the plate on the slab. Slip a backer board beneath the workpiece before finishing the hole.
Butt wan plates ~ ~~ /' ;§
~ . ;-, /""
~ / Make plates for butt walls: For laying out the stud spacing on butt walls, the end studs will be aligned with the ends of the top and bottom plates. Mark the second stud 15%" from the plate ends, and step off the rest of the studs at 16" on center. Extend the lines across both wall plates and draw Xs to the light of your stud marks.
cut wall studs to length. select the number of studs you'll need to build the first wall, and sight down their edges to make sure they're straight. Inspect for deep end checks or loose knots (a check is a lengthwise separation of the wood; an end check is one occurring on an end of a piece). Set defective studs aside for use as blocking. For the single garage shown here, cut the studs to 7 ft., 8%" (92%") .
Blocking ""
Add end blocking for through wall. Cut three 12" lengths of 2 x 4S to serve as blocking between the end and second studs on through walls. Space the blocking evenly top to bottom along the inside face of the end studs. Nail the blocking in place.
Assemble the back wall. Position the marked wall plates about 8 ft. apart with the stud markings facing up. Layout the studs between the plates, and start by nailing the bottom plate to the wall studs with pairs of 16d galvanized common nails or pneumatic framing nails. Make sure the edges of the studs and plates are flush and the studs line up With their layout marks on the plate. Drive two nails through the plate into the stud ends to secure them. Nail the top plate to the studs the same way.
Blocking Stud
Nail blocking stud in place. Butt the second stud against the blocking, and nail the top and bottom plates to it. Drive more nails through the second stud and Into the blocking.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 37
Square up the wall . Check the wall for square ness by measuring from corner to corner and comparing the diagonals (see page 35). If the measurements are not equal, push the longer-dimension corners inward as needed until the diagonals are the same.
Install temporary bracing. Once the wallis square, install a temporary 1 x 4 brace across the wall plates and studs to stabilize the wall and keep it square. use deck screws or 8d nails to tack the brace diagonally across the wall, driving two fasteners into the top and bottom plates and one nail into every other stud. Leave these braces in place until the walls are ready to be sheathed.
set up the back wall. Before standing the first wall up, nail a temporary brace to each end stud to hold the wall in position after it is raised. Drive one 16d nail through the brace and into the end stud about 7 ft. up from the bottom plate to act as a pivot. Tip the wall up and onto the J-bolts with the aid of a helper. Swing the end braces out into the yard, and attach them to stakes In the ground. Check the wall for plumb with a long level held against the studs before fixing the braces to the stakes. Erect any adjoining walls that do not have window or door openings.
Anchor the wall plates. Use a hammer to tap the bottom plate into final position on the slab, and attach It to the J-bolts with galvanized washers and nuts.
Mark window and door openings. For walls with windows or a service door, mark the positions of king and Jack studs when you are laying out the top and bottom plates. Identify these studs with a K or J Instead of an X to keep them clear. Mark the cripple studs with a C as well.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 39
Frame window and door openings. Measure and cut the jack studs to length following your garage plans. For either window or door jack studs, make the jack stud length equal to the height of the rough opening minus 1 y," forthe bottom plate (door framing) or 3" for a double rough sill (window framing). Facenail the jack studs to the king studs with 10d common nails spaced every 12".
Install the headers. Set the headers in position on top of the jack studs and drive 16d nails through the king studs and into the ends of the header to fasten it in place. Use six nails (three per end) for 2 x 8 headers.
- /~ W' plywood
Make the headers. The header seen here IS assembled from doubled-up 2 x 8 lumber sandWiched around a piece of y,"
plywood sized to match. Fasten the header pieces together with wavy beads of construction adhesive and 16d nails spaced every 12". Make sure the ends and edges are aligned. Drive the nails at a slight angle to keep them from protruding, and nail from both sides of the header.
Install cripple studs above. First, cut the cripple studs to fit between the header and the wall's top plate, and then toenail them in place With three 8d nails on each end . Drive two nails through one face and one nail through the center of the opposite face.
, 18
\ \
\. Install cripple studs below. When framing for a window, measure down from the bottom edge of the header to pcdion the rough sill and establish the rough opening dimensions. Cut two rough sill pieces to length from 2 x 4s and facenail them together with 10d nails. Toenail the sill to the jack studs with 16d nails. Cut and nail cripple studs between the rough sill and the wall's bottom plate to complete the window framing.
Join wall sections. For long walls, your garage plans may require you to build the wall in two sections and nail these together before erecting the wall. Facenail the wall sections with pairs of 8d nails spaced every 12" along the adjacent endwall studs.
Raise window/door wall. You'll need three or four helpers to tilt the heavy wall up and into position on the slab. Adjust the wall as needed so it butts against the short wall and lines up properly on the slab. Check the wall for plumb along several studs, and attach a temporary staked brace to the unsupported end . Install washers and nuts on the J-bolts to fasten the wall to the slab.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 41
Nail walls together. Drive 16d nails through the end stud of the butted wall into the end studs and blocking of the through wall. Space these nails every 12" along the length of the walls. Prior to nailing the second long wall, you can remove the temporary brace and stake that hold the back wall In position.
Assemble the garage door wall. Follow the Instructions in your garage plans to assemble the front wall and the sectional garage door rough framing. Sectional garage doors typically have a doubled-up 2 x 12 header sandwiching a piece of '/,"-thick plywood. Build the header Just as you would a window or service door header. The header will be supported by double jack studs. This wall mayor may not have a continuous top wall plate and cripple studs above the header, depending on the height of your garage walls.
Position the front wall. Remove temporary braces and stakes supporting the front and Side walls, then tip the front wall up and Into position against the side walls. Line up the ends of the Side walls with the front wall, and nail the walls together through the end studs with 16d nails. Install washers and nuts on the front wall J-bolts.
Test walls for flatness. Check the long walls for bOWing by tacking a scrap block of 2 x 4 at the top outside corner of each wall. Drive another nail partially into these blocks, and then string a mason's line between the nails. Pull the line taut, and measure the distance between the string and the wall's top plate. The distance should be 1y," all along the wall.
Lock the walls together. Cut top plates to length from 2 x 4S to make tie plates. Make the through-wall tie plates 7" shorter than the through-wall top plate 3Y,' on each side. Cut the tie plates for butted walls 7" longer than the butt-wall top plate. This way, the double top plates on butted walls will overlap the throughwall top plates, locking the walls together. Facenail all four tie plates to the wall top plates with 10d nails. Drive two nails In the overlapped corners, then single nails every 16" along the plates.
Cut out the threshold. Cut away the bottom plate from the rough opening of the service door with a reciprocating saw with the blade installed upside down. Make these cuts flush with the edge of the jack studs so the door jamb will fi t properly In the opening.
Frame the overhead door opening. Note: If you have already purchased your sectional garage door, check the door opening requirements in the installation manual and compare them to these instructions before proceedmg with this step. Facenail a 2 x 6 around each side and the top to frame the sectional garage door rough opening on the inside face of the front wall. These boards form blocking for instal ling the garage door and garage door opener later Position the blocking flush with the faces of the jack studs and the bottom edge of the door header. Fasten the blocking with 10d nails. Wait until you are preparing to install the door to install trimboards and stop molding.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 43
Installing Roof Framing
This umage has a simp le uab le-stvle roof cons istinu 00, 0
of only t\VO roof pla nes with flat gable end \Vedis. For tha t reason , we'll frame the roof lIs ing rafters as the
principal structura l members . Rafters extend from the
wall top plates and meet at a ridge board at the roof's
peak. T hey're a traditiona l for m of roof co nst ruct ion
on both sim ple and complex roof designs, and rafters arc also a morc economica l option than Cllstom-
built trusses . If YOLI 're un fam il iar \.vith roof frami ng,
const ructi ng this rafter roof will be an exce llent
opportun ity to learn some important basic skill s .
Building the roof fra me is a departure from wall fram ing because you ca n't na il who le sections of the
roof togethe r at once and set them in place. Instead,
you'll c ut all t he rafte rs to size and shape to match the
slope of the roof, and then instClll them in pa irs "stick
bu il t" style. For a garage thi s sma ll , 2 x 6s spaced
24" on center are suffic iently st rong to serve as rafter
boards, u nl ess you r area is beset wi th extreme snow
loads. S ince the ga rage's roof ridge ru ns from front to
back, rafters a re insta ll ed pe rpendicular to the length
of the build ing. A third importa nt compo nent of rafter
framing- horizontal collar or rafter ties- span the
\A,! idth of the st ructure and can function as ceiling
joists . Colla r ties help keep the wa lls from spread ing
apart by loc king severa l pairs of rafters together into
triangulated frames, sim il ar to a roof truss.
Tools & Materials ~
\"fo rk gloves & eye
protection Carpenter's penc il
Speed sqlwe
Tape meas ure
lVI iter smA,!
Fram ing squa re
Jigsaw C ircu lar saw
Hamme r (or
pneumatic na iler)
Long level
2 x 6 lumber
2 x 4 lumber
Rafter ties
Galvan ized com mo n
nails (1 Od , 16d)
2 x 4 braces
Coll ar tics
A system of rafters, ridgeboard, and coliar ties creates the framework for this garage's simple gable-style roof Rafters are a traditional, sturdy, and economical option for this project, but custom-built trusses are another viable option here.
1%' 8'·0"
This template may be used as a gUide for laYing out the birdsmouth cuts on the rafter ends for the garage project seen here.
Using a Speed Square ~
A speed square IS a handy tool for marking angled cuts uSing the degree of the cut or the roof slope. Set the square flange against the board edge and align the pivot point with the top of the cut. Pivot the square until the board edge IS aligned with the desired degree marking or the rise of the roof slope,
indicated In the row of common numbers. Mark along the right-angie edge of the square.
Metal rafter ties add strength to the connection between the rafter and the top plate of your garage walls. They also help with alignment and minimize any sp lintering of the rafter caused by toenal ling. In some areas of the country where hurricanes and tornadoes are common, metal rafter ties are required by local codes.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 45
I How to Install Roof Framing
Make a pair of pattern rafters. Choose two straight 2 x 6s to create a full-size pattern rafter for each leg of a rafter pair Mark a cutting line on one end of each pattern with the correct angle formed with the ridgeboard. Refer to your garage plans to determine the correct roof pitch (which determines the cutting angle). Then. measure from the top of the ridge angle along the rafter to determine its overall length and draw a second reference line for the plumb cut at the eave end. Make the plumb cuts with a power miter saw (best choice) or a circular saw. Layout and cut the birdsmouths on the pattern rafters. using a speed square (page 45). Use a framing square to create the level and plumb lines that form the birdsmouth cuts. The brrdsmouth will enable the roof rafters to rest on the wall double top plates at the correct roof pitch. use the pattern rafters as templates for marking the rest of the rafters.
Check the fit . Set your pattern rafters in position on top of the side walls with a 2 x 8 spacer block tacked between them to represent the ndgeboard. You·1I know you have a good fit if the top angled ridge cuts meet the ridgeboard flush and the birdsmouth cuts sit flush on the wall plates. Have a helper position and check the fit of these parts. Adjust the angles. If necessary. to Improve the fit of the parts.
Cut all the rafters. Use the pattern rafter to trace the plumb cuts and birdsmouth onto the work pieces for all of the rafters. Set the cutting angle on your power miter saw to match the plumb cut and cut each rafter at the cutting lines. Then, finish the rafters by cutting the blrdsmouths with a jigsaw, or circular saw and handsaw
Install rafter ties. If bUilding codes In your area require it, or If you simply want a stronger structure, nail metal rafter connector plates (often called rafter ties) to the wall top plates before installing the rafters.
Plot the rafter locations. Mark the location of each rafter on the doubled top plates. The rafters begin at the ends of the walls, and the Intermediate rafters should line up over the wall studs that are spaced 16" on center. use a speed square to extend a rafter layout line up from each wall stud layout line to the top plate. Mark an X next to the line to indicate which Side of the line the rafter should go. Mark the position of all the rafters.
Mark the ridgeboard . Select a straight, flat 2 x 8 for the ndgeboard. It should be several feet longer than the roof length. Lay the board face-down over the tops of the end walls and flush against a side wall. Adjust the ridgeboard so It overhangs the end walls evenly. use a square to transfer the rafter layout lines and X marks from the wall double top plate to the ridge board. Then, flip the ridgeboard over and mark the rafter locations on the opposite face.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 47
Install a temporary brace. Toenail a temporary 2 x 4 brace vertically to the opposite end wall. Choose a brace longer than the roof will be high. Rest the ridgeboard against the brace and adjust It until it IS level. Use 10d nails to nail the ridgeboard temporarily to the brace to hold it in position .
Install the ridgeboard. To make it easier to begin the rafter installation. nail the first two end rafters to the rldgeboard before lifting them into place on the walls. Facenail the ridge board to one end rafter through the top plumb cut with three 16d nails. Make sure the rafter is properly lined up with the rldgeboard layout line. Toenail the opposite rafter to the ridgeboard . Then. with several helpers lift the end rafters and ridgeboard into position on the wall plates. Have a helper hold up the opposite end of the ridgeboard while you toenail the end rafters to the wall plates.
Install the rest of the rafters. With the ridge board braced and leveled. fit and Install the rest of the rafters, fastening them with 16d nails. Toenail the rafters to the metal rafter ties at blrdsmouths, and either facenall or toenail the rafters to the rldgeboard, depending on which rafter you are installing for each pair. Check the ridgeboard periodically for level as you work. When you reach the opposite end of the roof, remove the temporary ridge brace and install the end rafters.
Install collar ties. Follow your garage plans to layout and cut collar ties to size. Collar ties prevent the garage walls from spreading apart under roof loads. Anglecut the top ends of each collar tie if necessary to match the roof slope. Install the collar ties by face nailing them to the rafters with three 10c1 nails at each end.
Install gable top plates. On the gable ends of the roof. you'lI need to install additional studs under the rafters to provide nailing surfaces for wall sheathing. Start by cutting a pair of 2 x 4 gable wall top plates that will extend from the sides of the ridgeboard down to the wall double top plates.
Layout and install gable studs. These should be positioned by holding a long level against the wall studs and transferring layout lines to the edges of the gable top plates. Plan for a gable stud to line up over each wall stud. Cut the gable studs to fi t and toenail them to the gable and wall top plates.
Install lookouts. Follow your plans to layout the locations of the lookout blocking that will form gable overhangs on the roof. Cut the blocking to size. and face nail through the end rafters to install it to the outside faces of the end rafters. Make sure the top edges of the blocking and rafters are flush before driving the nails. Also mark the gable overhang length on each end of the ridgeboard. and cut It to final length with a circular saw or handsaw.
Complete the overhang. Layout and cut the gable overhang rafters to size and shape using your pattern rafter as a template. Note: Gable end rafters do not have birdsmouths. Nail these rafters to the lookout blocking and ridge board to complete the roof framing.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 49
Option: Roof Trusses ~
Custom-made roof trusses save time and practically guarantee that your roof will be square and strong. They add considerably to the project cost, however, and must be ordered well in advance.
Trusses are engineered roof support members that can be used instead of hand-cut rafters to support your roof You can bUild them yourself or you can order them premade to match your building size and preferred roof pitch. A truss has a triangular shape with two matching top chords that meet a horizontal bottom chord. Diagonal crossbracing, called webs, are fitted between the top chords and the bottom chord.
Typically, the joints between chords and web members are reinforced with metal or plywood gusset plates.
Trusses are designed so the ends of the bottom chord rest on the top plates of the side walls. Consequently, you don't have to cut tricky birds mouths or rafter angles- you simply fasten the bottom chord by toenailing or using
metal hangers. The relative ease that can be Installed may
Web memD:t'
Bottom chord
make up for the higher costs compared to rafters. But unless your garage is very small, you will likely need to rent a crane, forklift, or other mechanical assistant to raise the trusses into pOSition.
Most professional garage contractors employ trusses because they go up qUickly and don't require complicated cutting. There are limitations, however. If you
are purchasing the truss premade, you can pretty well wager that the quality of the lumber won't be as high as the dimensional lumber you'd use to make rafters. The presence of the bottom chord will cut into your open space in a garage, potentially limiting the storage options. But if you are planning to Install a ceiling in your garage,
the chords can be put to work as ceiling Joists.
A manufactured truss consists of two top chords and a lower chord with web members installed between chords for strength . The jOints are usually reinforced with metal or plywood gussets. Unlike rafter roofs, a truss roof does not have a ridgepole.
I working with Trusses
Use long 2 x 4 braces clamped to the end wall to temporarily clamp or tack the end truss in position. If the truss is sized correctly there should be no need to adjust it side to side, but you'll need to make sure it is flush with the end wall and plumb before you nail it Into place.
Toenail trusses to wall plates with 16d nails. Typically, the two end trusses are insta lled first and then a mason's line is stretched between the tails of the top chords to use as an alignment reference. A temporary brace with truss spacing marked to match the wall plates is Installed as you go to stabilize the trusses and create the correct spacing. Remove the brace before installing the roof decking.
Secure the trusses to the walls with metal truss ties or rafter ties. These are required in high-wind areas but are a good Idea anywhere because they strengthen the roof and help in alignment.
Dos & Don'ts for Working with Trusses ~
• DO set trusses on blocking for their protection when storing.
• DO have plenty of help when it's time to raise the trusses.
• DO NOT cut trusses for any reason. • DO NOT exceed the span spaCing for which the
truss is rated.
• DO provide your truss dealer with an accurate plan drawing of your garage.
• DO NOT walk on trusses if they are being stored lying flat.
• DO NOT install trusses in high winds. • DO use temporary braces to ensure that trusses
stay plumb during Installation.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 51
Sheathing Walls
O nee the garage \,va ll s me fra med and erected ,
a ll exterior wa ll surfaces, including the a ngled a reas lip the gable \,va il s, shou ld be cove red \,vith a
layer of or ien ted st rand board (OSB ) or COX p l )~vood
sheathing. \Va ll sheathi ng serves t\VO basic purposes:
it strengthens the \V<:I II fram ing by locking the studs to a stiff outer "skin," a nd it provides a uniform backing
for nai ling the siding and trim in place. The min im um
sheathing thickness for 16" O.C. stud wa lls is %", and
W' materia l is even better.
Provided you've framed your garage walls
correctly, you should be able to in sta ll sheathi ng
in full 4 x 8 sheets because t he stud spac ing wi ll
enable the sheets to be nailed along the edges and
e nds evenl y. You ca n hang sheathi ng hor izontally or vertica ll y, but generCl lly the horizontal approach makes large s hee ts eas ie r to manage. Install a bottom
coarse of sheath ing f irst a ll a round the bu il ding so
you can usc the top edge as a ha ndy ledger fo r resti ng and naili ng off t he top cou rse. To speed t he process
a lo ng, s heathe right over service door a nd window
openings, and t hen cut these open ings aga in o nce a ll
t he sheath ing is in p lace.
Even exterior-rated sheathi ng isn't im mune to the
effects of wi nd-driven rai n, especia lly mound na il holes.
It's good practice to cover sheathing vvith IS-pou nd
buildi ng paper or hOllsewrap . Insta ll it horizontall y,
working fro m the bottom of the walls up and overlappi ng
the scams by at least 2". If you usc housewrap, be su re
to tape a ll seams with housewTap tape recommended for
the hrand of wrap you are using. HousewTap will begin to
degrade fro m sunlight in just a few \,veeks, so be sure to
get your permanent sidi ng on promptly.
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye
protect ion
C halk line
Tape meas ure
Hammer (or
pneumatic na ile r)
Dril l & bits
Hec iprocat ing saw
Cap nails
Uti lity knife
OSB sheathing
Common nails (6d )
Housewrap tape
wall sheathing stiffens building wall framing and creates a uniform backing for siding and trim. A layer of building paper or housewrap seals the sheathing from moisture infiltration.
I How to Install Wall Sheathing
Snap a layout line. Use a chalk line to create a level line 47"" up the walls. measured from the bottom of the bottom plate. Snap a line the full length of each wall. At this height. the bottom course of sheathing will cover the bottom wall plate and overlap the foundation by 1", minimizing water infiltration. Several inches of slab should still be visible after the sheathing is installed. Sheathing should not contact the SOIl.
Install the second course. Begin this course with a half sheet of OSB to establish a staggered pattern. Snap chalk lines across this sheet, too, to show nailing locations of studs. If necessary, trim the second-course panels so the tops are flush with the top edges of the wall-cap plate. Maintain a gap of %" between the first and second course panels to allow for expansion and contraction (6d nails can be used as spacers between panels) .
Install the first sheet. Position the first full sheet of OSB sheathing in one corner so the top edge lines up with the chalk line. One end of the sheet should align with the edge of the framed wall and the other should fall midway across a stud. Attach the sheathing with 6d common nails. Space the nails every 6" around the perimeter and every 12" at the intermediate studs. Before nailing, snap chalk lines across the sheet to show the centerlines of every wall stud. Install all first-course panels. Note. Go ahead and sheath over door and window openings. You can cut out the sheathing later
Mark the door and window openings. Drill through the sheathing at all corners of the door and window openings (you can drive nails if you prefer), and then connect the holes (or nails) with straight cutting lines.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 53
Cut out the door and window openings, uSing a reciprocating saw. Cut carefully so the sheathing does not extend into the opening.
Install sheathing in gable areas. After the first courses are installed on the walls with roof gables, layout and cut second-course panels that follow the eave line. Mark stud locations and attach these gable sheathing panels with 6d nails, maintaining W' gaps between panels.
Sheath the next wall frame. The panels for the adjoining wall should overlap the ends of the panels on the first wall without extending beyond them. Complete installing full panels on all four walls.
Begin installing housewrap. Begin at the bottom courses if the product you're uSing IS not wide enough to cover a wall in one piece. Note: Housewrap is a one-way permeable fabric that helps keep moisture from entering the structure from the exterior Installing it makes sense only if you are planning to add finished interior walls in the garage.
Attach the housewrap with housewrap nails. Drive at least three housewrap nails spaced evenly along each wall stud.
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Cut out windows and doors. Make a long X cut in the housewrap, connecting corners diagonally at window and door openings. Use a utility kn ife to make the cut. Staple down the extra housewrap in the Window rough opening so it wraps around the jack studs, header, and rough sill.
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_~II' Finish installing the housewrap. All seams should overlap by at least 6 to 12", With horizontal seams overlapping from above.
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_tNt8P' Tape the seams. To seal the housewrap, apply housewrap tape along all horizontal and vertical seams. Note: Housewrap is not rated for long-term exposure to the sun, so do not wait more than a few weeks after installing it before siding the garage.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 55
Installing Fascia & Soffits
Fascia Cl nd soffits for m trans itions fro m you r garage's
roof to the wall s id ing. Fascia consists of I x p ine or
cedar boards, sometimes ca lled subfascia, that cover the ends of the rafte rs at the roof eaves to keep weather and an ima l pests out. It also serves as an attachment surface
fo r gutters. The faces of the gab le end rafters are <:l Isa covered vv ith fusciC! boards to continue the roof trim
pattern a ll around the bu ild ing. Genera lly, fasc ia boards
are insta lled before the roof sheathing to ensure that the roof sheathing will overlap them once it's in p lace.
You can paint you r garage fasc ia to protect it , or cover it
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye
IVI i ter smv
Ham me r (or
p ne umat ic naile r)
Speed square
Cha lk line
C ircu lar saw
Aviation snips
Caulk gun
J X 8 lumber
Common nai ls ( 16d)
\\Iith nlct ll ufactured alu m inum fasciu t hClt matches the
soffit color.
A soffit extends from t he fascia to t he wal l. It
encloses the bays between the rafters o r trusses and
provides an important means of vent il at ion beneath
t he roof deck. Sometimes a soffit is made of exterior
p lywood \·vith vents c ut in to it , but t he soffi t we show
he re is vent ila ted al um inum st rips, availah le in a range
of colors to matc h al um inum or vinyl s idi ng. Insta ll
your garage soffit before hanging t he s id ing so you can
nail it d irectly to the wa ll s heathi ng.
Galvanized casi ng nails (8d)
2 x 2 lum ber (if needed)
2 x 6 scrap lu m ber
Vented al uminum soffit
pane ls wi th mou nti ng
stri ps
Hol led a luminum
flashi ng with colorITIcttched nails
Fascia covers Color-matc hed cau lk
Fascia and soffits enclose roof rafters to keep weather and pests out while providing a means of roof ventilation and a graceful transition from the roof to the walls.
Components of the cornice system built here include: (A) End rafters. (8) 2x lookout blocking. (C) Gable overhang rafters. (D) Wall sheathing, (E) 1 x 3 subfascia (eaves), (F) 2x soffit blocking-eaves (continuous strip along wall). (G) 2x gable rafter blocking. (H) 2x cornice blocking.
Install the subfascia. Cut pieces of 1 x 3 to make subfascia strips that fit into the fascia area. Attach them to the rafter ta ils with 3d galvanized casing nails. The ends of the subfascia should be flush with the faces of the gable overhang rafters. Use a speed square held against the top edges of the rafters to adjust the subfascia up or down until the square meets it halfway through its th ickness. This will allow the roof sheathing to overhang the rafter tai ls for proper drainage. Once the subfascla IS properly adjusted. drive three nails per rafter tail to secure it.
Make vertical joints. If your subfascia or fascia boards are not long enough to cover a wall in one piece. use overlapping scarf jOints to join the ends. Miter cut the ends of the scarf jOint parts so they overlap and fall over a rafter tail. Drive three 3d nails through both jOint parts to secure them to the rafter.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 57
Option: If you will be installing wood soffit panels, install 2 x 2 soffit blocking. (The garage seen here will be equipped with metal soffits that do not need backer blocking.) The blocking should be positioned so the bottom edge is flush with the soffit groove or backer in the fascia. Cut the soffit blocking so it extends beyond the ends of the walls to create a nailing surface for any filler pieces that will be installed with the cornice. Nail the soffit blocking to the wall studs with 10d nails, one nail per stud .
Install cornice blocking. Cut and fit short lengths of 2 x 6 scrap between the gable and end rafters and the wall to box in the cornice. Drive 16d nails through the subfascla and end rafters to attach the blocking.
Add cornice filler pieces. Measure and cut triangular blocking to fit underneath the gable end rafter tails. Layout the blocking so it forms a plumb bottom to the rafter tails. Toenail this blocking to the rafters. If soffit blocking is present, screw or nail the cornice blocking to the end of the soffit blocking. Layout, cut, and nail 1 x subfascia boards to cover the gable rafters and the ends of the ridgeboard . Miter cut the ends of the subfascla where they meet at the roof ridge.
Enclose the eaves. Cut strips of vented aluminum soffit to enclose the eaves of the roof. Hang mounting strips for the soffit panels on the garage walls (if you did not install backer boards- see Option, above). Attach the free edges of the soffit to the bottom of the subfascia with siding nails. The soffit panels should stop flush with the subfascla.
Install soffit in the gables. Layout and snap chalk lines on the gable walls for installing soffit hanger strips. and then mount the hanger strips (or the blocking). Cut, fit, and nail the soffit panel strips to the subfascia and soffit blocking to close up the rake ends of the roof.
Install fascia covers. Measure the width of the subfascia boards, and cut fascia covers to fit. Fit the fascia In place over the subfascia boards so the bottom lip overlaps the soffits. Nail through the lip every 16" into the subfascia with color-matched Siding nails. Fasten the top of the fascia within y," of the cut edge so the nail heads will be covered by drip edge molding later. At the cornice, bend the last piece of fascia cover at a right angle to turn the corner (make relief cuts with aviation snips first) .
Enclose the cornices. Cut and bend pieces of rolled aluminum flashing to fit over the roof cornices and cover the blocking. Nail this flashing to the cornices with color-matched siding nails. Wrap th is flashing around the eave subfascia boards by 1 to 2" so you can install metal fascia to overlap It.
Finish installing fascia covers. Insta ll the fascia covers on the gable ends, stopping Just short of the cornices. At the cornices, bend a piece of fascia cover to turn the corner, and trim the end so it will make a straight vertical seam. Caulk the seam with caulk tinted to match your fascia cover color.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 59
Building the Roof
N o\v that )'O Uf oaraue fCl sc iCi Cl nd soffits are instulled b b ,
it's t ime to sheathe the roof deck, in sta ll roofing,
and add a ridge vent (optional). The purpose of roof
sheath ing is obvious: it re inforces the rafters to help stiffe n the roof, and it provides a fl at, continuous
surface fo r attach ing the roofing. As with "va ll
sheath ing, YO Ll can use ei ther oriented strand bOClrd (aS B) or C OX pl)'vood for roof sheathing, but make
sure it's a t least Y/ thick to carry the com bined weigh t
of the roofing materia l and snow loads (if app licable).
If you accu rately placed you r rafters at the roof fram ing
stage, the sheathing s hould insta ll quickJy, with minimal waste, and al l seams sho uld fa ll at the rafter locations.
Stagger the join ts [Tom one rmv of sheathing to the next.
After constructing the roof dec k, install a layer of 15# or 30# roofi ng fe lt (also called building paper).
Roofi ng fe lt protects the sheathing and serves as an
important second line of defense against leaks beneath
the roofing. Roll out and na il the felt horizontally, starting
at the caves and overlapping the felt as you work your
way up to the peak. Once the fe lt is in place, you can
insta ll a metal drip edge around the roof perimete r and
then proceed \vith the roof covering. vVe used asphalt
shi ngles for this project, but feel free to use roofing
material to match your horne's roof-cedar shingles,
metal roofing, or even clay tiles are other good options.
Finall y, you can provide exce ll ent ven tilation by
toppi ng off you r garage roof \,vith a continuous ridge
vent. A ridge ve nt combined with ven ted soffi ts a llows
convec tion to d raw coo l air in through the eave or
ga ble ve nts and exhaust hot ai r o ut a t the roof peak.
Tools & Materials ~
'VVork gloves & eye
protec tion
Tape measure
Hamme r (or
pneumatic na ile r)
C ircu lar saw
Aviat io n snips
U tility kni fe
C halk line
Roofi ng ham mer
Framing square
\Ii' COX or OSB
sheathing pane ls
Box nails (8d )
Nleta l drip edge
Roofing nai ls
Bui lding pape r (J 5# or 3011 )
Shi ngles
Cont inLlo Lls ridge
vent (optio nal)
A top-notch garage roof includes roof deck sheathing, drip edge, roofing felt, shingles, and a continuous ridge vent. When properly insta lled, your garage roof should last as long as your house roof.
Asphalt Shingles ~
Shadow-line shingles
Asphalt shingles are usually rated by life span, with 20-, 25-, and 40-year ratings the most common (although some now claim to be 50-year shingles). Functionally, these ratings should be used for comparison purposes only. In fact, the average life span of an asphalt shingle roof in the United States is 8 to 10 years.
The term multitab shingle refers to any asphalt shingle manufactured with stamped cutouts to mimic the shapes of
slate tile or wood shakes. Multitab cutouts are made and installed in single thickness 3-ft. strips, so these tabbed reveals show up. The ubiquitous term for them is three-tab, but two- and four-tab styles are also available. Generally, the tabs are spaced evenly along each sheet of shingle to provide a uniform appearance and a stepped, brick-laid pattern on the roof However, some manufacturers also offer styles with shaped corners or randomly spaced tabs trimmed to different heights for a more unique look.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 61
I How to Prepare the Roof Deck
• Gable sub fascia
Install the first course of roof decking. Start sheathing the roof at one of the lower corners with W' COX plywood or oriented strand board (OS8) that's rated for sheathing. Where possible. use a fullS-fl.-long sheet or a half sheet with the seam stili failing midway across a rafter or truss. Align the sheet so It overlaps the gable subfascia and touches the eave subfasCia. Fasten the sheet to the rafters with 3d box nails spaced every 6" along the edges and 12" along the intermediate rafters. Layout and Install the rest of the sheathing to complete the first row. spacing the sheets W· apart to allow for expansion.
Install drip edge on eaves. Cut a 450 miter at the end of a piece of drip edge flashing and position it along one eave edge of the roof. The mitered end should be positioned to form a miter joint with the drip edge that will be installed on the rake edge after the building paper is laid. Attach the drip edge with roofing nails driven every 12" . Install drip edge up to the ridge. overlapping any butt loints by 2". Flash both eave edges.
Install the second row of decking. Start With a half sheet (approximatelyl to stagger the vertical gaps between rows. Make sure the end of the half sheet falls midway along a rafter. Continue to sheathe the roof up to the ridge, but stop nailing within 6" of the ridge. ThiS area will be cut away to install a continuous ridge vent later. Add decking to the other Side of the roof up to the ridge.
Begin installing building paper. Snap a chalk line across the roof sheathing 35%" up from the roof edge. At this location, the first row of building paper Will overhang the drip edge by %". Roll out 15# or 30# building paper along the eaves with the top edge aligned with the chalk line. Staple It to the sheathing every 12" along the edges and one staple per sq. ft. in the field area. Trim the gable ends of the paper flush with the edges of the sheathing. If you live in a cold climate and plan to heat your garage, install selfadhesive ice-guard membrane for the first two courses.
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• • Install the second underlayment course. Snap another chalk line across the first row of underlayment, 32" up from the eaves. Roll out the second row of building paper with the bottom edge following the chalk line to create a 4" overlap. Staple It In place. Cover the entire roof up to the ridge with underlayment, overlapping each row by 4".
I How to Install Shingles
Mark starting lines. Snap a chalk line for the starter course on each roof deck. The lines should be created all the way across the roof deck, 11 y," up from the eave edge (y," less than the height of the shingle) to mark the top edge of the starter course of shingles for each roof deck. This will result in a y," shingle overhang for standard 12" three-tab shingles.
Install drip edge on rakes. Cut a 45 0 miter at the end of the first piece of drip edge, and install it along the rake edge of the roof, covering the underlayment. Fit the mitered end over the eave's drip edge, overlapping the pieces by 2". The gable drip edge should be on top. Nail the drip edge all the way to the peak, and then repeat for the other three rake edges.
Install the starter course. Trim off one half of an end tab on a shingle. Position the shingle upside down so the tabs are aligned with the chalk line and the half tab is flush against the rake edge of the roof. Drive roofing nails near each end, 1" down from each slot between the tabs. Continue the row with full shingles nailed upside down to complete the starter course. Trim the last shingle flush with the opposite rake edge.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 63
Install the first full course. Apply the first full course of shingles over the starter course with the tabs pOinting down. Start from the same corner you began the starter course. Place the first shingle so it overhangs the rake edge by %" and the eaves by W·. The top edge of the first course should align with the top of the starter course.
Create a vertical reference line. Snap a chalk line from the eave's edge to the ridge to create a vertical line to align the shingles. Choose a spot close to the center of the roof, located so the chalk line passes through a slot or a shingle edge on the first full shingle course. use a framing square to establish a line perpendicular to the eave's edge.
Working on Roofs ~
When working on the roof and staging heavy bundles of shingles. it's a good idea to share the job with a helper. Set up ladders carefully. stay well clear of overhead power lines, and work cautiously near the eaves and rake ends of the roof to prevent
accidents. Get off the roof if you are tired, overheated, or if impending bad weather threatens your safety.
Set shingle pattern. If you are Installing standard three-tab shingles, use the vertical reference line to establish a shingle pattern with slots that are offset by 6" in succeeding courses. Tack down a shingle 6" to one side of the vertical line and 5" above the bottom edge of the first-course shingles to start the second row. Tack down a shingle for the th ird course 12" from the vertical line. Begin at the vertical line for the fourth course. Repeat.
Fill in shingles. Add shingles in the second through fifth courses. working upward from the second course and maintaining consistent reveals. Insert lower-course shingles under any upper-course shingles left partially nailed. and then nail them down.
Cutting Ridge Caps ~
Cut three 12"-sq. cap shingles from each three-tab shingle. With the back surface facing up, cut the shingles at the tab lines. Trim the top corners of each square with an angled cut, starting Just below the seal strip to avoid overlaps in the reveal area.
Test shingle alignment regularly. After each three-course cycle, measure from the bottom edge of the top row of shingles to the closest layout line on the bUilding paper, and take several of these measurements along the course. If the row IS slightly out of alignment, make Incremental adjustments over the next few courses to correct it- don't try and get it back all in one course.
Shingle up to the ridge. At the ridge, shingle up the first side of the roof until the top of the uppermost reveal area IS within 5" of the ridge (for standard three-tabs). Trim the shingles along the peak. Shingle the other side of the roof up to the peak. If you plan to install a continuous ridge vent, skip to page 66.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 65
Install ridge cap shingles. Start by insta lling one shingle at one end so equal amounts hang down on each side of the ridge. Measure this distance and snap straight chalk lines to the other end of the roof, extending the lines formed by the edges of the shingles Nail in the tapered area of each shingle so the next shingle Will cover the nail head. Complete the insta llation of the ridge shingles.
Trim shingles. Mark and trim the shingles at the rake edges of the roof. Snap a chalk line down the roof to trim neatly and accurately. Use old aviation snips to cut the shingles. You may use a utility knife with backer board instead. Let the shingles extend %" beyond the rake drip edge to form an overhang.
I How to Install a Continuous Ridge vent
Mark cutting lines. Measure from the ridge down each roof the distance recommended by the ridge vent manufacturer. Mark straight cutting lines at this distance on each deck, snapping a pair of chalk lines.
Cut out roof sections. using a circular saw equipped with an old blade, cut through the shingles and sheathing along the cutting lines. Be careful not to cut into the rafters. Stop both cuts 6 to 12" from the gable ends. Make two crosscuts up and over the ridge to join the long cuts on the ends. Remove the shingles and sheathing from the continuous ridge vent area. Drive additional roofing nails through the shingles and sheathing along the cut edges to secure the roof to the rafters.
Mark installation reference lines. Test-fit the continuous ridge at one end, measuring down from the ridge half the width of the ridge vent, and marking that distance on both ends of the roof. Join the marks with two more chalk lines to establish the position for the edges of the continuous ridge vent.
Add sections. Butt new pieces of continuous ridge vent against the pieces you have installed and nail the ends. Install the vent along the full length of the roof, including the end areas with shingles stili intact.
Attach the ridge vent. Center the ridge vent over the opening, aligning the end With the rake edge of the roof. The edges of the vent should be even With the chalk lines. Drive long (1%") roofing nails through the vent and Into the roof where indicated by the manufacturer.
Add ridge cap shingles (see page 66, step 9). Cover the ridge vent with ridge cap shingles, nailing them with two 1 W' roofing nails per cap. Overlap the shingles as you would on a normal ridge. Trim the end ridge cap shingle flush With the other rake-edge shingles.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 67
Installing Windows & Service Doors
Most umaoes like the detached U<1 raUe fecttu red o 0 ' 0 0
here, have a service door for added safety and
access ibili ty. A w in do",'! also makes sense for a garage,
bringing improved ven tilation and a pleasant source of am bient light. T his sect ion w ill show you hmv to
instClII both feCltures. If YO LI alrectdy have experience hanging doors and \,vindows, you'll find the process
fo r insta ll ing the m in a garage is no different from installing them in a home. However, it's a good idea to
review these pages to rc fami lia ri ze yourse lf with the
techniques you shou ld follow to do the job correctl y. Insta lling doors an d \vindows are sim ilar operations.
First, you' ll need to sea l the rough openings in the vva lls
with self-adhes ive flash ing tape to prevent moi sture
in filtration. Tape should be appl ied fro m the bottom of the door.vay or the windowsill first, working up to the
header and overlapping the tape to shed \,va ter. Once
you've inserted the window or door in its open ing, you'll
need to shim it, adju sting for leve l a nd plumb, before nailing the jamb framework and brick mold in place .
vVhen you have th e option, hang the service door
and vvindO\v before proceeding with the siding (\"lhich
\"le 'li cover in the next sect ion). That way, you'll be
able to fit the siding up tight against the brickmold for
a profess ional finish.
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye protcct ion
Utility knife C aulk gun
H ammer
9" self~adhes i ve
f lash ing tape
Sili cone cau lk
t' Roofing nail s
Sh im s Cas ing nails (6d) Drip ca p Expanding foam
Service door
A sturdy service door and lockset will give your new garage added accessibility without compromising security. Installing one IS a fairly Simple project A vlnyl- or aluminum-clad garage window will bring a breath of fresh air and Improve your task lighting when working in the garage.
Tips for Sizing & Framing ~
I I I I IT I I '
, , ,
Determine the exact size of your new window or door by measuring the opening carefully For the width (left photo), measure between the Jack studs in three places: near the top, at the middle, and near the bottom of the opening. Use the same procedure for the height (right photo)' measuring from the header to the sill near the left edge, at the middle, and near the right edge of the opening. Use the smallest measurement of each dimension for ordering the unit
Door opening: The structural load above the door IS carried by cripple studs that rest on a header, The ends of the header are supported by jack studs (also known as trimmer studs) and king studs that transfer the load to the sole plate and the foundation of the house. The rough opening for a door should be 1" wider and y,"
taller than the dimensions of the door unit, including the Jambs. This extra space lets you adjust the door unit dUring installation,
Window opening: The structural load above the window is carried by a cripple stud resting on a header The ends of the header are supported by jack studs and king studs that transfer the load to the sole plate and the foundation of the house. The rough sill, which helps anchor the window unit but carries no structural weight, is supported by cripple studs. To provide room for adjustments dUring installation, the rough opening for a Window should be 1" wider and y," taller than the window unit, Including the jambs.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 69
I How to Install a Garage Window
Flash the rough sill. Apply 9"-wide self-adhesive flashing tape to the rough sill to prevent moisture Infiltration below the window. Install the flashing tape so it wraps completely over the sill and extends 10 to 12" up the jack studs. Fold the rest of the tape over the housewrap to create a 3" overlap. Peel off the backing and press the tape firmly in place. Install tape on the side jambs butting up to the header, and then flash the header.
Caulk the opening. Apply a Y;'-wide bead of caulk around the outside edges of the jack studs and header to seal the window flange In the opening. Leave the rough sill uncaulked to allow any water that may penetrate the flashing to drain out.
Option: You can save a step (and some material) by insta lling the flashing on the sides and top after the window is insta lled, as seen in this skylight Installation. The disadvantage to doing it this way Instead of flashing the entire opening and then flashing over the window nailing flanges after installation (see step 8) IS thatthe Inside faces of the rough frame will not be sealed against mOisture.
Position the window. Set the window unit into the rough opening, and center it side to side. Check the sill for level.
Tack the top corners. Drive a roofing nail through each top corner hole of the top window flange to tack It in place. Do not drive the rest of the nails into the top flange yet.
)nnt Nail the flange. Drive 2" roofing nails through the flange nailing holes and Into the rough sill to secure it. Handnail this flange, being careful not to damage the flange or window cladding.
Plumb the window. Have a helper hold the window in place from outside while you work inside the garage. Check the window Jamb for square by measuring from corner to corner. If the measurements are the same, the Jamb is square. Insert shims between the side jambs and rough opening near the top corners to hold the jambs In poSition. use additional shims as needed to bring the jamb into square. Recheck the diagonals after shimming.
Nail the jambs. Drive 6d (2") casing nails through the jambs and top corner shims to lock them in place. Add more shims to the centers and bottom corners of the jamb, and test the window action by opening and closing it. If it operates without binding, nail through the rest of the shims.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 71
Flash the side flanges. Seal the side flanges with flashing tape. starting 4 to 6" below the sill flashing and ending 4 to 6" above the top flange. Press the tape firmly in place.
Finish the installation. Cut the shim ends so they are flush with the Inside of the wall using a utility knife or handsaw.
Install the drip cap. Cut a piece of metal drip edge to fit over the top window jamb. This is particularly important if your new window has an unclad wooden Jamb with prelnstalled brickmold . Set the drip edge in place on the top jamb. and secure the flange with a stnp of wide flashing tape. DO not nail it. Have the tape overlap the side flashing tape by 6". Note: If you plan to trim the window with wood brickmold or other moldings. install the drip edge above that trim instead.
Spray expanding foam insulation around the perimeter of the window on the intenor Side if you will be insulating and heating or cooling your garage.
Service Door Buyer's Tips ~
o If you plan to use your new garage as a workshop,
buy the widest service door that will suit your building. That way, you won't have to open your sectional garage door every time you want to pull out the lawn mower or trash cans.
o Although primed wood service doors are less expensive than aluminum- or vinyl-clad doors, they're generally not a better value in the long run. Normal
wear and tear and the effects of the elements will
I How to Install a Service Door
2 .. -- .. .. - .. ..
mean you'll need to keep up with regular scraping and
painting in order to keep your wooden door in good condition. A clad door, on the other hand, requires little or no maintenance over the life of the door.
o Another option for many of today's quality service
doors is to purchase a Jamb made of composite materials instead of wood. A composite jamb will not
wick water up when it rains, and it's impervious to rot and insects.
Flash the opening sides. Apply two strips of 9"-wide self-adhesive flashing tape to cover the jack studs In the door's rough opening. Cut a slit in the tape and extend the outer ear 4 to 6" past the bottom edge of the header. Fold the tape over the housewrap to create a 3" overlap. Peel off the backing and press the tape firmly in place.
Flash the header. Cover the header with a third piece of self-adhesive flashing tape, extending the ends of the tape 6" beyond the side flashing. Fold the extra tape over the housewrap to form a 3" overlap.
Seal the opening. Apply a Y/-wide bead of caulk up the outside edges of the jack stud area and around the header to seal the brickmold casing.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 73
Position the door in the opening. Set the bottoms of the side jambs Inside the rough opening, and tip the door Into place. Adjust the door so it's centered in the opening.
Shim the latch side. Insert pairs of shims every 12" in the gap between the latch-side Jamb and the rough framing. With the door closed, adjust the shims in or out until there's a consistent %" gap between the door and the jamb. Then drive pairs of 6d casing nails through the jamb and shims to secure them.
Adjust the door, Orient pairs of shims so the thick and thin ends are reversed, forming a rectangular block. Insert the shims into the gap between the rough framing and the hlngeside jamb. Spread the shims closer together or farther apart to adjust the total thickness until they are pressure-fitted into the gap. Space the shims every 12" along the jamb, and locate two pairs near the hinges. Check the hinge Jamb for plumb and to make sure the shims do not cause it to bow. Drive pairs of 6d casing nails through the jambs at the shim locations.
Attach the brickmold. Drive 2Y/ galvanized casing nails through the brickmold to fasten It to the Jack studs and header. Space the nails every 12". Trim off the shims so they are flush wi th the inside wall uSing a utility knife or handsaw.
I How to Install a Lockset
Insert the lock bolts for the lockset (and dead bolt, If insta lling one) into their respective holes In the door. These days, new exterior doors are almost always prednlled for locksets and dead bolts. Screw the bolt plates into the premortised openings.
I Door Security
Add metal door reinforcers to strengthen the area around the lockset or dead bolt. These strengthen the door and make it more resistant to kick-ins.
Fasten the lock mechanisms by tightening the screws that draw the two halves together. Do not overtighten.
Add a heavy-duty latch guard to reinforce the door jamb around the stnke plate. For added protection, choose a guard with a flange to resist pry-bar insertion. Attach the guard with 3" screws that will penetrate through the Jamb and into the wall studs.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 75
Installing Overhead Garage Doors
Your sectional garage door will bear the brunt of everything Mother Nature Clnd an ac tjve household
throws at it- seasonal temperature s\-\~ngs, moisture, blistering sunlight, and the occasional misfired halrcollrt jump shot. If that isn't enough, the average sectional garage
door cycles up and down at least four times per day, \,vhich
totals lip to arollnd 1,300 or more lIses eve!), year. For all of
these reasons, it pays to install a high-quality door on your new garage so YOLI can enjoy a long service life from it.
T hese days, you don't have to settle for a drab, fl at-panel door. Door manufacturers provide many
options for c laddi ng colors, panel textu re and layout, exterior hardware, and window styles. Today's sta te-of
the-art garage doors also benefit from improved materia l construction, more sophi st icated safety features, and en hanced ene rgy efficiency. vVhen you order you r neV,! door, double-check your garage's rough openi ng and minimum ceil ing height to be sure the nev,1 door will fi t the space properly.
Instal ling a sectional ga rage door is eas ier than you
might think, and manufacturers make the process qui te accessi ble for average do-it-yoUl·selfers. \-\lith a helper
or two, you should have litt le difficul ty installing a nev"
garage door in a single dClY. The job is really no more complex than other window and door repbcements if you work carefu lly and exercise good judgment. Garage door kits come \,vith a ll the necessary hardware and detailed step-by-step instruct ions . Si nce garage door styles vary, the insta llation process for your new door
may differ from the photo seq uence you see here, so always defer to the manufacturer's instructions. This
will e nsure the door is installed correctly and the manufacture r will ho nor the product vva rranty.
Tools & Materials ~
vVork gloves & eye protection
Tape measure Long level Dri ll with nut drivers
Stepladder Ratchet wrench with
., -,
·yvek IO!!!!~.p .
~-... ~O/ ....... .
Adjustabl e wrench Hammer Sectional ga rage
door with tracks & mounting
brackets 16d na il s Doorstop molding
The sectional garage door you choose for your garage will go a long way toward defining the building'S appearance and giving you trouble·free performance day in and day out
Measure for the door. Measure the width of the header. the headroom clearance to the rafter collar ties (or bottom truss chords). and the inside opening of the doorway. Check these measurements against the minimum requirements outlined in the Instruction manual that comes with your sectional garage door.
Assemble door tracks. Working on the floor, layout and assemble the vertical tracks, Jamb brackets, and flag angle hardware. Install the door bottom seal and the roller and hinge hardware on the bottom door section .
Install the first section. Set the bottom door section into position against the side Jambs, and adjust It left or right until the Side jambs overlap It evenly. Check the top of the door section for level. Place shims beneath the door to level it, if necessary Have a helper hold the door section in place against the jambs until it is secured in the tracks.
Attach the tracks. Slip a vertical track over the door section rollers and against the Side jamb. Adjust It for plumb, then fasten the jamb brackets to the side jamb blocking with lag screws. carefully measure, mark, and install the other vertical track as well.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 77
Attach the lift cables. Depending on your door design, you may need to attach lift cables to the bottom door section at this time. Follow the instructions that come with your door to connect these cables correctly.
Add next sections. Slip the next door section Into place in the door tracks and on top of the first section. connect the bottom hinges (already attached to the first section) to the second door section. Repeat the process until you have stacked and installed all but the top door section .
Install the door hinges. Fasten the end and intermediate hinges to the bottom door section, and then Install roller brackets and hinges on the other door sections. Attach hinges to the top edges of each door section only. This way you'll be able to stack one section on top of the next during assembly.
Option: The top door section may require additional bracing, special top roller brackets, and a bracket for securing a garage door opener. Install these parts now following the door manufacturer's instructions.
Install the top section. Set the top door section in place and fasten it to the hinges on the section below It. Support the door section temporarily with a few 16d nails driven into the door header blocking and bent down at an angle.
Install rear hanger brackets. This step will vary among door opener brands. Check your door instruction manual for the correct location of rear hanger brackets that will hold the hOrizontal door tracks in position . Measure, cut, and fasten sections of perforated angle Iron together with bolts, washers, and nuts to form two V-shaped door track brackets. Fasten the brackets to the collar tie or bottom truss chord with lag screws and washers following the door manufacturer's recommendations.
complete track installation. Fasten the horizontal door tracks to the flag angle brackets on top of the vertical track sections. Temporarily suspend the back ends of the tracks with rope so they are level.
Attach the extension springs. The door opener here features a pair of smaller springs that run parallel to the horizontal door tracks, not parallel to the door header as larger torsion springs are installed. The springs are attached to cables that attach to the rear door hanger brackets.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 79
Test to make sure the door tracks properly. Raise it about halfway first. you'll need at least one helper here. Slide a sturdy support underneath the door bottom to hold the door and then inspect to make sure the rollers are tracking and the tracks are parallel.
,t:K Wrap -14
• --,nuoJs'-'
Attach the doorstop molding. Measure, cut, and nail sections of doorstop molding to the door Jambs on the outside of the door to seal out weather. A rolled vinyl doorstop may come with your door kit. If not, use strips of 1 x 2 treated wood or cedar for this purpose.
Attach the spring cables. The door should be fully raised and held in place with C-clamps tightened onto the tracks to prevent it from slipping down. The tension in the springs should be relieved. The cables in th is case are tied off onto a 3-hole clip that is then hooked onto the horizontal angle bracket near the front of the tracks.
Option: Install a garage door opener. See pages 232 to 234.
Garage Door Opener Safety Tips ~
Whether you're adding an opener to a new or an old garage door, these tiPS will help make it a safe part of your home. (Also see pages 226 to 231 for information on repairing garage doors.)
• Before beginning the installation, be sure the garage door manually opens and closes properly.
• If you have a one-piece door, with or without a track, read all additional manufacturer's
installation information. • The gap between the bottom of the garage door
and the floor must not exceed '14". If it does, the safety reversal system may not work properly
• If the garage has a finished ceiling, attach a sturdy metal bracket to the structural supports before installing the opener This bracket and hardware are not usually provided with the garage door opener kit.
• Install the wall-mounted garage door control within sight of the garage door, out of reach of children (at
a minimum height of 5 ft.), and away from all moving parts of the door.
Make sure your garage door opener is securely supported to trusses or ceiling framing with sturdy metal hanging brackets.
• Never use an extension cord or two-wire adapter to power the opener. Do not change the opener plug in any way to make it fit an outlet. Be sure the opener
IS grounded. • When an obstruction breaks the light beam while
the door is closing, most door models stop and reverse to full open position, and the opener lights
flash 10 times. If no bulbs are installed, you will hear 10 clicks.
• To avoid any damage to vehicles entering or leaving the garage, be sure the door provides adequate clearance when fully open.
• Garage doors may include tempered glass, laminate glass, or clear-plastic panels- all safe window options.
use the emergency release handle to disengage the trolley only when the garage door is closed. Never use the handle to pull the door open or closed.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 81
Installing Siding & Trim
Sid ing w ill protec t you r nevv g<J rage f rom the
elements of cou rse but it Cl lso serves as a way , , to visua lly tie the ga rage to your ho me. Ideall y, you
should choose the same siding fo r the ga rage as you
have on you r hou se, bu t if you decide to go wi th a
di ffe re nt mate rial it should m imi c the same pattern, sLlc h as horizontal laps, overlappi ng shakes, or vertical hoards and batte ns. These days, mate ria l options for
garage sidi ng a rc mo rc va ried than ever. You m ight
c hoose wood , vinyl, a lumin um, fibe r-cement lap
sidi ng, ceda r or vinyl sha kes, fa ux bric k and sto ne, or
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye protectio n
For s to n e veneer : Aviation snips Ha mmer
Trowe l M ixing trough Stiff-bris tle brus h A ngle grinder with
diamond blade [\/Iaso n's hammer
Grou t bag Joi nti ng tool Expanded metal lath BUi lding paper Type N mortar Maso nry sand Veneer stone Sil l blocks 2 x 2" zin c-coated
L-brac kets Metal flas hing
stucco . Or, de pe nd ing on your home's s iding sc he me,
it m ight be a cornb incttion of two diffe re nt s iding
mate rial s that co mple me nt one anothe r.
Eac h type of sidi ng will typica lly have its ovm unique
insta llation process, and eac h application requires the
correc t unde rlayment, fasteners, and nailing or bonding
method . T he insta llation process cct n even val)' among
manufacturers for the same product type.
For the garage project shown here, we ins ta ll
a combina tion of fibe r-ce men t lap sid ing and cast
veneer stone .
For Fiber-cemen t siding:
\Vork gloves & eye
pro tec tion Hammer
Tape measure Bevel ga uge C ircular saw
Paint brush Chalk line Dri ll with bits Cementboa rd shea rs
Cau lk gun
Jigsaw with mason ry blades
Fibe r ceme nt corn er
boards Cas ing nails (6d) Fibe r cemen t frieze
boards Pri mer pa int
F ibe r cemen t s idi ng Dust resp irator Si licone cau lk Pa int
A combination of faux stone and lap siding, with accenting corner ttlm, transforms what could otherwise be an ordinary garage into a structure that adds real curb appeal to your home.
I Garage Siding Types
Vinyl lap siding is Inexpensive, relatively easy to Install, and low maintenance. Some styles can be paired with custom profiled foam insulation boards. Matching corner trim boards are sold, but you can also make your own wood trim boards and paint them.
Fiber-cement lap siding is a relative newcomer but its use is spreading qUickly. It is very durable but requires some special tools for cutting and installation.
wood lap siding comes in wide or narrow strips and IS normally beveled. Exterior-rated wood that can be clear coated is common (usually cedar or redwood). Other wood types are used, too, but these are usually sold preprlmed and are sUitable for painting only.
specialty siding products like these cast veneer stones are often used as accents on partial walls (see the photo on previous page). They can also be used to side one wall of a structure. For the most part, their effectiveness (and your budget) would be diminished if they were used to cover the entire structure.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 83
Cast veneer stones are thin synthetic masonry units that are applied to building walls to imitate the appearance of natural stone veneer. They come in random shapes, sizes, and colors, but they are scaled to fi t together neatly without looking unnaturally uniform. Outside corner stones and a sill block (used for capping half-wall Installations) are also shown here.
I How to Install Cast Veneer Stone
Prepare the wall . veneer stones can be applied to a full wall or as an accent on the lower portion of a wall. A top height of 36 to 42" looks good. A layer of expanded metal lath (stucco lathlls attached over a substrate of bUilding paper.
Apply a scratch coat. The wall in the installation area should be covered with a %- to %"-thick layer of mortar. Mix one part Type N mortar to two parts masonry sand and enough water to make the consistency workable. Apply with a trowel, let the mortar dry for 30 minutes. Brush the surface with a stiff-bristle brush.
Test layouts. uncrate large groups of stones and dry-lay them on the ground to find units that blend well together in shape as well as in color. ThiS will save an enormous amount of time as you Install the stones.
Cut veneer stones, If necessary, by scoring with an angle grinder and diamond blade along a cutting line. Rap the waste side of the cut near the scored line with a mason's hammer or a maul. The stone should fracture along the line. Try to keep the cut edge out of view as much as you can.
Fill the gaps between stones with mortar once all of the stones are installed and the mortar has had time to dry Fill a grout bag (sold at concrete supply stores) with mortar mixture and squeeze it into the gaps. Once the mortar sets up, strike it smooth with a jointing tool.
Apply the stones. Mix mortar in the same ratios as in step 2, but instead of applying it to the wall, apply it to the backs of the stones with a trowel. A '/," -thick layer is about right. Press the mortared stones against the wall in their position. Hold them for a few second so they adhere.
7 •
Install sill blocks. These are heavier and wider than the veneer block so they require some reinforcement. Attach three 2 x 2" zinc-coated L-brackets to the wall for each piece of sill block. Butter the backs of the sill blocks with mortar and press them in place, resting on the L-brackets.lnstall metal flashing first for extra protection against water penetration.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 85
Tools for Working with Fiber-cement Siding ~
The garage shown here will be covered with durable and rot-resistant fiber-cement lap siding. The best tool
for cutting it is electric cementboard shears (available at rental centers) that make straight cuts without raising harmful silica dust. You can also cut fiber-cement with a CIrcular saw and fiber-cement blade or with a jigsaw, but
Drill with hole law
Circular saw
both will create more dust than shears create. Bore holes with a drill and twist bits or hole saws. TO install fibercement siding, drill pilot holes and hand nail with siding
nails; or use a pneumatic coil nailer with special flbercement siding nails. Wear a Quality dust respirator when cutting or drilling fiber cement.
Co1I _
I How to Install Fiber-cement Lap Siding
Install corner boards. Nail one board flush with the wall corner and even with the bottom of the wall sheathing using 6d galvanized casing nails. Keep nails 1" from each end and %" from the edges. Drive two nails every 16" . Overlap a second trim board on the adjacent side, aligning the edge with the face of the first board, and nail in place.
Trim windows and doors. Measure and cut brickmold or other trim to fit around the windows and doors. The trim joints can either be butted or mitered, depending on your preference. For miter Joints, cut corners at 45 0 and nail with 2W' galvanized casing nails. Drive pairs of nails every 16".
.... _Install frieze boards. Cut the frieze boards to match the width of the corner boards. Butt them against the corner trim. and nail them to the wall studs directly under the soffits on the eaves with 6d galvanized casing nails.
Install starter strips. Install strips of lath (or narrow pieces of sidingl along the bottom of the walls. flush with the bottom edges of the wall sheathing. The lath will tip the first row of siding out to match the overlap projection of the other rows. Attach the lath to the wall studs with 6d galvanized casing nails. Snap vertical chalk lines to mark wall stud locations.
Install gable frieze boards. use a bevel gauge to transfer the gable angle to the frieze boards. and miter cut the ends to match. Install the gable frieze boards so they meet neatly in a miter joint at the roof peak. Nail them to the gable wall plates and studs with pairs of 2" 6d galvanized casing nails every 16".
6 -
Install first board . Cut the first siding board so It ends halfway over a stud when the other end IS placed W' from a corner trim board. Prime the cut end before installing it Align the siding with the bottom edge of the lath. keeping a Va" gap between the siding and the corner board. Nail the panel at each stud location 1" from the top edge with siding nails. Keep nails at least Vi' in from the panel ends to prevent splitting.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 87
~ - 7
Install second board. Mark and cut the second piece of siding to length. Wear a dust respirator when cutting the siding. especially if you use a circular saw instead of electric cementboard shears.
Install next rows. AS you install each row of siding, stagger the 10ints between the end boards to offset the seams by at least one wall stud.
Install the next board. Set the second siding board in place over the lath, spaced to create a gap of Yo" where it would butt against the first board. Nail the siding board to the wall at stud locations. Install more siding boards to complete the first row Snap level chalk lines across the wall to mark layout lines for the remaining rows of siding. Set this pattern so each row of siding will overlap the row below it by 1'/.".
10 •
work around windows and doors. Slide a piece of siding against the horizontal trim, and mark the board %" from the outside edges of the trim. Use these marks to draw perpendicular lines on the board, and make a mark on the lines to represent the correct overlap. Connect these marks with a long line, and make the cutout with a ligsaw equipped with a masonry blade. Fit and nail the notched panel around the opening.
Install top row. Unless you get lucky or have planned very carefully, the top row of siding boards will likely require rip-cutting to make sure that your reveals and setbacks are maintained . With a CIrcular saw and a straightedge gUide, trim off the top of the boards so the cut tops butt up against the frieze. Nail the cut boards in place.
Fill in under gables. Drill pilot holes though the angled corners of gable siding pieces to keep them from splitting. Drive the nails through the holes to install the boards.
Transfer gable angles. Use a bevel gauge to determine the roof angle on the gable ends of the roof. Transfer the angle to the siding panels that butt against the gable frieze boards, and cut them to fit.
Caulk gaps. Fill all gaps between boards and between boards and trim with fleXible, paintable caulk. Paint the siding and trim as desired.
B11ildillg (j New Camge • 89
Garage Plans
A garage is a major structure, so build ing one
should not be done without a comp lete set of plan drawings. In fact, YOll w ill need an accuraLe
seL of plans just to get the build ing pe rm iL for your ga rage. You 'll also need a detailed maLeria ls list for ordering supplies and making a plan. Most of the
pla ns featured in this book were created and sold as com plete plan packages by a building plan pu bli she r (see Heso urces, page 235). You'llfind ma ny vendors who sell these products online, through mail order
bus inesses, or at bookstores and building ce nters.
You may also hire a loca l arc hitcc lurCi l firm to
he lp you design the struc ture a nd draft plans. O r, if you arc an inveterate do- it-you rselfer, you ca n design
the garage and draw up the pla ns you rself. This is a bit chancy if you don'r have a lot of experience, but
lhere are computer-assisted des ign programs LhaL can
help. O r, many home centers provide software-based
design and estimating ass istance if you purchase your materials through them.
In this chapter:
• Single Detached Garage
• Additional Garage Plans
• Compact Garage
• Gambrel Garage
• Carport
• Garage Workshop
• 91
Single Detached Garage
Bui ld ing a detac hed ga rage is quite possibly th e most complex DIY job you ever undertake. But
if YO LI have a good \'varking plan and a pproac h the job realistically \,vi th measured confidence, you can do it. T he one-stal l detached ga rage fea tured here (see Resources, page 235 ) is abo ut as simp le a design as you'll find, The only rea ll y tri cky part is c utting the rafte r en ds and making the corn ices. You can s implify th ese tasks, however, by replaci ng the rafters with a t ru ss sys te m (see pages 50 to 5 1).
T he plan drawings that follow on the next five
pages deal primarily with the structu re of the bui lding.
Fini shed detai ls such as trim a nd siding are left
somevvhat open , sin ce it is likely that you"11 c hoose
appea ran ces LI nd products that matc h your O\".'n house. The one bui lt he re features fibe r~cement siding on top, with the bottom section of each wall sided with cast veneer stone . As shown, thi s garage is 14 feet wide and 22 feet from front to back . If you choose
to a lter any of the dimensions for you r project, do so wit h great care and make certain to update all of your part dimens ions.
On the four pages following the plan drawings for thi s garage, you'll find a few additiona l garage plans
that may fit yo ur needs a little more closely or insp ire you to crea te your own design or modified design.
This efficient garage is built from the ground up using common building materials available at any bUilding center. ThiS plan was the basis for the Building a New Garage chapter featured on the previous pages. The materials lists and plan draWings are included in the following five pages of this chapter.
- ! !ti-H· LLL 1
-r~~t:*~--, I -, i i
~ -,-:-H=lj H-I-H -~+- l_. '-i- ---< - ~
- Materials & Cutting List ~ :: ~
I I I I I In ---< - :: -
- Material List --' - -- Description Quantity/Size Board Ft. Description Quantity/Size Board Ft. :::; -
Woll plote treoted Ipc./1x4 x I4' 9 G"oge service do" 5 ponel I eo. / 1'8" x 6'8" =: -Woll plote !reoted 5 pes . / 1 x 4 x 11' 40 5ectionol up & over g"oge do" leo./9x7' --'
Precut woll studs 58 pes. / 1 x 4 x 8' 309 Door iambs 41l.F./1 x4' :: - Woll plotes 3 pes . / 1 x 4 x 14' 18 Brickmold cosing 411F -' - _. - Woll plotes 6 pes. / 1 x 4 x 11' 48 Shingle mold stop 411.F. :::;
Woll plotes 3 pes. / 1 x 4 x 10' 10 ConC/ete slob loundotion & 110" 8 cu. yd. ---<
Header over gomge door 1 pes. / 1 x 11 x 10' 40 Concrete figures -- :::; Heoder blocking 1 pes. / 1 x 4 x 10' 13 Wire mesh 308 sq.h. / 6 x 6 x #10 - .....
Header over sash & door 1 pes. / 1 x 8 x 10' 17 Reinforcing bills 144 l.F. / 'I," dio. --
Cripple studs 6 pes. / 1 x 4 x 8 31 Exterior point 3 gol. :::; Garage door hardware surround I pc. / 1 x 4 x 10' 7 --1-1- = -
Nails - Garage door hllldwme surround 1 pes . / 1 x 4 x 8' II ---< -
Corner brace 6pcs./1 x4x11' 16d common noils (Doted 10 lb. = - 14 -
Roher tie 5 pes . / 1 x 6 x 14' 70 lOd (ommon noils cooted 11b. -- :::; - Rohers & goble blocking 11 pes . / 1 x 6 x 18' 116 8d common noils cooted 11b. - -'
6d common noils cooted 5 lb. - Ridgebo"d 1 pes. / 1 x 8 x 11' 31 :: -
Goble studs 3 pes. / 1 x 4 x 11' 14 8d golvonized siding noils 5 lb. - -' - Goble noiler 4 pes . / 1 x 4 x 8' 11 1'/. golvonized "oling noils 15 lb. -- :: - Soffit noiler 4 pes. / 1 x 1 x 11' 16 8d "sing noils 11b. -
Horizontol h"dbo"d siding 617 sq. It. / '/I!" x 11" 617 sq. It. Anchor bolts w/ nuts & woshers 10 eo. / ';'" dio. x 11" ,.....
~ - 10Y"xp. Key in knob cylinder lockset I eo. - Me tol corners for siding 40 pes. 00" butts I pr./3 ';' x3 '/," :::; - Roke loscio 1pes./1 x8x18' 11 ~ - Roke soffit 1pcs./1 x6x18' 18 Optional ---<
- -. Roke shingle mold 36 IF - Ext. pftwood sheothing (corner brodng) 8 pes. / 4' x 8' x W'
~ - foscio & sollit 8pcs. /1 x8x11' 64 Insulonng sheo thing 11 pes. / 4' x 8' x Yo" - :::; - Aluminum loil krolt po per I roll / 36" wide Galvanized noils 10 lb . / IY," - C·O Ext. plywood ,,01 sheo thing 13 pes . / 4' x 8' x '/," 416 sq . It. ~
Roofing lel t I ,,11/ 15# Optional for Alternate Formed Foundation ---< - -- Aspholt shingles lV, sq. / 135# Concrete for footing 3 cu. yd . :::; -
- Sliding window unit I eo./ 4 x 3' Concrete for walls 6 cu. yd . --< -
~f- Exterior caulk 1 tu bes/IOI Concrete for floor 4 cu. yd . :: -- ~ - • - These plans have bee·n prepared to meet professional building standards. However, due to varying construction -- :: -- codes aHd local building practices, these drawings lIla)' not be suitable fo r in all locations. Results lIl£lY 11([1]' :: :::;
according to quality oj-lIlaterial purchased and the shill of the builder. -'
~~= t- :::; -'
~t~· --i- __ I H- rH+ r .+:J :if tHt:=:- t-=-_~ ~ t t _. c- :rf- +--_!_ j- t
i-,- ,. :::;
·~t =n-H~-~ ~JiTH----<
- .. • [+ 1- Carage Pim1S • 93 -- 'l-' , :::; i I ' i- -- T£i- 1- .- +-+ ;1 i---+-I-~ti -:- ,- 1 - i---++- I -l-1--1 1 I- I 1 .. -"....,. r ~ r r --<
Foundation Plan
Shingle mold 1 x 8' IOke bd. siding (typ.) ~
~~4 ~~------------~~
DDDD DDD 9ft. x 7 h. -1===H-1-sedional
garage door
I DODD ~ I ~ r---~ DD
Right side
Self-seol asphalt 5hin9le\
l"d"losd. \
l· xS' lop siding (typ.) \
\ \ \ I
left side
I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J L i L I I I I i
Wall Framing Plan i i LL.L~ i
I I I ! - -I
I 3W 3vt I I 1I'-8W 9'·8W I
- t ponel lenglh ' D" ponellenglh ' 0'
~++-+ ,
I - "'E, ~ I~ I' c .,. II II ~ . II 1.
- l- II II I ~h6' Hes
II II '4- V 9'.O' d"O' II II sectional I @'8' O.L II garage door II II II II II
~ II ~ II ;. 0- II ~ -
,...-~,.8" 6'·8' II +- ~ 6 ponel door II
= II ~ ~ II II ::"...§ II <">1 II ~ , jl
2'-10'1\" 2'·10' R.O. 5'·l lY,· 3' l 5'·" R.O. l 5' -S Vi' i I
l W' lO'·4Yi" II'-W 3W panel length ' f' ponellength ' ("
- 'e --, - ..'::::...-
T ; t --; ~
L I - Overhead Door Jamb Detail Typical Corner Detail - i - ....
Garage door \ / 2 x 4' su rround If--
to solid bearing I~ 2x4'SIUd ~ , I"T
\\ I 2-2 x 4"
O",h"d do" ------l :><
IXX X & door stop >< 1 x 4' trim ------- IX Br ickmold i".:::---;:;--- V _ ..... .,...- .....
Ho'" II,",,,,,, Ii""h" ""d, /
f :-- ........... ~ ... - :--- T ----
-I--I- '-+- Service Door Jamb Detail ~ + t-+-+
odd 2" x 4" stud & blocking at each (orner.
-t- Va x Ya 6-ponel door \ , II;" shim spoce ./ 2-2 x 4" ~- -I ~ --i f- --!
IX~ I-
Door stop I
1 x 4" ' rim
Brickmold \ Siding
f l Garage Plans-l- 95
':-r-: ! -f: I I I -
Foundation Plan
-li ~
] ~ -"
-" ~ '"
Typ. Roof (onstrU(tion: Self'5eal osphoh shingles 151 loofing felt 1ft plywood roof sheathing 2 x 6" @24"0.C roof rofters
I x 8" soffit
2 x 4" @ 16' D.C. stud
VI x 12" onchor boh
2 x 4" bottom pI. (treated)
.~ i-:: ...... ' ;:~.~ t .. : ... ·:. ;",'J , ::':., ~ ",' ,:,~':
" " " ~ ;...
2 x 8" ridgeboOld
Note: No ottic storage load.
2' )( 4' tie plate
2' x 4' top plale
T/conuete elevation 0'·0·
2" @ bock & 4" @ fronl (section ' 4A' only)
Z' x6'@ 4S" O.C. roher lies
.- ":-:" •• 't o"' " ., ...... :~. : .-,': ":':"' •• "
4" grovel bose
8' (oncrete wall
16 x 8' (onerete fOOling
T/conue te elevotion 0' -0'
4' (oncrete slob wi 6' x6"x#l OW.W.F.
4" groyel bose 2-#4 reinfOHemenl rods
8' 1'-0'
1 '-8'
Side Wall Framing Plan
mtmm P : ' 8" ,;"d
__ " 2 x 6" rolters @24"0.C
2 x 6' rolter ties @48"0.C
2-2" ,8" h\ \
f---- 1">4" _
\ ponel
~ 1 uipple point ;.,
~ ~ \ .,
~ 12 Vi' 18 Yt 11 JA' 16" 16' 16' 16' 16'
'. I' .. 10 4 Ii ponel length E
2-2")( 8'
f 4'·VJ"
~ :?
16' 16' 16' 16'
' .1" .. 11 VI panel length (
16 ' 16'
~ 2 x 4" 'ie plate
V," ~3' e--I-
V 4vt
2 x 4 ~ tie plate
1 x 4' temporary bracing
2" 4' bollom plate (treated)
Front Framing Plan
~~:::------------ 2xS' ridgeboord
~ ~ h4' ,;d;",oo;l" __ ~ ~ 1 x 6' gobleendralter
2 x 4' goble end studs
U 20' ~ 16" j 16' j 16" j 16' ~ 16' ~ 16' j 16" j 16' j 10' j)) ~ J3Yi"
~ -
\ 2)( 45 05 required
1 2 >< 4" cripplu eo(h side
~ ~ ::': ... ...
9' -71ft" header length
l VI" ,
3'- lYt
2 x 4" tie plate
2)( 4' top plale
2 - 2' x 12" headers
2 x4' studs @1 6' O.c
2 x 4· bottom plate (!leated)
Garage Plans-- . 97
I Additional Garage Plans
I Garage with Covered Porch • Size: 24 x 22 ft. • Building height: 13 ft. • Roof pitch: 5/12
• Ceiling height: 8 ft. • Overhead dooe 9 x 7 ft. • Roomy garage has space
for storage • Distinctive covered porch
provides perfect area for
1 8 - 0~
Covered Po'ch
,~ N N
Design #002D-60tO
I Three-Car Detached Garage • Size: 32 x 22 ft.
• Building height: 12 ft., 2"
• Roof pitch: 0/12
• Ceiling height: 8 ft.
• Overhead doors: 9 x 7 ft., 16 x 7ft.
• Side entry for easy access
• Perfect style with many types of homes
De sign #002D-60t 1
Visit to order and view garage plans.
I Two-Car Detached Garage • Size: 24 x 22 ft.
• Building height: 14 ft.
• Roof pitch: 0/"
• Ceiling height: 8 ft.
• Overhead dooe 16 x 7 ft.
• Design with wonderful versatility
. ~
-Design #002D-6014
I Victorian Garage • Size: 24 x 24 ft.
• Building height: 16 ft., 7"
• Roof pitch: 0/12
• Ceiling height: 8 ft.
• Overhead doors: (2) 9 x 7 ft.
• Accented with Victorian details
• Functional side entry
Design #002D-6018
Visit to order and view garage plans.
Garage Plmls • 99
I Reverse Gable Garage • Size: 24 x 22 ft.
• Building height: 14 ft., 8"
• Roof pitch: 5/ 12, 8.5/'2
• Ceiling height: 8 ft.
• Overhead doors: (2) 9 x 7 ft.
• Roof overhang above garage
doors adds custom look
• Handy side door
Design #002D-6040
I Three-Car Garage/workshop • Size: 24 x 36 ft.
• Building height: 14 ft., 6"
• Roof pitch: 0/'2
• Ceiling height: 10 ft .
• Overhead doors: (2) 9 x 8 ft.
• Oversized for storage
• Ideal size for workshop or
maintenance building
'0 , 10 n
Design #002D-6042
Visit to order and view garage plans.
I Three-stall Garage
• Size: 40 x 24 ft.
• Building height: 15 ft., 6"
• Roof pitch: ,/"
• Ceiling height: 9 ft.
• Overhead doors: (3) 9 x 7 ft.
• Oversized with plenty of room
for storage
• Side door for easy access
Design #002D-6046
I Garage with Loft
• Size: 22 x 25 ft. 4"
• Building height: 20 ft., 6"
• Roof pitch: ,/" (main),
0/" (roof dormer)
• Ceiling height: 8 ft.
• Overhead door. 18 x 7 ft.
• Slab foundation
Design #OD2D-60D8
Visit to order and view garage plans.
Garage Plmls • 101
Compact Garage
The comp<Jct garCige is mim ed for i ts exceptional
versat ility an d ample storage space. This classic gab led outbuilding has a footprint tha t measu res 12 x 16 fee t a nd it includes seve ra l usefu l featu res .
For sta rters, its 8-foot-wicle ove rh ead garage door provides easy access for la rge equ ipm ent , suppli es, projects, or even a sma ll automobi le. The foundation a nd shed floor is a poured conc re te slab, so it 's ideal fo r heavy items like Imvn tractors a nd stationary too ls.
To the right of the garage door is a box bay
window. T hi s special architectural detai l g ives the bu ildi ng's fa~ade a surp ri s ing houselike qua li ty wh ile filling the interior with na tu ral light. An d the bay's
33"-deep x 60"-wide sill platform is the perfect place for he rb pots or an indoor flower box. The adjacent wall includes a second large window and a standard service door, making this end of the garage a p leasa nt , convenient space fo r a ll ki nds of work or le isure.
Above the ma in space of the compact gctrage is a fully framed att ic built with 2 x 6 joists for supporting plenty of stored goods. The steep pitch of the roof a llows for over 3 feet of headroom under the peak. Access to the attic is provided by a drop-down staircase that folds up and out of the way, leaving the workspace clear below.
T he garage door, selVice door, staircase, and both windows of the garage are prebuilt factory units that you install following the manufactu rer's instruc tions. Be sure to orde r a ll of the un its before start ing construct ion . This makes it easy to adjust the fmmed
openings, if necessary, to matc h the precise sizing of each uni t. Also co nsult your local bUilding department to learn about design requirements for the concrete fou ndat ion. You may need tu extend and/ur reinforce the perimeter port ion of the slab , or incl ude a foot ing tha t extends helm,v the frost line. An extended apron (as seen in the Gam bre l Garage, page 1 16) is very useful if you intend to house vehicles in the garage.
Garage Plmls • 103
Cutting List ~
Description Quantity/ Size Material Description Quantity/ Size Material
Foundation Drip edge & gable trim 160 lin. ft. I x 2 cedor
Drainage material 2.75 cu. yd. Compactible gravel Siding 15 sheets @ 4 x 8' 'I, I 1·11 plywood
Concrete slob Field measure 3,000 psi concrete siding wi verticol
Mesh 200 sq. ft. 6 x 6", W1.4 x W1.4 grooves 8w on center (or similar)
welded wire mesh
Reinforcing bm As required by lacal code As required by lacal code Siding flashing 30 lin. ft . Meta l Z·flashing
Wall Framing Overhead door iambs 1 @ 10', 2@8' 1 x 6 cedor
Bottom pla tes 1 @ 16', 2 @ 12' 2 x 4 pressure treated Overhead door stops 3@8' Cedor door stop
1 @1O' Overhead door surround 1 @10', 2@8' x 6
lop plates 2@14 ',4@12' 2 x 4 Corner trim B@8' x 4 cedm
4@ 10' Door &. window tr im 4@8', 5@ 10' x 4 cedm
Standord wall studs 51 @8" 2 x 4 Box boy bottom trim 1@8' x 10cedor *moy use 92%" precut studs Roofing
~iagonal bracing 5@ 12' 1 x 4 (std . lumber) Sheathing 14 sheets@4 x 8' %" exterior"9mde plywood Jack sruds 5@ 14' 2 x 4 (& header, stud spacers) roof sheathing
Goble end studs 5@8' 2 x 4 15# building paper 2 rolls
Header, overhead door 2@10' 2 x 12 Shingles 4% squares Asphal t shingles - 250#
Header, windows 2@ 10' 2 x 12 per sq. min.
Header, service door 1 @8' 2 x 12 Roof flashing 10'6"
Header & stud spacers See Sheathing, right Doors & Windows
Box Bay Framing Overhead gorage door l@ % x'/Q
Half·wall bottom pla te 1 @8' 2 x 4 pressure-trea ted wlhordware
HaH-wall top plate & sruds 3 @ 8' 2 x 4 Service door 1 unit for 38 x 72'10" Prehung exterior
rough opening door unit Joists 3@8' 2 x 6
Window 2 units for 57 x 41 %" Casement mullion window Window frome 4@ 12' 2 x 4 unit - complete
Sill plartorm & top 1 sheet@4 x 8' '11" plywood Fasteners & Hardware
Rafter blacking 1 @8' 2 x 8 J·balts w/nuts & washers 14 W'·dia. x 12" Roof Framing 16d galvanized 3 lb.
Rafters 36@10' 2 x 6 common noils
(& lookouts, blocking) 16d common noils 15 lb.
Ridgebaord 1 @18' 2 x 8 lOd common noils 2'11 lb.
Attic 8d box nails 16 lb .
Floor joists 16@12' 2 x 6 8d common nails Sibs.
Floor decking 6 sheets @ 4 x 8' '11" plywood 8d galvanized 10 lb .
Staircase I unit for 22 x 48" Disappearing attic siding nails
rough opening stoir unit 1" galvanized 10 lb . roofing nails
Exterior Finishes 8d galvanized 3 lb. Eave fascia 2@18' 2 x 8 cedor casing nails
Goble fascia 4@ 10' 1 x 8 cedor En try door lockset
Foundation Plan
15'- IOW
9Y1" /,-10' 1'·11 0/4" 4'-6' 9Y( ~
.+- I I I I I~
" • • • • . --'--' ~r · --------------------------,
'" v,
v, 4" Rein/orced concrete slob wi 6 x 6W2.9 x 2.9 wire mesh over 4" (ompotled granular fill
. ~
~r- •
1 W Typical 10 (eoler of Yl' dio. x 12" anchor bolts
~ ~ v,
~-------------------------~ .-f- • • --;-'~ " • •• • "'f-} 411' 4Yo'{[ [ 6' 9'-1" 5'_63/1" ~
Foundation Detail Building Section
4' Re inforced <oncrele slab w/ 6 x 6W2.9 x 2.9 wire mesh over 4" compocted grovel
2 -/4
To extend below 10(01 frosl li ne (12" min. wi no frost line I
1 lJ .. Typicol to cenler of dio. x 12" anchor bolts
2 x 8 Ridgeboord
%" Plywood flooring
Disappearing sta irway ----...
1<6 Trim board , 2 x 4 Top plaIA %" Plywood doo~' %' Plywood shelf 2<2 Shelf supports 11-11 Siding 2x 4 Wall stud
2 x 4 Bollom plale
4' grovel bed, compocted
1'-0' 1'-3%" 4' '"
11 '·10*"
~ = '--
~ TI -II Siding
2d Wall stud
,., 1'-0'
Garage Plans-- . 105
Front Elevation
Sel/-se 01 shingles __ r--
h2 Drip edge "
"" 2.8 Fascia
(osem ent window
1.4 Trim ------
. --------8"·wid overhe ad door
TJ" II Siding
Right Side Elevation
12 1 x 20 riP.g.~
8 Fa"ia~ f'f'f'
2Trim h p""" ,hing :dJ'
Cose wind
h Trim
.r: menl a.
4 -
1 Siding ---
I Grod. I / Conuete slob
1' -6"
~ I
I rn I
Rear Elevation
h4 Trim
T1. 1l Siding wi grooves, 8' 0.(,
Self-seal shingles
'"'"' r-
Wall Framing Plan
~~ -:t I<-
2·2 x 12 Headers '" wi Y1" plywood between - ,
Disappeoringsloir ~ __ ...., 1'.0"
~~-:f '- ~ ~ - f'
~" ;:;::.. C>
] I I GFI ~ ] ; I I ' I I I L __ -.J
I ,
~: . H " A I
GFI \ I 1/ S x 7' Overhead do" -' ,
~ 3' 2'-0" 2'-0' 9' • '" '- ~ ~ . . . . . F-
\ 2 -2 x 12 Headm
WP/ GFI ...--'l ' " " " "' II II Ii " :11 GFI , "
Nole: Wir ing plans ore optional. w/W plywood between
9'· 8W , ,
Back Side Framing
" I , 3Yi 9' WI"
"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l/
3%" 16' 16' 16" 16' 16' 16' '.1'
I Ponel ~ B « l Et,'
,- ,.(' 3\1: 6' 3''\' ~2 x 4
)' Tie plole ,
V :} ~ 4\ ~
16' 16' 16' 16 '.1"
Ponel T
---3 ~
2 x 4 Top plole
Id Diagonal bracing
Blocking between (orner slUds
2 x 4 Wall studs
2 d 11 7;'" Bollom plate
J \ '-0' J Panel WGW
6'·2lfl· ..
Left Side Framing
2 )( 8 Ridgeboord Se::::::
2 x 4 Goble studs -,<c// "
2 )( 6 Rohers
1\ ' , 16' 16' 16' S' S' 16'
2 d Ti. plo'. " 11'-,' OW
~~;:;::;::~I~:;::;::;:;~ ~ ~ 2d -_-t >~I + Top plate ~ ~
1)(4 ~ Diagonal ./ " bracing ~ 2)(4 ~ Wa ll studs Z 2 x 4 ~
.,.1 "-Bollom plole ~""'=+d~~9~~=+dH
II,' 16' 16" 16' 16' 16' 16' 16' ,"
'-" ' Panel ·OW
Carage PlanS" ' 107
Front Side Framing
93ft' WI' WI" 8' 15~' 16' 16' 16' 16' 16' 16' \ I 16' 16' 16' \ 10" 8" ,
",. -~ -" r- -~ -" r- , III , , , , , , ./
2 x 6 lookouts, 2'·0' O.c.
2 x 8 Ridgeboord
2 x 6 Rafters
2 x 6 Allic floor joists, 16' O.c.
---Secondary cut needed for box bay window ~2x4Tieplote
3Vt' ..... :=r===,='.=316= .. ===:=I=====9 .. =0'=V.·====""iV".- nr IYi h ,r -r+
\; F=
= ~ ~ 'a;>-g ~ ;...,~ = ~ ;.,
:~ ~4%' 8'·2" 4\11"-
' 21ft 9'·8W 3V.'/
'.n' R.O.
'" = c:i ~
""' ~
~ "
16' 16"
4¥." 6Ya" Ponel "F"
----16' -- 31ft
2 x 4 Top plole
Blocking between {orner studs
2·2 x 12 Header wi lA" plywood spocer
2 x 4 Top plole
2 x 4 Bollom plale
Attic Floor Joist Framing Box Bay Window Framing
2<6 Allie floor joists, 16' O.c.
n n n n
-( )-
.21" P.c.
2 - 2 x 4 Heoder ------\'-0' R.O.
~ 2 x 4 Side stud ---I--
;; R.O. 2 x 4 Sill plale
2 x 6 Extension box / ~ , ! 16' 16"! 16" ¥ I--boy joists '.0" " Ponel "G"
~ -3W
- -- - - -- - - - - -- -
13W 16' 16" 16" 16' 16" 16" 16W 15%" 16' 1611,"
6%" 9Vt
5\12 " c; ~
IY, 5~
I' Yi
Overhead Door Header Detail
Self-seal shingles over 15# bUilding paper over %" exterior-grade plywood
2 x 6 Blocking -::_---: ___________ == 2 x 6 Floor joists, 16' O.c.
2 x 6 Ro lter, 16' O.C
2 x 4 Tie plale
2 x 4 Top plale
1 x 2 Drip edge
2 x 8 Fosdo
Tl-ll Siding
2 -2 x 12 Header wi Ill" plywood spocer
Caulk @ joint
Shim spote
1 x 4 Wood trim
I x 6 Ripped
6'·1 WI' To lop of concrete slab
Wood door slop ~:::::::::~~::::::::==--------:it~O Overhead door -
Overhead Door Jamb Detail
2)( 6 Surround
Wood door slop
Shim space
2 x 4 Wall stud
1 )( 6 Ripped
1 x 4 Wood trim
Caulk @ joint
Service Door Header/Jamb Detail
2 )( 4 Tie plole -----.:~S:?l 2 )( 4 Top plale
2-2 x 12 Header wi W plywood spocer
11·11 Siding - - --4
Caulk @ joint
Shim space
1 x 4 Wood trim _-1'12
1 x 6 Ripped
Wood slop
2 )( 4 Wall
Tl-l1 Siding -t~(~au~lk~@;;:io:in~1 ~~~!==-
Garage Plans-- . 109
Rafter Template
i;;[ .:. /3;" ".
\" 11+1,
Secondary cui lor rafters oyer box boy window only
9'-2YI' B'·IOYz"
1 VI'
Box Bay Window Detail
Self-seal shingles over 15# building paper over Y2' exterior-grade plywood
2 x 6 Blocking --__ -..
2 x 6 Roilers, 16" O.C --~
2.8 Fascia 2-2>< w/ W I
2x4SIud (beyond)
2)( 4Sill plale
\It" Plywood
2x 6 8oy extension joists
1" x 10' Ripped 10 7W
Corner Detail
2 x 6 Rofter
2d Goble studs @16"
2 )( 4 Wall studs, 16" O.C
4' i concrete slob over 4' compacted granular
Optional S/I'
gypsum board
11·1 1 Sidi'Q '-....:,-r~--.t-
2)( 4 Wall studs
If interior finish is used, odd 2 x 4 stud
1 )( 4 (orner trim
Caulk @joint
,--------- 2 x 6 Alli( floor joists, 16" D.c.
2 )( 8 Ridgeboord 2 )( 6 Lookouts, 2'·0' O.C
2d Sill plale
1fl' Plywood
x 6 Joists
I How to Build the Compact Garage
Build the concrete foundation using the specifications shown In the Foundation Detail (page 105) and following the basIc procedure on pages 28 to 33. The slab should measure 190%" x 142%". Set the 14 J-bolts Into the concrete as shown in the Foundation Plan (page 105). Note: All slab specifications must comply with local building codes.
Frame the back wall(s) following the Back Side Framing (page 107). Use pressure-treated lumber for the bottom plate, and nail it to the studs with galvanized 16d common nails. All of the standard studs are 92%" long. Square the wall, then add 1 x 4 let-in bracing.
Snap chalk lines for the bottom plates so they will be flush with the outside edges of the foundation . You can frame the walls In four continuous panels or break them up into panels A through F, as shown In the Wall Framing Plan (page 107). we completely assembled and squared all four walls before raising and anchoring them.
Raise the back wall and anchor It to the foundation J-bolts with washers and nuts. Brace the wall upright. Frame and raise the remaining walls one at a time, then tie all of the walls together with double top plates. Cover the outside of the walls withT1-11 siding.
Garage Plmls • 11 1
Cut fifteen 2 x 6 attic floor joists at 142%". Cut the top corner at both ends of each joist: Mark 1 %" along the top edge and "I,," down the end; connect the marks, then cut along the line. Clipping the corner prevents the jOist from extending above the rafters.
cover the attic floor with y," plywood, fastening it to the jOists with 3d nails.
Mark the joist layout onto the wall plates following the Attic Floor JOist Framing (page 103). Leave 3W' between the outsides of the end walls and the outer JOists. Toenail the joists to the plates with three 3d common nails at each end. Frame the rough opening for the staircase with doubled side JOists and doubled headers; fasten doubled members together with pairs of 10d nails every 16" . Install the drop-down staircase Unit following the manufacturer's instructions.
use the Rafter Template (page 110) to mark and cut two pattern rafters. Test-fit the rafters and adjust the cuts as needed. Cut all (24) standard rafters. Cut four special rafters with an extra brrdsmouths cut for the box bay. Cut four gable overhang rafters- these have no birdsmouths cuts.
Cut the 2 x 8 ridge board at 206%". Mark the rafter layout on the ridge and wall plates as shown in the Front Side Framing (page 108) and Back Side Framing (page 107). Frame the roof follOWing the steps on pages 46 to 51 . Install 6W'-long lookouts 24" on center, then attach the overhang rafters. Fasten the attic joists to the rafters with three 10d nails at each end.
construct the 2 x 4 half wall for the interior apron beneath the box bay. Cut two plates at 60" (pressure-treated lumber for bottom plate); cut five studs at 32y," . Fasten one stud at each end, and space the remaining studs evenly in between. Mark a layout line 12" from the Inside of the shed's front wall (see the Building Section page 105). Anchor the half wall to the slab using masonry screws or a powder-actuated nailer
Mark the stud layout for the gable end walls onto the end wall plates following the Side Framing (page 107). Transfer the layout to the rafters, using a level. Cut each of the 2 x 4 studs to fit, mitering the top ends at 33S.lnstall the studs flush with the end walls.
cut six 2 x 6 joists at 36%". Toenail the jOists to the inner and outer half walls following the layout In the Box Bay Window Framing (page 108); the joists should extend 15" past the outer shed wall. Add a 6O"-long 2 x 4 sill plate at the ends of the 10ists. Cut two 2 x 4 side studs to extend from the sill plate to the top edges of the rafters (angle top ends at 33.5'), and install them. Install a built-up 2 x 4 header between the side studs 41 %" above the sill plate.
Garage Plmls • 113
Install a 2 x 2 nailer '/," up from the bottom of the 2 x 4 bay header. Cover the top and bottom of the bay with Vi' plywood as shown In the Box Bay Window Detail on page 110. Cut a 2 x 4 stud to fi t between the plywood panels at each end of the 2 x 4 shed wall header. Fasten these to the studs supporting the studs and the header.
Add 2 x 8 fascia to the ends of the rafters along each eave so the top outer edge is flush with the top of the roof sheathing. Cover the gable overhang rafters with 1 x 8 fascia. Add 1 x 2 trim to serve as a drip edge along the eaves and gable ends so it will be flush with the top of the roof sheathing.
Bevel the side edge of the 2 x 6 blocking stock at 33.5'. Cut individual blocks to fit between the rafters and attic Joists, and install them to seal off the rafter bays. See the Overhead Door Header (page 109). The blocks should be flush with the tops of the rafters. Custom-cut 2 x 8 blocking to enclose the rafter bays above the box bay header. See the Box Bay Window Detail on page 110.
Add Z-flashing above the first row of Siding, then cut and fltTl- l l Siding for the gable ends. Coverthe horizontal seam with 1 x 4 tllm snugged up against the flashing.
To complete the trim details, add 1 x 2 along the gable ends and sides of the box bay. Use 1 x 4 on all vertical corners and around the windows, service door, and overhead door. RIp down 1 x l Os for horizontal trim along the bottom of the box bay Also cover underneath the bay jOists with y/
exterior-grade plywood.
Install the two windows and the service door following the manufacturers' instructions. Position the jambs of the units so they will be flush with the siding, If applicable. Install the overhead door, then add stop molding along the top and side jambs. See the Service Door Header/Jamb Detail on page 109.
-~ • • ..
Rip cut 1 x 6 boards to 4%" wide for the overhead door Jambs. Install the Jambs using the door manufacturer's dimensions for the opening. Shim behind the jambs if necessary Make sure the jambs are flush with the inside of the wall framing and extend %" beyond the outside of the framing. Install the 2 x 6 trim as shown in the Overhead Door Header and Overhead Door Jamb on page 109.
Install '(," plywood roof sheathing starting at the bottom ends of the rafters. Add bUilding paper and asphalt shingles following the steps on pages 62 to 67.
Garage Plmls • 115
Gambrel Garage
Following classic barn designs, this 12 x 12-foot garage has several featu res that also make it
a workshop. T he garage's I 44-square-foot floor is a po ured concrete slab with a thickened edge
thClt <1 11 0\\15 it to serve as the build ing's foundation.
Designed fo r economy and durability, the fl oor can easi ly support heavy mach inery, woodworking tools,
and recreational vehicles .
The garage's sectional overhead door makes for quick
access to equipment and supplies and provides plenty of air and natural light for worlzjng inside. T he door open ing
is sized for an 8-foot-wide x 7-foot-ta ll door, but YO LI can buy any size or style of door YOll li ke-just make your door selection before YO LI start framing the garage.
Another important design Featu re of th is bu ilding
is its gambrel roof, which maxim izes the usable interior space (see next page). Beneath the roof is a s izeable storage att ic with 3 15 cubic feet of space and its own
doub le doors above the garage door. Note: We added a patio section to the front of this garage. This optional slab will appear throughout the how-to pllOtoS.
The Gambrel Roof ~
The gambrel roof is the defining feature of two structures in American architecture: the barn and the Dutch Colonial house. Adopted from earlier English buildings, the gambrel style became popular in America during the early seventeenth
century and was used on homes and farm buildings throughout the Atlantic region. Today, the gambrel roof remains a favorite detail for deSigners of sheds, garages, and carriage houses.
The basic gambrel shape has two flat planes on each side, with the lower plane sloped much more steeply than the upper. More elaborate versions incorporate a flared eave known as a Dutch kick, that was often extended to shelter the front and rear fa,ades of the bUilding. Barns typically feature an extended peak at the front, sheltering the doors of the hayloft. The main advantage of the gambrel roof is the increased space underneath the roof, providing additional headroom for upper floors in homes or extra storage space in outbuildings.
Garage Plmls • 117
Cutting List ~
Description Quantity/Size Material
Drainage male rial 1.7 5 cu. yd . [ompaclible grovel
Concrete slob 2.5 cu. yd . 3,000 psi concrele Mesh 144 sq . ft. 6 x 6', W1.4 x
WI A welded wire mesh Wall Framing
Bollom ploles 4@12' 2 x 4 pressure treated Top ploles B@12' 2 x 4
Siuds s " 47@92 V, 2 x 4
Headers 2@10',2@6' 2 x B
Header spacers I @9', I @6' 'I," plywood-I" wide Angle broces I @4' 2 x 4 Gable Wall Framing
Ploles 2 @ 10' 2 x 4 Siuds 7@10' 2x4
Header spacer Attic Floor
JoiSIS Floor shealhing
2@6' 2x6
I @5' 'j," plywood-5" wide
10 @12' 2x6 3 sheels@ 4 x B' '/, Iongue & groove
exlerior-grode plywood Kneewall Framing
Bollom plates 2@12' 2 x 4
Top ploles 4@12' 2 x 4
Siuds B@IO' 2 x 4
Nailers 2@14' 2 x B Roof Framing
Rafters 2B@ 10' 2 x 4
Metal onchors- rofters 20, wilh nails Simpson H2.5
[all or lies 2@6' 2 x 4
Ridgeboord I @14' 2 x 6
lookouts I @IO' 2 x 4
Soffit ledgers 2@14' 2 x 4
Soffit blocking 6@B' 2 x 4 Exterior Finishes
Plywood siding 14 sheels@4 x B' Sf," Texture I-II plywood, grooves B" O. C
l-fIoshing- siding 2 pieees@ 12' Galvanized I B-gouge
Horizontal wall him 2@12' I x 4 cedor
Corner trim B@B' x 4 cedar Fascia 6@ 10', 2@B' x 6 cedor
Subfoscio 4@B' x 4 pine Plywood soffil I sheel@ 10' Yo" cedor or fir plywood
Soffil venls 4@4 x 12" Louver wi bug screen
I-floshing-goroge door I @ 10' Galvanized I B-gouge
Description Quantity/Size Material
Roof shealhing 12 sheels@4 x B' V'" plywood Shingles 3 squares 250# per square (m in. )
15# building paper 300 sq . ft . Melol drip edge 2@14',2@12' Galvanized melol Roof venls (op lionol) 2 units Window
Frame 3@6' Y. x 4" (actual) 545 cedor
Slops 4@B I x 2545 cedor
Glozing tope 30 lin . ft_
Gloss I piece-field measure V( cleor, tempered
Exterior trim 3 @ 6' I x 4545 cedor
Interior Irim (optional) 3 @ 6' Door
Frame 3@B'
Door sill I @6'
Stops I @B', 1@6'
Panel material 4@B'
Door X-broce/panel trim 4@6', 2@B' Exterior trim I @B', I @6'
Interior trim (optional) 1 @B', I @6'
ShOp hinges 4 Garage Door
Frame 3@B'
Door I @ B' x 6' -B"
Roils 2@B'
Trim 3@B' Fasteners
Anchor bolts 16
16d gollooized common no~ 2 lb.
16d common nails 17 lb.
10d common nails 2 lb. I Od galvanized cosing nails I lb.
Bd common nails 3 lb. Bd galvanized finish nails 6 lb.
Bd box nails 6 lb. 6d galvanized finish nails 20 nails
3d galvanized box nails '11 lb.
VB" galvanized roofing nails 2Ydb.
2W' deck screws 24 screws 1%" wood screws 48 screws Construction adhesive 2 tubes Silicone-latex coulk 2 tubes
x 2545 cedor
x 6545 cedor
x 6 545 cedor
x 2 545 cedor x B T&G V-joint
545 cedor I x 4 545 cedor
x 4 545 cedor
x 2 S4S cedor
I x B S4S cedor Seelionol flush door w/2" track 2 x 6
I x 4 545 cedor
¥s" x 8M
, with washers 8. nuts, galvanized
'--' ..,.
Building Section
1'·6Ya" 8' ·11¥i" 1'·6Y." 2 x 6 Ridge
,,~:f:~~~~~~:-:==±::::::::~::::= 2 x 4 (ailor, 32' 0-'. ... ......~---I---t---- Vt Plywood roof sheathing
..:) ... c-I--+--7 2 )( 4 Rafter, 16" O.c.
1-------,,,====1r==7T~::::::~-------------.::~~1;==4...:.::::.- Double 2 x 4 lOP plales
~ ~ 2 x 8 Nailer
2 x 4 Bollam plole, set on joists
lfl" Plywood, set between ploles
1 x 6 Fascia
2 x 6 Joists, 16' O.c.
Double 2 x 4 lop ploles
2-2 x SHeader wi Y!" plywood spam
Texture 1-11 plywood siding
~==~d===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t=:: 1 x 4Sluds, 16"0.C -= 3Vt Connete slob on-grade
4" Compacted gravel
Garage Plans-- . 119
Floor Plan
I' I'
8' x 6'·8" Garage door
I' I' ,
Roof lines shown dashed
2 x 4 Studs 16" O.C
JY1" Floaling connete slob on-grade _/6 x 6" ·10/10 W.W.M.
, , , L~ _. _________ .. __ _ ___ _ _______ _ ________ _ _______ • __ _______ _ ___________________ ."". ___________ •
Rough opening 8'·0"
11 '·0"
Dimensions ore 10 outside foces of studs
Rafter Templates
2 x 4R,",.--- ---\,
I lW
Camge P/(H1s . 121
Front Elevation
Double door -see detail
1 x 4 Trim
1 x 6 Fascia
Pork chop
1 x 4 Trim, mitered corners
Texture 1-11 plywood siding
~------==::ttttit-- Flush overhead garage door
Rear Elevation
12 6[7
1 x 4 Trim
1 x 4 Trim, mitered corners
U-l--ft-- Texlure 1·11 plywood siding
Left Side Elevation
1 x 6 Foscio-
1 x 4 Trim:-,,-;--itf-jLl--lJ mitered corners
Texture 1·11 _--tt1l plywood siding ~
1 x 4Tri~ /
Window with /' __ ,,=!~~='=,=,=,='=!o"=!='=~=,=,=,='L_ Welear tempered gloss
Right Side Elevation
1 x 6 Fosci
Texture 1-11 __
plywood siding --_,,=!~~='=,=,=,='=!o"=!='=~=,=,=,='L_
Gable Overhang Detail
Asphalt shingles over 15# bUilding paper
Ill" Plywood
1 x 6 Fasci
2 x 4 Roher-"::::S14~r======~q;~ I W Plywood soffit ---+-f';.J.""~-=""''''rif;''t7,i4
2 x 4 Looko ut 16" 0.(,
Textu re 1-11 8"
plywood siding ----------lJI
2 x 4S'~tu~d_--------1r-16" 0.(,
Eave Detail
Anchors @ each rafter
Asphoh shingles over 15# building paper
%" Plywood
2 x4 Rahe r
2 x 4Slud16"O.L
2 x 4 Soffit framing
Melal drip edge
x 4 Subfascio
x 6 Fascia
X-i-----\-/Wt---2 x 4 Soffil ledger
Soffit venl
'-------- y." Plywood soffi t
'--------- Texture 1·11 plywood siding
Gable Overhang Rafter Details
Overhang rahe rs 01 fron t & rear {side viewl
~:::~==;;;::<== ralter 01 /ronl (top view)
Sill Detail
2 x 4 Sludl-------------,
Texture 1·11 plywood siding
3/." Anchor boll, S"lon9, 4'·0" O.C mox. 6" from corner
3%" Concrele slob-an-grade. wi 6 x 6' WI.4 x WI.4 W.W.M.
. #4 Bars
4" (ompocled gravel 8"
Garage P/(H1S • 123
Attic Door Elevation
1 x 4 Boards glued and SHewed to 1 x 8 boards
1 x 81&6 V·JI boards
Sirap hinge
Garage Door Trim Detail
Sectional garage door
2 x 6Roil
1 x 6 Full·depth frame
1 x 4 Trim
'-----------Texlure 1-11 plywood siding
Window Jamb Detail
Cui slope •• for droinog~ \
~ C::::::c::3it- ';'" 1 x 2 Redwood slop 01 window sill
x 2 Trim
x 2 Stop
Glozing tope, both sides
Sloped slop @still
'1'.' (lear gloss, tempered
1 x Hlop
1 x 4 Trim '---------- Texture 1· 11 plywood siding
Attic Door Jamb Detail
1 x 2 Trim
0/4" Frame
o/l" Boord door wi 1 x 4 brace
x 4 Trim
'------------ Texture 1-11 plywood siding
+ Attic Door Sill Detail
/ 1 x 1110p
~ 1 x 6 Frame, ripped to Iii
1U--- T&G 1 x 8 door ponel
:y." Plywood
!l_~-Hr-j-_- 2 x 6 Allic joists 16" 0.(,
1 x 4 Door stile & roil
-----J'.61~~~~!- Sloped sill cut from 1 x 6 cedar
Vi x If, Drip edge
1 x 4 Trim
Texture 1-11 plywood siding
Front Framing Elevation
4'·Il W
Rough opening
Goble wall lop plale
2 - 2 x 6:;:---;;:::Ai~~+:"'::=~~~ Header w/W plywood spocer
2 x 6 Ridge
Double 2 x 4 stud under ridge
2 x 4 Rafte rs
tm~2X4 =
~ .~ 00-
Angle brace, installed @45°
2· 2 x 8 Heade r w/lh" plywood spacer
2 x 4 Studs
4+::±l",=",~======"",!=~-,",,"16" O.C
I ~ ~ ~2 X 4T""'d
1,/,-2,-' .",O"~, 1'-_--;---:'8'.:>.0'--" -,---__ ~, r-'2c:' .,,-0"-+; ballam plale Rough opening
Rear Framing Elevation
12 6 [:?;:
2 x 6 Ridge
Double 2 x 4 stud under ridge
2 x 8 Noiler
r--,.:>'-c--- G,bl ... 11 lOP plale
2 x 4 Rafters
Soffit blocking
2 > 4 Soffilledger
Double 2 x 4
-'l1;:::""''='='='='''='='''~='=''=''='='=!,<!=!~,---IO.P ploles
2x4SIuds 16" O.L
2 x 4 Trealed ballom plale
Left Side Framing Elevation
2 x 6 R'd
'~ 2 x 4 32" O.c
2 x 8
,(ollar lie -
2 x 4
2 x 6
Double lop plol
Rafters ..........
Jo isl~
2 x 4 es
2 x 4 50ffille dger /
2 - 2 x w/lfl" p
2 x 4 16" 0.(
8 Header Iywood spaw
:;:S Ilu
Trea ted 2 x 4 ballom p lale
'" f= f-
~ =l
c !.;>g. N_
~ ..., ;.,
Right Side Framing Elevation
2 x 6 R'd
2 x 4 ( 32" O.C
I g.
ollar lie,
2 x 4l 16" O.C
2 x 4 R
2 x 8 N
2 x 6 J oisls
g~ x 4
2 x 4 So/fil led
Double 2 lop plale
,~ 2 x 4 S 16"0.L
reated 2 x 4 T bollom plole
14' ·0· Ridge length
Carage PlanS" ' 125
I How to Build the Gambrel Garage
Build the slab foundation at 144" x 144". Set J-bolts into the concrete 1%" from the outer edges and extending 2'/," from the surface. Set a bolt 6" from each corner and every 48" in between (except in the door opening). Let the slab cure for at least three days before you begin construction .
construct the built-up 2 x 8 headers at 99" (garage door) and 63" (window). Frame, install, and brace the walls with double top plates one at a time following the Floor Plan (page 120) and Elevation drawings (page 122). use galvanized nails to attach the studs to the sale plates. Anchor the walls to the J-bolts in the slab with galvanized washers and nuts.
Snap chalk lines on the slab for the wall plates. Cut two bottom plates and two top plates at 137" for the sidewalls. Cut two bottom and two top plates at 144" for the front and rear walls. use pressure-treated lumber for all bottom plates. Cut 38 studs at 92%", plus 2 jack studs for the garage door at 78Yi' and 2 window studs at 75'/(' . Note: Add the optional slab now, as desired.
Build the attic floor. Cut ten 2 x 6 joists to 144" long, then clip each top corner with a 1%"-long, 45 0 cul.lnstall the jOists as shown In the Framing Elevations draWings (page 1251. leaving a 3'/," space at the front and rear walls for the gable wall studs. Fasten the joists with three 8d nails at each end.
Frame the attic knee walls. Cut four top plates at 144" and two bottom plates at 137". Cut 20 studs at 26%" and 4 end studs at 33%". Layout the plates so the studs fall over the attic jOists. Frame the walls and install them 18%" from the ends of the Joists, then add temporary bracing. Option: YOU can begin building the roof frame by cutting two 2 x 8 nailers to 144" long. Fasten the nailers to the knee walls so their top edges are 32%" above the attic joists.
Mark the rafter layouts onto the top and outside faces of the 2 x 8 nailers; see the Framing Elevations drawings (page 125).
Cover the attic floor between the knee walls with 'Ii' plywood. Run the sheets perpendicular to the joists, and stop them flush with the outer joists. Fasten the flooring With 8d nng-shank nails every 6" along the edges and every 12" In the field of the sheets.
Cut the 2 x 6 ridgeboard at 168", mitering the front end at 16°. Mark the rafter layout onto the ndge. The outer common rafters should be 16" from the front end and 8" from the rear end of the ridge.
Garage Plmls • 127
Use the Rafter Templates (page 121) to mark and cut two upper pattern rafters and one lower pattern rafter. Test-fit the rafters and make any needed adjustments. use the patterns to mark and cut the remaining common rafters (20 tota l of each type). For the gable overhangs, cut an additional eight lower and SIX upper rafters following the Gable Overhang Rafter Details (page 123).
Snap a chalk line across the sidewall studs, level with the ends of the rafters. Cut two 2 x 4 soffit ledgers at 160" and fasten them to the studs on top of the chalk lines with their ends overhanging the walls by 8". Cut twenty-four 2 x 4 blocks to fit between the ledger and rafter ends, as shown in the Eave Detail (page 123). Install the blocks.
Install the common rafters. Then reinforce the joints at the knee walls with framing connectors. Also nail the attic JOists to the Sides of the floor rafters. Cut four 2 x 4 collar ties at 34", mitering the ends at 26.5 0
. Fasten them between pairs of upper rafters, as shown in the Building Section (page 119) and Framing Elevations drawing (page 125).
Frame the gable overhangs. Cut twelve 2 x 4 lookouts at 5" and nail them to the inner overhang rafters as shown in the Left and Right Side Framing Elevations (page 122). Install the inner overhang rafters over the common rafters uSing 10d nails. Cut the two front (angled) overhang rafters; see the Gable Overhang Rafter Details (page 123). Install those rafters; then add two custom-cut lookouts for each rafter.
TO complete the gable walls, cut top plates to fit between the ridge and the attic knee walls. Install the plates flush with the outer common rafters. Mark the stud layout onto the walls and gable top plate. See the Front and Rear Framing Elevations (page 125). Cut the gable studs to fit and install them. Construct the bUllt·up 2 x 6 attic door header at 62Yi'; then clip the top corners to match the roof slope. Install the header with jack studs cut at 40%" .
Mill a %"·wide x 'I ... ·deep groove into the 1 x 6 boards for the horizontal fascia along the eaves and gable ends (about 36 lin. ft.); see the Eave Detail (page 123). Use a router or table saw with a dado·head blade to mill the groove, and make the groove 'I." above the bottom edge of the fascia.
Install siding on the walls, holding It 1" below the top of the concrete slab. Add Z·flashing along the top edges, and then continue the siding up to the rafters. Below the attic door opening, stop the siding about %" below the top wall plate. As shown in the Attic Door Sill Detail (page 124). Don't nail the siding to the garage door header until the flashing is installed.
Install the 1 x 4 subfascia along the eaves, keeping the bottom edge flush with the ends of the rafters and the ends flush with the outsides of the outermost rafters. Add the milled fascia at the eaves, aligning the top of the groove with the bottom of the subfascia. Cut fascia to wrap around the overhangs at the gable ends but don't Install them until step 17.
Garage Plmls • 129
Soffit panel
'\ Pork chop
Soffit panel
Soffit ledger
Add fascia at the gable ends, holding It up y," to be flush with the roof sheathing Cut soffit panels to fi t between the fascia and walls, and fasten them with 3d galvanized nails. Install the end and return fascia pieces at the gable overhangs. Enclose each overhang at the corners with a triangular piece of grooved fascia (called a pork chop) and a piece of soffit material. Install the soffit vents as shown in the Eave Detail (page 123).
Cover the Z-flashing at the rear wall with horizontal 1 x 4 trim. Finish the four wall corners With overlapping vertical 1 x 4 trim . Install the 2 x 6 rails that Will support the garage door tracks follOWing the door manufacturer's instructions to determine the sizing and placement; see the Garage Door Trim Detail (page 124).
Sheath the roof starting at one of the lower corners. Add metal drip edge along the eaves, followed by building paper; then add drip edge along the gable ends over the paper. Install the asphalt shingles (see pages 63 to 66). Plan the courses so the roof transition occurs midshlngle, not between courses; the overlapping shingles will relax over time. If deSired, add roof vents (pages 66 to 67).
For the garage door frame, rip 1 x 8 trim boards to Width so they cover the front wall siding and 2 x 6 rails, as shown In the Garage DoorTrim Detail (page 124). Install the trim, mitering the pieces at 22S. Install the 1 x 4 trim around the outside of the opening, adding flashing along the top. See the Front Elevation (page 122).
Install the garage door in the door opening following the manufacturer's directions.
For the attic door frame, rip 1 x 6S to match the depth of the opening and cut the head jamb and side jambs. Cut the sill from full-width 1 x 6 stock; then cut a kerf for a drip edge (see the Attic Door Sill Detail, page 124). Fasten the head jamb to the side jambs and install the sill at a 5° slope between the side jambs. Install the door frame uSing shims and 10d casing nails. Add shims or cedar shingles along the length of the sill to provide support underneath. The front edge of the frame should be flush with the face of the siding. Add 1 x 2 stops at the frame sides and top %" from the front edges.
Build the window frame, which should be y," narrower and shorter than the rough opening. Install the frame using shims and 10d galvanized casing nails, as shown in the Window Jamb Detail (page 124). Cut eight 1 x 2 stop pieces to fit the frame. Bevel the outer sill stop for drainage. Order glass to fit or cut your own plastic panel. Install the glazing and stops using glazing tape for a watertight seal. Add the window trim .
Build the attic doors as shown in the Attic Door Elevation (page 124), using glue and 1 y." screws. Each door measures 28%" x 38", including the panel braces. Cut the 1 x 8 panel boards about y." short along the bottom to compensate for the sloping sill. Install the door with two hinges each. Add 1 x 4 horizontal trim on the front wall up against the doorsill; then trim around both sides of the door frame. Prime and paint as desired.
Garage Plmls • 131
A carport provides CI !O\v-cost alte rnative to <1 gmage,
protecting your vehicle from direct rain , snO\v,
and sunlight. Because it is not an enclosed structu re , a ca rport is not he ld to the same building restric tions
as a garage . This ca rport p lan provides a lOx 16-foot
coverage Clrea that is large e nough to Clcco mrnodate
most full -size vehicles. To help ease the bu ilding process, pre man ufactured trusses are used. \Nhen orderi ng trusses, spec ify the roof pitc h, distance bei ng
spanned, a nd the amount of overhang of the rafter
ta ils . Also, place you r order a few weeks in advance of
your project start date. M any home ce nte rs and lumber
ymds carry in-stoc k trusses in stcmdard dime nsions
and roof pitches, slich CIS a J O-foot Spclll with a 6- in -12
pitch-the dimensions used in this project.
This project a lso features meta l roofing pane ls,
an a ttractive and easy-to-insta ll roofing mater ia l tha t
does not req uire a roof dec k. The tru sses a re t ied
together \vith 2 x 4 purlins, w hi ch a lso provide nai le rs
for the me ta l roof pane ls. T he pane ls are fastened
with self-tapping metal roofing scre\'vs with rubber
was he rs to preve nt wate r lea kage. Because of the
sca le of thi s project, rec ruit the help of at least one
other person.
A carport is faster, easier, and cheaper to build than a full garage, but the storage and security benefits these structures offer are more limited.
Materials & Cutting List ~
Description Quantity/ Size Material Description Quantity/ Size Material
Foundation Fasteners
Ba ~er boards Ibroces IO@ B'-O" 2 x 4 1 W deck screws
Drainage material 1% cu. ft. Campaclible grovel 2W deck screws
Concrete tube forms 6@14"-dia . 6d galvanized (ommon nails
Concrete field measure 3,000 psi cancrele Bd galvanized cammon nails
Beam Framing Bd iaisl hanger nails
Pasls (6) 6@12' 6 x 6 rough-sown lOd galvanized (ommon noils cedar %M x 4" galvanized log screws 4B, with washers
Side beams (4) 4@16' 2 x 8 pressure treated %- x 5- galvanized log screws 12, wilh washers End beams (2) 2@12' 2 x 8 pressure treoted IOd ringshank nails laleral beams (4) 4@1O' 2 x 8 pressure treated 6d galvanized casing nails Diagonal support (8) 4@B' 4 x 4 cedar 6d siding nails Roof Framing 1- self-topping metol roofing screws with rubber washers Gable broces (8) 4@1O', 2@8' 2 x 4 (as specified by melal roofing manufacllJfer)
Trusses, 2 end and 13@ 10' span 2x4with 2Y1- self-topping metol roofing screws wilfl rubber washers II cammon (13) 6-in-12 pilch (as specified by melal roofing manufaclurer)
Purlins (10) 20@8' 2 x 4
Metal hurricone ties 22, with nails Simpson H-I
Melol hurricane ties 4, with nails Simpson H-2.S
Melal roofing panels 8@4'x8' wi lh ridge cap and seoler strip
Gable Finishes
Gable-end purlin blacking (16) 3@8' 2x2
Blacking (8) 5@10' I x 6
Gablesheathing (4) 2 @4 x 8' 0/." COX plywood
Gableend fascia (4) 4@8' Ix6cedm
Side fascia (2) 4@1O' lx8cedm
Siding (14) 14@8' cedar siding with 6" reveal
Garage P/(H1S • 133
Front Elevation
Side Elevation
+-- -~=======
, i
i 1 i 1 t !
j i ! I 1 t
!! i i 1 ii ! i
I<+--~~------- ~· ------------~
+----t-+-----\------ , .... ------------++----+
Side Section
1 '-31/~" O.c.
r---' /0 P
W ~ ---
2 X lIND I(AtoA
1\ 1'-4- D.C.
! i !!
! i , .. !i ., .. !i
i i ,! ,1 i i !! ! I ~
/0: I
~ru(," SIDE BEAM
[=] [=]
Front Section
0,- ~
~ ----
\ 2
i=l Carage P/(H1S • 135
Beam Framing Plan
I? ..
16'Q .. ..,. .'-0"
r-- f' ------------- -- - -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -1-~ j ./ 2 X 8 DOUBLE SIDEaEAM i - ! ---, ,'" /' ~ !
:, ~
\ I- IJ I-
1- 1 I-
~2X. LATIAAl.lfAMS _________. r--..
r I " !
104· CONCllETE
! -' ROOFLINE '- I [-----------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------j-
... "-"'MND
Diagonal Support Detail
V ~O 01
'k )'.7' ,I ,
_VI"" 1
I I ==1: 1.,,11 .. ,
.. 0 ......
'k 'k 'k "->' S' MErAL .... IION' nos
Gable End Detail
I How to Build a Carport
Layout the rough location of the carport with stakes and string, creating an area 10 feet wide and 16 feet long. Install ten 2 x 4 batterboard sets with crosspieces about 2" below the tops of the stakes. Run level mason's strings between the batterboards at planned post locations. Measure and mark the exact post locations on the layout strings according to your plan, and then drive wooden stakes to mark their locations on the ground.
Trim the post tops. Mark the finished height onto one post and draw a cutting line. Transfer the cutting line to all other posts using a mason's string and line level or a laser level as a reference. Trim the posts to height. Scribe a 3"·wide x 7%"·deep notch on the outSide face of each post, and then cut the notches with a circular saw.
Dig post footing holes for 14"·dia. footings at least 6" deeper than your local frost line. use a power auger or clamshell digger. Make sure the holes are centered on the stakes. Many local building codes require bell·shaped flares at the footing bases. Pour 2 to 3" of compactable gravel Into each footing hole. Set a concrete tube form into each hole, then insert a 6 x 6 post that's slightly longer than the final post height. Brace and plumb the posts, check alignment, and then fill footing holes with concrete.
Install the side beams. Cut four 2 x 8s at 192" using a CIIcular saw Then clamp the boards together in pairs and facenail With 10d common nails to make the side beams. Lift the beams into the notches and clamp into pOSition so the ends of the beams are flush with the edges of the posts. Fasten each beam with two % x 5" galvanized lag screws and washers.
Garage Plmls • 137
Install end beams. Cut two 2 x 8 end beams at 144" uSing a circular saw. Then 11ft and position the end beams against the ends of the posts with the top edges flush with the post tops. The beams should extend 12" past each post on each end. Securely clamp the beams in position and fasten with two % x 4" lag screws with washers per joint.
Install corbels. Cut eight 4 x 4 diagonal supports (corbels) to size, beveling one end and notching the other. At each post, measure down from the side beam and mark at 26". Position the beveled end of the support against the post aligned with the mark, and the notched-out end against the bottom edge of the Inner member of the side beam. Clamp the support to the side beam and attach with 'I. x 4" lag screws with washers.
Install lateral beams. Cut four 2 x 8 lateral beams to size and lift each beam into position between the side beams. Make sure the top edges of the beams are flush with the top of the posts and clamp in place. Drill a pair of %"-deep counterbore hales using a 1" spade bit, then drill3W'-deep, Y/ pilot holes at each location. Fasten the lateral beams with % x 4" lag screws with washers.
Install the first truss. Place a gable truss on the ends of the side beams. Extend a pall of long 2 x 4s to the ground and clamp them to the truss so the truss is held in place In vertical position. Align each truss with the reference marks on the Side beams, and then measure the overhang of each rafter tail to ensure proper placement. use wood shims at the braces to keep the truss plumb, if necessary. Toenail the truss in place uSing 10d galvanized common nails. Install the truss at the other end of the carport. Tip: Tack a chalk line to the raiter tails at each carport end so it spans the length. Draw the lines taut and use them as references for installing the common rafters.
Install common trusses, Lift each truss up so its ends rest on the side beams- It's easier to do this if the truss is upside down (with the peak facing downward). When you are ready to install it. flip the truss right-side up and position it on the beams. Trusses do not always need to follow conventional rafter spacing (16 or 24" O.c.). Here, the carport design has the trusses spaced 27%" apart O.c. Toenail the trusses to the beams with 10d nails. Install the trusses in order, tacking a 1 x 4 brace to the top chord to maintain the correct spacing and alignment If you will be installing purlins for a panel roof, install one now in lieu of a brace.
Install the purlins, Metal and fiberglass roof panels don't require a deck, but they normally need to have evenly spaced sets of wood striPS beneath them for reinforcement Called purlins, these strips are mounted perpendicular to the trusses or rafters. Often, they are used to secure a profiled filler strip that fits underneath the roofing panel to support the profiled shape and create a seal. Snap chalk lines for alignment, and then install the purlins.
Garage Plmls • 139
Close off the gable ends. Install 1 x 6 blocking to fur out the chords and struts of the gable-end trusses. Measure the triangular shape of the gable-end wall from the top edge of the end beam to the top edge of the blocking. Divide the area into two equal-size triangular areas, and cut '(." plywood sheathing to fit. Attach the sheathing with 1 Vi' deck screws.
Cut 1 x 6 fascia boards- two for each gable end- long enough to extend from the peak to several inches past the ends of the rafter tails. use a rafter square to mark the peak ends of the boards for the roof pitch, and then cut the angles. Fasten the gable-end fascia boards to the gable sheathing using 6d galvanized casing nails. Cut 1 x 8s to size for the side fascia boards and fasten with 6d galvanized casing nails driven into the ends of the rafter tails. Make sure the top edge of the fascia boards do not protrude above the top of the last row of purllns. Tllm the ends of the gable-end fascia flush with the side fascia using a handsaw
Install roofing panels. Lay the first metal roofing panel across the purlins and position it so the finished edge of the panel extends approximately 1" beyond the gable-end fascia, and 1" past the side fascia. Drive 1" metal roofing screws with rubber washers through the roof panel into the purl Ins (these are sometimes called pole barn screws). Space the fasteners according to the manufacturer's directions. Install all panels, overlapping each preceding panel according to the manufacturer's directions. work from one gable end to the other. Insta ll the final panel so the finished edge overhangs the gable-end fascia by 1".
Ridge Caps ~
A cutaway view of the ridge cap shows how the cap fits over the sealer strip. The caulk and the rubber sealer strip form a barrier to water and pests.
Install the ridge cap (left). To seal the roof ridge, a metal cap piece that matches the roof panels IS screwed over the open seam. Mark the location for the rubber sealer strip on the starter purlin 6%" from the peak of the roof. Run a bead of caulk along the reference line, and then install sealer strips on both sides of the peak. Apply a caulk bead to the tops of the sealer strips, and then center the preformed metal ridge cap over the peak so It overhangs the finished edges of the gableend roof panels by 1". At each ridge of the metal roof panels, drive 2W' metal roofing screws with rubber washers through the ridge cap and sealer strip.
Install siding. Choose a style and color of siding that matches or blends with your house siding and Install it In the gable area. Here, cedar lap siding IS being Installed. use a framing square or rafter square to mark cutting lines on the ends of each piece to match the roof pitch. Install a 2"-wide starter strip at the bottom, and then work your way up toward the gable peak. Maintain a conSistent reveal, and nail the siding In areas that will be covered by the next course. Stain or seal any exposed cedar, such as the gable ends, side fascia, and posts.
Garage Plmls • 141
Garage Workshop
There is no better spot for your dreum \vorkshop
thun in the garage. BecCllIse things you do in a
works hop tend to produce noise and mess, a garage \<\rorkshop has the adva ntage of iso lation from the rest
of th e household. Whet her your inte res ts tend toward
\,vQodv<'urking, meta lworking, small engine repair, or
just plain tinkering away with the ballgame o n the
radio, you'll spe nd plenty of qua lity time in your
garage workshop. In morc te mperate c limates, garages ofte n ma ke
better s hops than baseme nts . Ven tila ting the shop is as
easy as opening the garage door or ro lling machinery
outside fo r doing dus ty work. Garages usually have
high finish ed ceilings or open trusses, so you can
mane uver larger building materia ls and make ta ller
projects V1lithout overhead res trictio ns. Having a shop
o n ground level a lso saves you r back from stra ining
\·vhen you need to move machinery, supplies, and
projects in and ou t of the \vorks hop.
If you'd rathe r not dedi cate your e ntire ga rage
to a workshop, yo u ca n st ill kee p one or more sta lls
ava ilabl e for parking a car, bicycles, or a lawn tractor
by simply mounti ng you r tools and vwrkbench on
wheels. \t\1hee ls make it possible for one person to
easi ly move eve n the la rgest mach ine ry.
One problem with most garages is they don't
have e nough e lec trica l outl ets. Those that are present
a re often fed with an inadequate e lectrical supp ly.
Ma ny garages, eve n on new homes, a rc wi red with a
single c ircuit . Some garages on older homes have no
electricity a t all, espec ia lly if they a re detac hed from
the house. When a ga rage serves on ly as parlUng and
sto rage space, a single e lectri c c ircuit is suffi cient
for servic ing a ga rage doo r opener, an overhead light ,
and maybe a fevv light-d uty outlets. But o nce your
garage becomes a workshop, you're going to need more
e lectricity to pO\·ver too ls with larger motors, such as
table smvs and planers .
Creative use of space in and around your garage lets you build a workshop that meets your needs without making your garage unusable for other functions.
Bench-top power tools can be used on your workbench or you can build rolling bases to make them easy to transport from place to place. Either way, they offer excellent flexibility and efficiency
With a mple cross-ven t ilation . a garage shop is pleasant to work in during sp ring a nd fa ll month s,
espec ia lly if YO LI work in the cool of the d ay. \J\' inters and summers are a d iffe rent story, depending on w here you live . Garage walls a rc often un insulated, so you r \vorkshop ca n become nea rly intolerable to
work in on bitterl y co ld days or during hot , humid
summe rs. Uninsu lated spaces will be diffic ult to heat or cool effi cientl y. \\food glues Cl n d fini shes won't Clife
properly belov,l 55°F, so you'll have to move gluing a nd fini s hing tasks indoors o r save them unti l spring.
A couple of heating options ca n make winter shop t ime more tolerab le an d even pleasant. Standard "milk
house" style e lectric heaters designed for heating a foo m Simply \VOIl't genefCl te enough heat to wa rm an
e nti re gct rage. Kerosene or propa ne- fuel ed hea ters, espec ia lly those with bu ilt-in blowers, will do the job
more effici e ntly. A higher output, 240-volt heater \,v ill a lso work. Eithe r cho ice is safe to use in a ga rage, provided you o pen a window or door or raise your garage door a few inches to exhaust carbon monoxide. You 'll a lso need to turn off the heate r when routing or sawing for long pe riod s of time so the heate r fl ame does n't ignite the dust.
Cool ing a garage s hop during the summe r ca n be eq ually c hallenging. Cross-venti lation will help d rmv breezes th rough the shop, es pecially if you use a fan to help move the a ir.
Unfinished ga rage wa ll s make it easy to store supplies, lumber, and tools. Mount she lving, workbenc hes, lumbe r rac ks, and pegboard direct ly to the wa ll studs. You can eve n store lumber and other odds a nd ends overh ead if the roof trusses
are accessi ble.
Garage PlmlS • 143
A combination of light sources should include natural light, general overhead lighting- preferably from a fluorescent tube fixture (see pages 192 to 193)- and directed task lighting provided by a trouble light or other lamp fitted with a compact fluorescent or LED bulb.
I Preparing the Garage Gett ing you r ga rage works hop up an d run ning is o ne
thing, but re fi n ing it to su it you r speci fi c working
style will take yea rs. Most DlYers e njoy the p rocess
of c reating and recreating a \,vo rks hop as the ir too ls
amass and th e ir s lzj\l s improve. For our purposes, we"]]
disc lI ss the bas ics of turning a space into a workshop. O f course you'll need to adapt thi s ge ne ral advice to fit you r context, budget, and personal prefe rences . De pending on you r space li mi tat ions and expec ta tions,
the jo b may be as easy as c lea ring out some cl utte r an d pu tting up a workbenc h .
It's probab ly impossib le to have too muc h light
in a wo rks hop. Try to have e nough light so YO LI vvon't
be force d to work in the shadows . I n addi t io n to
na tura l light from w indows and skylights, wo rks ho ps
shou ld be lit with a co mbi nat io n of overhead and
tas k lighti ng. Overhead lights ill umina te the gene ra l
vvo rks pace, whil e task ligh ting d irects focused light
o n the vvo rkbenc h a nd ot he r mac hin es whe re YO LI
need it most .
O rdinary cei ling- mou nted incandescent light
bu lbs p rov ide a reasonabl e amount of light in the
imm ediate area u nde r the fixture, but the ligh t drops
off q uic kJ y as YO Ll move a\vay, creating shadO\,l,is. If
you're add ing new fixtures, pla n fo r o ne single- lam p
fixtu re to illu m inate about 16 square feet of floor
space. You r garage shop s hould be eq ui pped \,vith
fixtu res tha t have protective cove rs over the lamps .
IVlake the most of natura l light if your workspace
has windows. S u n light prod uces wond erfu l wo rks hop
ligh ti ng. A few \vindows, a skylight, o r si m ply
open ing ga rage and service doors ca n la rge ly rep lace
ar ti fic ial light ing during the daytime. Natu ra l light
makes even small sho ps mo re pl easant to wo rk in
whil e providing some rad ia nt heat. I nsta ll skylights
so they face nort h o r eas t if you live in a hot cl imate.
You 'll ge t t he benefit of ind irec t sun ligh t b righten ing
you r space w ithou t a ll t he extra heat. Fo r coo le r
cl ima tes, pos ition s kyligh ts sout hwa rd to ca ptu re
mo re d irect sunlight.
Fluorescent Lights ~
Standard CFL
TC-14 11 watt CFL
Bulb-shaped CFL
Fluorescent T-8 tube lamp
Fluorescent T-5 tube lamp
~ i~ . il
compact fluorescent lamps are better than incandescents because they provide the same light output with only a third of the wattage. Depending on the type, elFs can be used with standard incandescent fixtures, fluorescent fixtures, and those with dimmer switches.
Fluorescent lights are well sUited for your garage because they provide diffuse, even light They are inexpensive to buy, and they operate on a fraction of the energy used by incandescent light bulbs, yet they produce about five times as much light and last about ten times as long. Fluorescent fixtures and bulbs come in a rapidly expanding range of sizes, shapes, and qualities. On the low end, you can buy
4-Ioot "shop lights" for less than $10 each. However, these budget-priced fixtures have low-quality ballasts that often make an annoying buzzing sound when the lights are on . In colder temperatures, the ballasts warm up slowly and make the bulbs flicker or light dimly. For about two or three
times the price of economy fixtures, you can buy better quality 4-Ioot lights with "industrial" ballasts that start
quickly in cold weather The ballasts operate quietly and outlive their cheaper cousins.
For larger workspaces, consider installing 8-foot fluorescent lighting (see pages 192 to 193). Each fixture will cost $50 to $100 on average, which is usually still more economical than buying two premium 4-Ioot lights. long
fluorescent fixtures are made for commercial applications, so you'll be assured of good-quality ballasts designed for coldweather use. Long fixtures also make for easier installation. You'll only need to hang and wire half as many lights.
Garage Plmls • 145
I Lighting & Electrical
Along with ample light ing, you'll need sufficie nt
electric ity in your shop . At a minimum, workshops
require two ci rcu its. One] 5-amp c ircuit should be
dedi cated to shop lighting. Otherwise, you could
be left in the dark if YOLI trip a c ircuit breaker while
lIsing a mac hine. The other circuit supplies pm-ver
for elect rica l out lets. Read the labels on your tools to
ide ntify hmv many amps they dr3\.v a t pea k loads, the n
usc a circuit rated 20 to 30 percent over th is number. For smalle r corded power tools , a IS -am p c ircuit
is usually sufficient. Fu ll -size tab le saws, plan ers,
jointe rs , and dust collectors shou ld draw power from
a 20-a mp c ircuit. La rge tool s that produce 2 hp Of
more are general ly vv ired fo r 220-volt operation, which
requires a t least a 30-a mp c ircui t. If YO LI don 't have
room to add two or more new c ircuits for the shop ,
a licensed electric ian can insta ll a smaller pane l of
additional c ircuit breake rs , cal led a subpanel (pages
188 to 191 ). Subpancls a re also usefu l when your
shop is located in the ga rage far from the ma in service
pane l. Having a subpane l in the shop a llows you to
S\,vitch c irc ui ts on and off conve niently \,vithout having
to wa lk a ll the way to the main pane l.
Caution: Adding new circuits to the main seroice panel may e'Xceed its amperage capacit)~ even if there are slots available for more circuits. An electrician can determine whether adding more circuits or (f subpanel w ill be safe for your curreTl-t mairl panel. See pages J 78 to 191.
You'll like ly need to use exte nsion cords to de liver
pm,ver whe re it's needed o r move machines around
I Air Quality & Ventilation
Sawdust and fumes from sta ins, varnis hes, a nd othe r
Finishing s upplies can co mpromise the a ir qua li ty in
your shop. Contaminated air isn 't j ust unpleasant to
breathe, it's unhea lthy. Use portable fans to move
the air through \,v indows and doors whe n you a re
sand ing, sawing, or routing. Place the fan in a \,vindO\v
or doonvay opposite another open windO\v or door to
c reate a cross breeze. When you r wood\"vorking tool
arsenal grows large e nough to in c lude those rea lly
dusty tool s, espec ia lly tuble smvs, stat ionary sa nders ,
and plane rs, invest in a dust collector to capture dust ,
wood chips, a nd other de bri s right at the source.
Use heavy-gauge extension cords In the shortest usable lengths to power your tools. This cord will be adequate for tools draWing 15 amps or less, provided it's not overly long.
the shop in orde r to plug them in. Extension cords
can be used safe ly to power most tool s, provided the
cord's amperage rati ng is greater than the tool 's peak
amperage draw. In other words , if the tool draws 12
amps under maximum load, use an extens ion cord
rated for 15 or more a mps, Keep the length of the
extension cords as short as possible w ithout ca using
tripping hazards. Long exten sion cords ca n starve too ls
of optima l am pe rage to operate properly.
I Workbenches
\Aloodworking suppl y cata logs and ho me centers sell
workbenches, but you can probably bui ld a benc h
of equal or better quality yo urself for less than wha t
you'll pay for a ready- made benc h . Project books often
include plans for \,vorkbenches, <:Ind wood\'vorki ng
magazines publi sh \,vorkbe nch stories nea rly every yea r.
Benches fa ll into three broad categories: traditional cabin etmaker's benc hes, utility workbe nc hes, and
me talworking benc hes . Traditional be nches are those
with thick hardwood tops and sturdy "vooden leg
bases, They' re freestanding, so you can pos ition them
whe rever you need to and work around a ll four sides.
Bench dimensions are typically 2 feet wide and 4 to 6
feet long. The top work surface tends to be a laminated
blank of hard map le, beech, or other hardwood . The
extra thickness helps absorb vibrations produced by heavy pounding, and the added vveight keeps the bench
stat ionary. Bench tops are often outfitted with a series
of ho les along one long edge or at the end. \t\1ood or
metal pegs, ca lled bench dogs, fit into these holes and
work in conjunction wi th a vise on the bench to hold
long boards or large \vorkp ieces. If YOLI buy a tradit ional
bench, expect to pay more than $500 for a good one. Util ity \.vorkbenches a re easy to bui ld and a
good value for \voodv/orking and gene ral home
improvement tasks. T hese benc hes may resemble cabinetmaker styles with a heavy top and a ske letal
base, or they can be as s impl e as a s heet of plywood
on top of a closed cabinet o r two. A utility workbenc h
Utility bench
I Shop Layout Arra nging tools, materia ls, and fixtures in your shop
will depend on the shape of the space you have;
\..vhere doors, w indows, and o utl ets a re located; and
the s ize and mob ility of the mac h ine ry you own.
Your veh ic le parking and general sto rage needs w ill
impact the shop too, of course. Th e foll owing two
pages inc lude four sam ple f loor plans . He re arc some
general gu idelines to start with whe n laying out
your shop: • Locate s he lves or racks for sto ring lumber or sheet
goods c lose to e nt I)' doors and sta irwells.
• Table sm'vs requi re at least 4 to 8 feet of clear
space o n a ll sides so there's room to vwrk wit hout
hitti ng wa lls or other obst ructions . Place the saw
ncar the ce nte r of the shop.
can be freestanding, or you ca n fasten it to wa ll s tud s.
Your benc h will be more useful w ith a vise, but you
can often forego the vise and use C-clam ps or other
short cla mps to secu re your \vork to the bench top.
Or buy a clamp-on bench vise.
Woodworking bench
Metalworking bench
• Keep your thickness p lane r and join ter ncar the tab le saw so you can move eas ily from jointer to planer
to table saw for sizi ng and surfac ing stock efficientl y.
• Arrange other machines a nd s hop fixtures where
they are co nvenie nt for you.
• Helve a bin nem the mite r smv for collecting s hort
sc raps. Pbce your stationa ry sa nd ing stat ion neelr
a wi ndow to d raw out the ai rborne dust.
• Router ta bles and band saws ca n be stored
anywhere, provided they are on wheels.
• A drill press shou ld stand agai nst a \,va ll where
it's less li kely to ti p over.
• Keep measu ring a nd marking tools, hand tools, con tainers of fas teners, and glue close
to the wo rkben ch.
Garage Plmls • 147
Sample Garage Workshop Floor Plans
" Lumber Rack
I , ,
Se rvice Door \ [ [
"" [I
I 1 I , .
!-~ tj ,
! , ,
I I .. ,V
. .j- ,-
f---I I
'- I
I 1
Rollup Door i I I ' 1 r--
I f--
"i: I I'll ~~_H-Workbench (24 x 60")
I 1 I Shop [R 1r -Mll ,
, . . . .... , \ j Workbench
h~ • (~OX ~O,") , ,
I ,
--- '- ROlli~ I I I tool chest '\ -~
H Router Table I , '_ l , ~ ,-- II --:11
~ , . l- I
ru -
t '. i ,
~ t t jl ',' "U \ -l-+-
.\ 1-. , , nt "'"
, , I Ql~ \ l'" <h- i
-, i t
Air Compressor
\ \ Drill 'r 1 '- - L ~ ..... tt ,- Sanding
~ ~ ~ r Station Outfeed Table
L l--.I-J (storage cabin et under)
L I 1 L I L J L Rollup Door
... J~athe ,
~st CbllJctdr '
1 Table skw I
I = .. I I I ,
,~ -
.~ I
t Planer r---rl II I I 't!:::::::!:1 I I
I .~ \ " Jointer ,
" Miter Saw ~r- -=1= ..... , t ..
Workbench I ~ . . . .. I I '
j- . ' -
rr;; ~ Drill Press I"- L V Bandsaw U I TTr
L...l I L...l I Rollup Door
Rollup Door
Service Door ~~~,,+~r;--,-
Tool Cabinet --+1-
Shop _---rr Vac
i I
,I ' I I
Miter Saw Air Compressor
I t
+ + +
; ~
1 -~
A r compressot I
i t- - ,
j i /
Service D oor --,........ 1
L...l L 1 J I I Rollup Door
j. j.
HH-- Router Table
-1H+- Dust Collector
Garage P/(H1S • 149
'II~ II. I'.
Garage Improvements
Whether you use your garage prima rily for parking
and storage or you dream of converting it into a customized space for pu rsu ing vvoodv,lorking, a uto
restorat ion , or other hobbies, you'll only be ab le to lise the space effectively if some basic organizationa l and infrast ructure needs are met. T his "Ga rage Improve ments" c hapter is filled with pract ica l
so lutions to help you tu rn you r garage in to the space you've a lways wanted it to be. T he first several projects
focus on \\131 1 and ceiling storage options, and each could easily be completed in a weekend or less. The next s ix projects address e lectrical a nd lighting
improvements . If YOLI have moderate wiring ski ll s already, you' ll he ab le to handle each of these projects safely withou t hiring an e lectric ian to do the work.
The last fe\-\' projects provide practical alternatives for
either spruci ng up you r exist ing cement slab floo r or
installing a dura ble ne\-\' covering over it.
I n its present state your ga rage may be a
dan k and unusab le cave, or it may si m ply be plain
and u n inspired . Bu t once you set your mi nd to
accom plis hing even one of these projec ts, you'l l start
t he ba ll ro lling toward a much better workspace a nd storage area. It's not imposs ible, and the benefits \vill
fa r oll twe igh the init ial effort.
In this chapter:
• Storage & Workspace Improvements
• Electrical & Lighting Improvements
• Floor Improvements
• Installing Roll-out Floor Covering
• Installing Interlocking Floor Tiles
• 151
Storage & Workspace Improvements
Garages tend to be cCltc h-a ll spaces fo r anythi ng a nd everything that does n't qu ite f it in the hOllse.
O ld boxes of meme ntos or hags of sport ing equ ipment ,
collecti ons of s tuff intended for tha t next ya rd sale, a
do rm room's contents home for su m me r, t he brokcn
dO\vJl lavvn rn O\ver t hat never q u ite made it to the
curb ... the possibilities a re virtll<:llly endless. We sim p ly have stuff to spa re, and once the basement or
att ic reac hes its fill , t he garage is t he next logical spot
fo r ovc rflO\.v. All t hat's rca lly requi red to ma nage you r
mess is a bi t of plan ning and organizati on . Even if you
are among those rare folks who ca n keep the disorder
down to a du ll roa r natura ll y, maki ng storage a nd
\vorkspace im provements to you r garage ca n he lp you
free up space to use in other \-vays, suc h as p ursu ing a
gel rage-based hobby.
Whatever your garage demands are, the fi rst step
in organizing it is evaluating exactly what you need to
store. Do you have tools and equ ipment that shou ld
be hung up or can they lay flat? Maybe those boxes in
the corne r eire light enough to store on a she lf or even
p lace on a rack thelt hangs from the ceil ing. Ca ns, odd
shaped containers, sma ll pO\ver tools, and the like \,vill
stow well in cabinets, while the reaJly sma ll stuff m ight
fi t best in a series of drawe rs. Docs your inve ntory of
necessary chem ica ls and compounds incl ude hazardous
or fla mmable materia l with spec ia l storage needs? Take
stock of your stuff, reduci ng or recycling what you
really don't need , then you'll be ready to come up with a
garage storage p lan that works.
This section offers storage solutions fo r anything
and everyth ing in you r garage. Most of these projects
are re lat ive ly inexpensive, a nd you may even have
the materials needed already. Genera ll y, no single
storage so lut ion will do the \vhole job. So try to
compartmenta lize a reas o f your ga rage for certai n
lcinds of sto rage, and keep you r opt ions open fo r how
best to use the \,va ll , fl oor, and ceiling space. Tv,lo or
three differen t options could provide the idea l system
for your ga rage.
Your garage can be the picture of neatness and function with the right combination of storage systems. NO matter what you need to organize your space, there's a project or product option that can help get the Job done.
Insulating Your Garage Walls ~
Use faced fiberglass insulation batts to insulate your garage walls. Staple the backing tabs to the wall studs, driving a staple every 8 to 10". The tabs should be perfectly flat against the studs to block air movement. DO not compress the insulation.
Fit the batts around electrical boxes by cutting the insulation with scissors, not by stuffing it. Tuck a small piece of the insulation behind the box If there's room.
Work around obstacles in the wall cavities. For wIring cables and conduit, spilt the batts by separating them into two layers. Tuck the unfaced layer behind the cable or conduit and then install the faced layer over both.
cut around windows and doors. Lay a batt on a piece of scrap plywood with the facing down. Set a wide straightedge, such as a metal rule, across the batt at the cutting point. Press down on the straightedge to compress the insulation and then slice through with a sharp utility knife. Be sure to wear gloves and face protection (such as a respirator).
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 153
I Finishing Interior Walls
Whether or not to install finished interior wal ls on
your ga rage is mostl y a matter of preference. The on ly tim e wa ll surfaces ,He req uired is "v he n yo ur
garage shares a wa ll wit h yo ur hOllse (an attached garage) or if one of the wa ll s in your de tached garage run s para ll c l to the house and is constructed w ithin 3 feet of the hou se. In both cases only the
shared or closest wal ls need to be finished to bl ock
the spread ing of fire. T ypica ll y, a wa ll cove ring of
!/2"- thick (minimum) d!)'wcdl \"l ith taped seams is
requ ired. So me c ircu mstan ces may de mand that YO LI
install fire-rated, Type X drywa ll o r a double layer of
drywall. The sea ms between dryv/a ll pane ls on firebloc king wa lls mu st be fini shed w ith tape embedded
in jo int compound or w ith ad hes ive-backed f irc
blocking tape .
If the area above the garage is occupied by a habita ble room , the ga rage wal ls sho uld be covered "v ith ~" dryv,f<:lll to provide rigidity and structure, and the cei li ng should be finis he d \v ith 5/R"- t hic k Type X
drywal l. Ceiling sea ms shou ld be eovered wi th tape
and compou nd. Fastener heads do not need to be
covered with compound except for visua l reaso ns.
If your goa l is to c reate a garage \vith wa ll s that are
finis he d to inte rior sta nda rds o r serve to preven t fire
sp re<:lding, the n d ryvv<.dl is an excellent w<:I ll covering.
Although the price a nd avai labi lity of dive rse building
m ateria ls flu ctuates rathe r dramatica lly, dryv.1a ll is
Finishing your garage walls with drywall or other panel products improves the appearance of your garage and also can serve practical funcllons such as forming a fire block or concealing wiring or plumbing.
typ ica lly one of the more economica l c hoices. But
because dryvva ll is rebtively susceptible to damage
from im pact (for exa mple, from tools or bicycles) and
does n't \,viths ta nd exposu re to moistu re wel l, many
homeowne rs c hoose othe r wall coverings for thei r
ga rage. Exterior si ding pane ls are thick e nough to
hold fasteners and with stand mois ture we ll but a re
re latively costly, and most have a rougher texture tha t
some find bothe rsome o n interior spaces. Interior
pa ne ling has only minimal st ructural va lue <:I nd some
styles a re fai rl y inexpens ive, but it may be more
visua lly p leaSi ng to you.
Plywood a nd oriented s trand board (OSB) are
popular products for garage wa lls. Thi c ke r pa nels ( Y2 to %" thick) give excel le nt rigidity to th e wa ll s a nd
are su itable for holding so me fastene rs. They can
be left unfini shed, clea r-coated for protection w ith
polyure thane finish (or compara ble), or yo u may
c hoose to paint them . A lighter colored wa ll p<J int in
semigloss or gloss is a good c hoi ce. Sheet goods t hat
have a p leasing colo r o r woodgrain may be fin ished
w ith e it he r a clear coating or a protective deck/siding
stain . Lauan plyv.'Ood underlayment, for example, has
a na tural mahogany colo r that can be pleas ing \vhen
treated \\l ith a reddish exterio r sta in or clea r co<Jt. It is
a lso inexpe ns ive but it is t hin (W' on average) a nd c<:l n
only su pport very light-duty fasteners \,vi th li tt le load,
suc h as a stic kpin hold ing a wall ca lenda r.
Finishing Garage Walls ~
Fire-rated drywall (Type X) is often required on walls that separate the garage and house, but more often it is installed on garage ceilings when a habitable space is located above the garage.
Tape the seams In fire-rated walls. If you are Installing fire-rated drywall that won 't be painted, you can save time and effort by using self-adhesive firewall tape (see Resources, page 235).
Sheet goods that may be used for interior garage walls include: (A) Siding panels ITl-ll shown); (8) fiber-cement siding panels; (e) %" interior grade plywood; (D) \\" -th ick underlayment (lauan shown); (E) cedar siding panels; (F) oriented strand board; (G) hardwood plywood (birch shown); (H) drywall (y," shown).
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 155
I How to Hang Drywall in a Garage
Begin installing drywall panels in a corner. You can Install the panels vertically or horizontally, depending on the wall height and how much cutting is involved. Garage walls are seldom a standard 8 ft., as are Interior walls. If you are finishing a ceiling with drywall, cover the ceiling first so you can press the tops of the wall panels up against the ceiling panels. This helps support the ends of the ceiling panels. Drive coarse l V." drywall screws every 16".
Mark and make cutouts for electrical and utility boxes. Use a drywall saw, key hole saw, or spiral-cutting saw to make the cutouts. Make sure the edges of the front boxes are flush with the face of the drywall (move the boxes, if necessary). Finish installing all panels.
cut drywall pieces to fit around doors and windows. Take special care If you are covering a firewall since any gaps will need to be filled with JOint compound and taped over. Make straight cuts that run full width or length by scoring through the face paper with a utility knife and then snapping along the scored line. Finish the cut by slicing through the paper of the back face.
Cover seams between drywall panels with jOint compound; use drywall tape on walls that serve as firewalls. Cover tape with two layers of feathered-out joint compound, and then cover all fastener heads if you will be painting the walls. Give the panels a coat of drywall primer before painting.
I How to Finish Walls with Sheathing
Begin installing full panels of sheathing at one comer. Apply a bead of construction adhesive to the faces of the wall studs before installing each panel. For best holding power, use drywall screws or deck screws instead of finish nails or pneumatic nails. Drive the screws so the heads are countersunk just below the wood surface.
Use screen retainer strips or T-molding to cover the seams between sheathing panels If you will be painting the walls. Attach the striPS with panel adhesive and brad nails. Sand back any splinters around fastener heads, and then cover the heads with jOint compound or wood putty.
Make cutouts for boxes with a jigsaw Cut panels to fit using a circular saw for straight cuts and the jigsaw for any other interior cuts. Install all wall panels, making sure the seams fall at wall stud locations. Leave gaps of % to %" between panels.
Paint the sheathing with a semigloss or gloss paint that's easy to clean and Will reflect light well. Use a paint roller or a high-volume low-pressure sprayer to apply the paint. Apply two or three thin coats.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 157
I Hanging pegboard
Pegboard, a lso ca lled perforated hardboard or per
fl)oard , is one of the simplest and least expensive storage solutions for hanging tools and other lightweigh t objects. When mounted to thc wa ll and outfitted with
metal hooks, pegboard provides a convenient way to
keep items from getting lost in the back of a drawer or the bottom of a tool chest. Pegboard also makes it easy to
change the arrangement or collec tion of your \vall-hung items, because you can reposition the metal hooks any way you like without measu ring, drilling holes, or ham
mering nails into the wall. In fact, pegboard has sen'ed
as a low-cost storage option for so long that there are a multitude of different hooks and bmckets YO LI can buy to Clccommodate nearly anythi ng YOLI \""an t to hClIlg. Any home cente r wi ll c<:I fry both the pegboard and the hooks.
You need to insta ll pegboard correctly to get the
most val ue from it. If your garage walls have exposed studs, you can simply screw pegboard to the studs . The empty bays between the studs will provide the necessary
c learance for inserting the hooks. On a finished wall,
however, you' ll need to ins tall a framework of furring
strips behi nd the pegboard to create the necessary clearance and provide some added st iffness. I t's also a good idea to build a frame arou nd you r pegboard to give the project a neat, finished appearance.
If you r garage tcnds to be dam p, sca l bot h faccs
of the pegboard with several coats of varnish or prime r and exterior pa int; otherwise it will abso rb moisture and s\vell up or even de laminate.
Tools & Materials ~
Eye protection Marker
Tape meas ure Ci rcu lar saw
Straightedge Iv! iter saw
Cau lk gun Pa int ro ller
Stud fi nder
Level Drill
Pegboard pa nels I x 2 lumbcr
II! dry\va ll screws
Pane l adhesive Pa int or varn ish
Pegboard systems are claSSIC storage solutions for garages and other utility areas. Outfitted with a variety of hangers, they offer fleXibility and convenience when used to store hand tools and other small shop items.
Pegboard & Hanger Hardware Styles ~
. . . . . .. . ... . ... ... ..... ..... .... .. .... .
. .... .. . ..... .... . · ·~·_· _··_·....;=w
Hanger hardware comes in many shapes and sizes. from the basic J for hanging a single tool to double-prong hangers for hammers and even shelf standards. You can buy assorted hangers in kits or stock up on the type you're likely to use the most
TWO common thicknesses for pegboard hangers are %"-dia. and ';,,"-dia .. both of which fit into standard pegboard hole configurations. The thicker the hanger. the more it can handle. Both types rely on the mechanical connection with the pegboard and can fail if the holes in the board become elongated. The pegboard must have fUrring strips on the back side to create a recess for the hangers.
pegboard is a single-purpose sheetgood matenal. It is used to create a wall surface with storage function (occasionally it may be used as a cabinet back where ventilation is deSired). Although it comes in %"-thlck panels, avoid them in favor of \\,,-thick material. Most larger home centers carry it unfinished and in pre-finished white. Woodgrain and other decorative panels can be found. and you can also buy metal pegboard panels. The standard size holes are %" -dla. and spaced in a 1" -on-center grid.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 159
I How to Install a Pegboard Storage System
Cut your pegboard panel to size if you are not installing a full sheet (most building centers sell 2 x 4-ft. and 4 x 4-ft. panels in addition to the standard 4 x 8 ft.) If you are cutting with a circular saw, orient the panel face-up to prevent tea rout on the higher-grade face. If cutting with a jigsaw, the good face of the panel should be down. If possible, plan your cuts so there is an even amount of distance from the holes to all edges.
Attach the furring strips to the back of the panel using 1" drywall screws and panel adhesive. Drive the screws through countersunk pilot holes In the panel face. Do not drive screws through the predrilled pegboard holes. use intermediate furring strips to fill in between the top and bottom. These may be fastened with panel adhesive alone.
Cut 1 x 2 furring strips to make a frame that is attached to the back side of the pegboard panel. The outside edges of the furring striPS should be flush with the edges of the pegboard . Because they will be visible, cut the frame parts so the two side edge strips run the full height of the panel (36" here). Cut a couple of filler strips to fill in between the top and bottom ralls.
Option: Make a frame from picture frame molding and wrap it around the pegboard to conceal the edge grain and the furring strips. If you can't find picture frame molding with the correct dimensions, mill your own molding by cutting a 3Ii'-wide by 1" -deep rabbet Into one face of 1 x 2 stock.
Paint or topcoat the pegboard. You can leave the pegboard unfinished, if you prefer, but a coat of paint or varnish protects the composite material from nicks and dings and hardens it around the hole openings so the holes are less likely to become elongated. A paint roller and short-nap sleeve make quick work of the Jab.
Tack the pegboard and frame to the wall in the desired location. Drive one 2%" screw partway through the top frame at the center of the pegboard . Place a long level on the top of the pegboard and adjust it to level uSing the screw as a p~ot point.
Locate and mark wall studs if your garage wall has a wall covering. Make sure the marks extend above and below the pegboard location so you can see them once the pegboard is positioned on the wall.
Drive a drywall screw through the top and bottom frame ralls at each wall stud location. Drill countersunk pilot holes first. Double-check for level after driving the first screw. Insert hangers as desired.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 16 1
I Installing Adjustable Shelving Systems
Some garage stu ff is s imply sto red best on s helving, particularly iF it's too large to fit in to
a cabine t but still relative ly li ghtweight. Empty
p lanters, gas cans, boxed supplies, and ha lf-full
cans of pain t arc ideal candidates for a s turdy
she lving system. You cou ld go to the e ffort an d build
your garage s he lving from sc ra tch, but go ing that
route will require YOLI to come up "vith a mea ns of
supporting shelf boa rds on the \''113 11. It's doable, of course, but you' ll have to make the sta ndard s and
brackets yourselF. Plus, most s hop~made she lving
is fixed in p lace, so you can't repos iti on the s helves
eas ily if your sto rable items c ha nge.
A more convenient option is to buy meta l shelf standards that fasten to the wall studs and shelf
brackets that c li p into a series of slots on the standards.
Home centers carry these adj ustable she lving sys tems
in several colo rs and they come \-v ith shelf brackets
in a range of lengths to su it various she lf \vidths. For
garage app licat ions, it's a good idea to buy heavy~duty
standards and brac kets. The componen ts are made of
thic ke r-gauge meta l than regular-duty hardware, and
the she lf brackets have tv,ro mou nt ing lugs instead of
one to rei nfo rce the attachment points.
\"' hen you install your shelving, locate the top of the standards just high enough so you can reach the top
shelf from the fl oor. If you plan to load your shelving with
fairly heavy items, mount a standard to every wall stud in
the shelf area. Use strong sc rews recommended by the
manufacturer and fasten them to wa ll studs only- never
to paneling, trim boards, or \,v<1l1board <1lo ne. Be sure to
usc sturdy shelf boards and firm ly tap the bracke ts into
mounting slots before load ing up the shelves.
Tools & Materials ~
Eye protection & work gloves
Tape measure
Circu lar saw
Stud fi nder
Rubber ma lle t
Shelf standards with
brackets %11 plywood
Sturdy, adjustable shelves are easy to install and offer a convenient place to safely store those larger, lightweight items off the floor.
I How to Install Bracket Shelves
1 " " H I I
2 : ===.; =:: : ===-": = = =:. =
Install the first standard at one end of the Installation area . The standards seen here (70" long) are centered on wall studs with the tops level. Align the top of the standard with the top level line and drove one screw through a mounting hole. Hold a level against the side of the standard and adjust it until it is plumb. Drive screws through the remaining mounting holes.
Install the remaining standards. For fail-proof results, install the two end standards first, and then establish a level line between them so you can butt the intermediate standards against the line. Use a level against each standard to make sure it is plumb. Note: If you need to cut the standards for length, align al/ cut ends of the standards in the same locations (either at the top or bottom).
Prepare your shelf stock. For excellent results, rop cut quality y." plywood to width (usually l1Y;') with a circular saw and a straightedge. Avoid particleboard or MDF shelving as it is prone to sagging and will degrade quickly If exposed to moisture. Most premilled shelving (usually coated with vinyl or melamine) IS made from particleboard and is a bit too light-duty for garage storage.
Install shelf support brackets In the standards uSing light blows from a rubber mallet to make sure they're fully seated. Set the shelving onto the standards, adjusting as desired.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 163
I Installing Slatted Shelving Systems
Have yo u ever marveled at those floor~ to-ce ilin g,
slatted-track wall storage systems used for product disp lay in many re ta il s tores? You might not
think of that approac h as a viable option for your ga rage, but: s la tted wa ll sys tems are definitely ava ilabl e
to consumers- and they're easy to instal l. The slatted panels are made of PVC or com posite material in 4 or 8" pieces and in a va riety of colors. Panels are
packaged in cartons that cover between 30 to 40 square feet of wall space. The panel color is bl ended through the materia l, so slatted wall systems neve r need painting. Pane ls arc was hable a nd waterproof,
making the m perfect for a damp garage. Best of a ll ,
sla tted wa ll systems ca n be outfitted \,vith a varie ty of hooks, brac kets, baskets, shelving, and even cabinetry to store just a bout anything. Aside from the hanging accessories, manufac ture rs a lso offer co lormatched screw plugs, trim pieces for surrounding
out lets, swi tch plates, and baseboard and moldings fo r accommodating room corners.
I nsta ll ing a sla tted \va ll system is a straightfo rv,rard project. The insta llat ion methods do val)' quite a bit, dependi ng mostly on whethe r you select standard or
heavy-duty products. \t\1hatever the method, you need to locate and mark the wa ll studs in the project area and snap a plumb chalk line to esta blish the height of the bottom row of s latted panels. Depending on the system you choose, you can attach the panels by dri\~ng sc re\·vs through them and into the wa ll studs or by attaching clips to the wall fi rst a nd hanging the panels on the clips. Pane ls ca n be attached end-to-end with interloclzj ng dowels and then hung as longer pieces. The n, each subsequent row clips to the row below it for an unbroken. seamless look . Slatted wa ll panels can be cut, drilled, and sa nded with ordinary tools, so there's no specia l bits or blades to buy.
Tools & Materials ~
Tape measure Chalk lille Level C ircu lar saw
Wood glue Slatted wall panels Wall clips and
connective dowels
A slatted wall system combines easy insta llation, durability, and a range of hanging accessories to form an Integrated solution for most any garage storage need. It can be customized for differing load demands, it's fairly easy to install, and it has a more finished appearance with greater durability than pegboard .
I How to Install Slatted Walls
Layout vertical and horizontal reference lines if you are installing the slatted wall system on a finished wal1.1lle bottom reference line should b€ 16" above the floor in most installations. Also mark
Attach installation accessories to the wall if you'll be using them. Here, special hangers are attached at stud locations so the wall slat panels in this heavy-duty system can be positioned accurately For maximum holding power you will also need to drive screws through the mounting slots in each panel.
all wall stud locations For bare stud wall applications, establish horizontal reference lines that are parallel to the floor.
Begin installing slatted panels, starting at the bottom. Make sure the panel is oriented correctly, with the dovetailed side of the slot facing up so it can slip over the angled edge of the Installation accessory (Inset photo).
prepare butted joints between panels. In th is system, dowel holes are drilled by enlarging predrilled pilot holes in the panel ends where the panels meet. Barbed dowels are inserted into the dowel holes and glued in place to reinforce the joint. If you do not intend the slatted wall to be permanent, do not use glue. The dowel reinforcement IS unnecessary If the butt Joint between panels falls at a wall stud location.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 165
Make butted joints at panel ends by sliding doweled panels together. If the ends do not fit together easily, try rapping the free end of the second panels with a wood block to seat it against the first panel.
cut the end panel to length using a circular saw with a straightedge cutting guide. Orient the panel with the good side facing down to minimize tearout from the saw blade. Any general-purpose blade with carbide-tipped teeth will work. Tip: Set the workpiece on a backer of scrap plywood and set your saw cutting depth so it is slightiy deeper than the panel thickness but not deep enough to cut through the backer
.. -" - , .. ...... • . 111
Measure to find the required length of the last panel in the first row of panels (if you are doing a full-wall installation). Subtract %" from the distance to allow for expansion of the PVC plastic or composite panels.
Install the second course of panels above the first course. Start with a half-length panel to create a staggered runningbond pattern (seams are not aligned between courses).
Measure for any cutouts in the panel, such as windows, receptacles, or switches. To find the edges of the cutout, hold the panel directly below the obstruction with the end aligned flush against the panel it will fit against.
Install the top row. Most panels are sized so that they will fi t onto an 8-ft. wall without cutting to width. But If you need to cut the panels to width, use a circular saw and straightedge cutting gUide or a table saw for the job. Make sure to cut from the same side of all cut panels. Install hangers and brackets as desired.
Make cutouts for obstructions by following the cutting line with a jigsaw or handsaw If you are making long, straight cuts, you will get a truer cut with a circular saw and straightedge guide, and then complete the cut at the corners With a jigsaw.
Making Corners ~
If your slatted wall plan calls for making a corner With
the material, the easiest way to treat the panels is to butt one panel against another at inside corners or to miter cut the mating panel ends at outside corners. Most slatted wall system manufacturers also sell corner trim that may be Installed on outside corners for a neater appearance.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 167
I Utility Shelves You can build adju stable utility shelves in a s ingle
afternoon using 2 x 45 and plain 3// ply\vood. Perfect
for usc in a garage, utility she lves can be modified
by adding side panels and a face fra me to create a finished look.
The qUick-and-easy she lf project show n on the
fo ll ow ing pa ges c reates tv,'O co lu mn s of sh el ves
\\l it h a tota l widt h of 68". You ca n e nl a rge th e project eas il y by adding more 2 x 4 risers a nd
plywood s he lves . 1)0 not in c rease the individual
s helf w id ths to more than 36". The so le plates for
the utility she lves are in s tall ed perpendicular to
the wa ll to improve access to the space unde r the botto m shelves.
Utility shelves built with ordinary 2 x 4S and plywood are an easy, inexpensive way to create flexible storage in a garage.
Tools & Materials & Cutting List ~
Tools Materials Cutting List T<lpe measure ( 15) 2 x 4 x 8 pine
Part No. Desc. Size Material Level (2) 3/, x 4 x 8 Fram ing sq uare plywood A 2 Top plotes 68" x 4s
Dril l/driver Wood glue B 3 Sole plotes 24" x 4s
Plumb bob Shims C 8 Shelf risers 93" x 4s Pm-vder-ac tuated Drywa ll or deck D 4 End risers 93" x 4s
nailer screws (2Ih!l, 311)
E 12 Shelves 30% x 24" 'I." plywood C lamps Fi ni shing materia ls
Router Shelf supports C ircular saw
Grease penc il Straightedge guide
Carage impra!'enlell ts • 169
I How to Install Utility Walls
Mark the location of top plates on the ceiling. One plate should be flush against the wall, and the other should be parallel to the first plate, with the front edge 24" from the wall. Cut 2 x 4 top plates to full length of utility shelves, then attach to ceiling jOists or blocking using 3" screws.
Mark pOints directly beneath the outside corners of the top plates to find the outer sole plate locations using a plumb bob as a guide (top). Mark the sole plate locations by drawing lines perpendicular to the wall, connecting each pair of pOints (bottom).
Prepare the shelf risers by cutting 'k" -wide, ¥,' -deep dadoes with a router. Cut dadoes every 4" along the inside face of each 2 x 4 riser, with the top and bottom dadoes cut about 12" from the ends of the 2 x 4. Tip: Gang cut the risers by laying them flat and clamping them together, then attaching an edge guide to align the dado cuts. For each cut, make several passes with the router, gradually extending the bit depth until dadoes are 'I,' deep.
Cut the outer 2 x 4 sole plates and position them perpendicular to the wall, Just inSide the outlines. Shim plates to level If needed, then attach to the floor with a powder-actuated nailer or 3" screws. Attach a center sole plate midway between the outer sole plates.
Trim the shelf risers to uniform length before unclamping them. Use a Circular saw and a straightedge guide.
Build two center shelf supports by positioning pairs of shelf risers back-toback and joining them with wood glue and 21k" screws.
Build four end shelf supports by positioning the back of a dadoed shelf riser against a 2 x 4 of the same length, then Joining the 2 x 4 and the riser with glue and 2'h" screws.
Position an end shelf support at each corner of the shelving unit between the top and the sale plates. Attach the supports by driving 3" screws toenail-style into the top plate and sale plates.
Position a center shelf support (both faces dadoed) at each end of the center sale plate, then anchor shelf supports to the sale plate uSing 3" screws driven toenail-style. use a framing square to align the center shelf supports perpendicular to the top plates, then anchor to top plates.
Measure the distance between the facing dado grooves and subtract '10" . Cut the plywood shelves to fit and slide the shelves into the grooves.
Gnrageimprol1emell/s . 171
I Installing Garage Cabinets
If you'd prefer to keep your garage storables behind closed doors, a set of cabinets might be just the solut ion you're looking for. Any interior kitchen cabinets can be lIsed in a garage, including both base and upper
cab inets. Base cabinets really offer several benefi ts: deep inner storage for large items; drawers for fasteners, hardware, or other sma ll tools; and, of course, a convenient fl at \A/ork surface. If you're upgrad ing your
ga rage sto rage on a budget, utility-grade melamine or
unfi nished cabine ts a re actually quite affordable . Yo u
could also shop al a second-hand building materials outlet or put to lise cabinets removed during a kitchen re model. If YOLI have limited floor space in your
garage, look for u ti lity cabinets with a sha llower base.
Some manufacture rs offer a JS I!-deep model that's 91!
shallower than standard base cabinet. As you plan, make sure there's still room to park the car, bikes, and
other yard and garde n equipment.
The process for insta lli ng cabinets in a garage is the
same as in a kitc hen. Cabinets must be firmly attached
to wall studs, and they should be level and plumb, Using a level as a guide, draw refe rence li nes a long the
project wa Il to indicate the locations of base and wa ll cabin e ts. If your garage floor is uneven, find the highest
point of the fl oor a lo ng the wa ll a nd use thi s as your
initial refere nce fo r d rawing the other layout lincs.
The best way to ensure an even, level installation
of uppe r cabine ts is to insta ll a temporary ledger board
to the wall , and rest the cabinc ts on it when fas tening
them to the wall studs, ~ lany pros insta ll upper cabine ts first to take advantage of the full wa ll access,
but you might want to begin with the base cabine ts
and use them to he lp support the uppers during their insta llation. If your ga rage cabine t sys tem will include a
corner cabinet, ins t<.ll1 it first a nd work outwa rd to make
sure the corne r ca bine t will fit the Sp<.lCC properl y. If your garage floor te nds to be damp, it's a good idea to
in stall icI'Cier feet on the base cab inets beforehand,
Tools & Materials ~
Eye protec tion & work gloves
Long leve l Grease pencil
Tape me<.lsure Stud finder C OITtbin<.ltion sq uare Drill Handscrew clamps
Hamme r Caulk gu n I x 4 ledger boards 2 Yzl! dl)f\va ll screws
I y. 1! pan head sc rews
Base & wa ll cabinets Shims Tockick boards or side
panel trim, as needed %" plywood Pa nel adhes ive
I x 2 lumber for edgi ng stri ps
Fi nish nail s y," hardboard I n brads
Garage utility cabinets are inexpensive and because the base cabinets are not as deep as kitchen cabinets, they have a compact footprint that's well suited to a garage. A durable melamine surface is easy to clean, and a double plywood work top with a replaceable hardboard surface stands up well to hard use,
I How to Install Garage Cabinets
Find the high point of the floor in the Installation area by leveling a long, straight board and identifying the principal contact point with the floor Mark the pOint on the floor with a grease pencil or tape.
Draw reference lines for the upper cabinets based on the base cabinet line. If your base cabinets are 34Y," tall (standard height not Including countertop) then the line for the tops of the upper cabinets should be 49y," above the base cabinet line and parallel to It. Measure down from the upper cabinet top line 30" and mark reference lines for the bottom of the upper cabinets (make sure your cabinets are 30" high first- this is a standard but there IS occasional variation).
Draw a level line along the wall to create a base cabinet top reference
Mark wall stud locations clearly on the wall just above the base cabinet line and Just below the bottom upper cabinets line. Also mark stud locations slightly above the top upper cabinet line. use a stud finder to Identify the locations of the studs.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 173
Attach ledgers to the wall or walls to provide temporary support for the upper cabinets while you install them. The ledgers (1 x 4 is being used here) should just touch the reference line for the bottom of the wall cabinet. Attach the ledger with a drywall screw driven at each stud location. Transfer stud location marks to the ledger.
7 , '~
Join wall cabinets by driving 1%" panhead screws through one cabinet side and Into the adjoining cabinet side. Clamp the cabinets together first to make sure the fron ts and tops stay flush .
Attach the first wall cabinet with 2W' drywall screws. If the cabinet has a mounting strip at the top of the back panel (most do), drive a pair of screws through the strip at each stud location. Attach all wall cabinets to the wall.
Install the first base cabinet directly under the first wall cabinet. Position the cabinet and shim It as needed until it is level, plumb, and touches the reference line (see step 2). Secure it to the wall with 2W' drywall screws.
9 o
Install the remaining base cabinets by leveling the cabinet sides, screwing them to the wall studs, and then fastening them together. Attach toe-kick trim boards or side panel trim, if desired. Remove the upper cabinet wall ledger or ledgers.
Attach cabinet doors and drawers if you removed them during installation or if they were not preattached. Adjust the hinges according to the manufacturer's instructions so the gaps between doors are even and they all open and close smoothly.
Make the work top. While a piece of postform countertop makes a suitable and easy-to-install work top, you can create a heavier, more durable top with plywood. Simply cut two pieces of %" plywood so they overhang each side and the front of the cabinet base by 1". secure them with panel adhesive and countersunk 1%" screws. Use plenty of screws. Then cover the front and side edges with strips of 1 x 2. The front striP should overhang the front ends of the side strips. Attach the strips with adhesive and finish nails. Finally, cut a piece of %"-thick hardboard so all edges are flush with the base. Attach it with 1" brads driven through slightly countersunk pilots holes (the heads need to be recessed). When the hardboard top becomes worn, you can easily remove it and replace it.
Attach the work top. If your base cabinets do not have preattached mounting strips for a countertop, fasten L-brackets around the inside perimeter of each cabinet, and then drive screws up through the L -brackets and into the underside of the work top. Apply a bead of panel adhesive to all cabinet top surfaces for a better bond and to reduce clattering. Add a bench Vise, if desired.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 175
I Installing a Ceiling Storage Unit
Some garage storables, such as empty coole rs , luggage,
and cartup carriers, tend to be bulky but lightv,reight. They tClke LIp an inordinCite amount of shelf Of floor space that could be better llsed for heavier items. O ne storage option for these items is right above your head----on your
garage ceili ng. Aside from a few lights and the track rails
for you r garage door, there isn't muc h on the ce iling of
most garages . If you r garage has roof trusses, you've got
the perfect location for some lightweight shelf storage.
T here are severa l ce iling-hu ng she lf kits avai la ble
in a ra nge of length s a nd \·vidths . The typi ca l ceiling storage unit consis ts of four down rods that bol t to the
bottom truss or joist members . A pair of c rossbraces
attaches to the down rods to fo rm support frame\,vorks
for wire shelf grid s. Other styles of ceiling storage arc
ava ilable for hoisting bicyc les, truck toppers, or canoes
up a nd out of the way.
In sta lling ce iling storage involves locating truss
c hords, joists, or rafte r ties to support the Four
dovmrods, and then a ttac hing the rods to the ceiling
fram ing wi th lag bo lts. The c rossbraces and grid s fit
between the down rods and a ttac h wi th nuts and bolts .
It's possib le to insta ll the system by you rself, but a he lpe r makes th e job much eas ier. Once th e parts are
assembled, carefully double-c heck all con nections before loading up the shelf.
Be ca reful to position your ceiling storage unit
c lear of the path of your sectio nal ga rage door and the
moving parts of your garage door opener. Use a stud find e r to help de termine the thickness of the trusses
so you ca n locate the attac hment bo lts as c lose as
poss ibl e to the ir cente rs. Refe r to the instructions tha t
come \vith your kit to be clem about the maxim um
weight load you r unit can hold.
Tools & Materials ~
Stepladder Stud finder Tape measure
Sc rewd rive r
Ratc he t wrench & soc ke ts
Overhead shelving ki t
A ceiling shelf unit takes advantage of underused space between the hood of your parked car and the ceiling. Most units are rated only for relatively light storage Items.
I How to Install a ceiling Storage Unit
Attach the downrods for the first pair of horizontal support bars using the fasteners recommended by the manufacturer. The fasteners must be driven into structural members in the ceiling, be they truss chords, rafter ties, or ceiling joists. The outside edges of the two footplates should follow the spacing recommended in the Instrucllons (69" apart for the model seen here). Install the second pair of downrod footplates on the next rafter or truss chord in 24" on-center framing. If the ceiling is 16" O.c., skip one member so the footplates are 32" apart
Install the shelving grids. Position the wire grid shelves so they span the support bars with even overhang ilf posSIble). Thread bolts through the parallel wires and support framework as directed. Hand tighten nuts and washers onto bolts.
Install the horizontal support bars. The bottom ends of the downrods are secured to the horizontal bars that support the shelving. This is often done with the use of L-shaped corner rods with female ends that accept the male ends of the downrod and the horizontal bars. How deeply the corner rods are Inserted into the downrod determines the height of the storage platform. Set the height you want and then insert bolts through the aligned bolt holes in the down rods and corner rods. Align all parts and secure with bolts and nuts.
Join the grids together with the supplied fasteners. Load the storage items onto the shelves. Do not overload. Your instruction manual will inform you of the weight capacity The model shown here is rated for up to 300 pounds provided the weight IS distributed evenly.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 177
Electrical & Lighting Improvements
If your garage has too fe\\' outlets or j ust a single light
bulb that hangs stCi rkly from the ceili ng, that may be part of the reaso n why you don'r lise you r garage more
often . It's frustrating to work in a poorly lit room and
inconvenien t to have to p lug everything in to exte nsion
cords. Truth be tol d , ma ny garages a re bui lt w ith j ust
one or t\VO ou tlets a nd a s ingle overhead light- just e nough service to operate a garage door opener a nd get you in a nd ou t of your ca r.
Add ing mo rc ou tlets, lights, o r even a skylight will
dramat ica lly imp rove t he working condi t ions in your
garage. Suddenl y, you'll be able to p lug in a ll t hose
electric too ls, add an a ir cond it ione r or heater, and actua lly see what you're worki ng on. These sorts of
projects cou ld be the keys to jump-start ing that garage
\'\'orkshop yo u've always dreamed about.
T h is section will show you how to ins ta ll elec trical
boxes, ru n wire, con nect receptacles a nd switches,
and ins tal l c ircu it b reakers . T hese a re a ll t he s teps you
need to br ing j u ice where you w<Jnt it. Pages 180 to
205 provide pract ical inst ructions for extend ing service
in to your garage. If your garage suffers from poor
light ing, you' lI leam how to insta ll new fluoresce nt
light fi xtu res or add a new garage window or fixed
skyligh t. \t\1e'l l a lso show you how to hardwi re an
electric heater to make your garage more habi tab le
d uri ng the wi nte r months.
If you a re inexpe rienced with w iring or
u ncomfortable working wit h electric ity, by al l
means hire a profess io na l licensed electrican to
com plete thi s work. Professionals ca n do t he job
qu ickly a nd safely, a nd t hey secure the proper
permi t inspec tio ns. Even if you have the work
pe rfor med by so meone e lse, review the inc luded
wir ing diagra ms to fa mi liarize yo urself with your
options. D raw u p a pl an to determi ne where you'd
like to have outle ts and sw itches insta ll ed so you
ca n share it w ith the e lect ri c ia n.
upgrading to a full 8-ft.-long fluorescent light fixture is an effiCient way to Improve the quality of the light In your garage (see pages 192 to 193).
I wiring safety
Shut power OFF at the main service panel or the main fuse box before beginning any work.
confirm power is OFF by testing at the outlet, sWitch, or fixture with a current tester.
wear rubber-soled shoes while working on electrical projects On damp floors, stand on a rubber mat or dry woocen boards
The ground-fault circuit-interrupter, or GFCI receptacle, is a modern safety device. When It detects slight changes in current it instantly shuts off power
Install a green insulated grounding wire for any circuit that runs through metal conduit. Although code allows the metal conduit to serve as the grounding conductor, most electricians install a green Insulated wire as a more dependable means of grounding the system. The grounding wires must be connected to metal boxes with a pigtail and grounding screw (left) or grounding clip (right).
learn about codes. The National Electrical Code (NEC), and local electrical and bUilding codes, provide guidelines for determining how much power and how many CIrcuits your home needs. Your local electrical inspector can tell you which regulations apply to your job.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 179
I Bringing Electrical Service to a Garage
N orhing improves the conve nience and usefuln ess
of a garage morc than electrifying it. Running
a new underground ci rcu it from your house to the
garage lets you add receptacles ancllight fixtures both
inside the outbuilding and on its exterior.
Adding an outdoor ci rcuit is not com plicated, but
every aspect of the project is strictly governed by loca l
bu ilding codes. Therefore, once you've mapped out the job and have a good idea of what's invo lved , visit your local building department to discuss your plans and obtain a permit for th e work.
T his project de monstrates standard techniques
for running a c ircuit cable from the hOLlse exterior
to the gClragc, plus the \,\Ijring a nd insta llation of
devices inside the bui lding. The bu ilding department
may recomme nd or require lls ing a GFe l h reaker to
protect the entire c ircu it. Alternatively, you may be
a llowed to provide CFC I protection to the circu it
devices via the receptacle ins ide the shed. GFC I
protection is requ ired on all outdoor c ircui ts .
For basic electrical needs, suc h as powering a
standard light fixture and small appliances or power
too ls, a I S-amp c ircu it s hou ld be suffic ient. Hmvever,
if YO Ll plan to run povver-hungry equ ipment like
stationary v'ioodv..-orking or \,\relding tools, you may
need one or more dedi cated 20-amp ci rcu its. Also, if
the shed is more than 50 feet away from the house,
you may need heavier-gauge cabl e to account for
vo ltage drop. iV]ost importantly, don 't forget to ca ll before you
dig. Have al l util ity and service lines on you r property
marked even befo re you make serio us project plans.
This is c ri t ica l for your safety, of cou rse, a nd it may
affec t vv here yo u call rUIl the c ircuit cable.
Warning: All electrical work must be reviewed and passed by a building inspector. Unless you have experience, electrical installations should be done by a licensed electrician.
Adding electrical service to a garage greatly expands the activities the building will support and is also beneficial for home secur ity.
Tools & Materials
Spray paint Trenc hing shovel
(4" wide blade)
4" metal junc ti on box
Metal L-fittings (2)
and cond uit nipple
for IMC conduit
\t\food screws
[MC conduit
with watertight
threaded and
com pression fittings
90° sweeps for IMC
Plastic conduit
bushings Pipe straps
Sili cone caulk
and cau lk gun
Double-gang boxes, me tal
One exterior
receptacle box (with cover)
Rigid IMC or EMT conduit I/ from service box
;? ?'"
__ Schedule 80 conduit
-...."A_· c' •
; . UF cable ~Oo sweep
\ . ",-'. , ••
Interior ceiling light fixture and meta l fL\':ture box
Exterior motion
detector fixture and p lastic fixture box
EMT meta l cond u it
and fittings for
inside the shed
Uti li ty knife
Wire str ipper
UF t\vo-\v ire cab le ( 12 gauge)
NiVI two-\vire cab le ( 12 gauge)
IS -amp GFI-protected
c ircu it breaker
Sc rc\vdrivers Wi rc con nectors
Hand tam pe r
Masking tape
Grease penci l
Sc raps of lumber
~ "'I " 0 Ceiling
Security light light
12/2 NM EMT
V conduit
I- - Switc ~s 0
aFC! (covered) 12/2 NM
f] CO~uit
Ie?> .Q
Schedule 80 conduit ---
. "'15t-··~j7t~~;''''·'' . ,j.' • ~;'-~_':.· ..'~:_~·l· . ~ . .. - ~.-.,.
900 sweep
~ A basic outdoor circuit starts with a waterproof fitting at the house wall connected to a junction box Inside. The underground cirCUit cable- rated UF (underground feeder)- runs in an 18"- to 24"- deep trench and is protected from exposure at both ends by metal or PVC condUIt. Inside the garage, standard NM cable runs through metal condUit to protect it from damage (not necessary if you will be adding interIOr wall coverings). All receptacles and devices In the garage must be GFCI protected.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 181
I How to Supply Electrical Service to a Garage
Identify the circuit's exit point at the house and entry point at the garage and mark them. Mark the path of the trench between the exit and entry points uSing spray paint. Make the route as direct as possible. Dig the trench to the depth required by local code using a narrow trenching shovel.
Assemble the conduit and junction box fittings that will penetrate the wall. Here, we attached a 12" piece of %" conduit and a sweep to a metal junction box with a compression fitting, and then Inserted the conduit into the hole drilled in the rim joist. The Junction box is attached to the floor JOist.
From outside, drill a hole through the exterior wall and the rim joist at the exit point for the cable (you'll probably need to install a bit extender or an extralong bit In your drill). Make the hole just large enough to accommodate the L-body conduit fitting and conduit nipple.
From outside, seal the hole around the condUit with expandable spray foam or caulk, and then attach the free end of the conduit to the back of a waterproof L-body fitting. Mount the L-body fitting to the house exterior with the open end facing downward.
cut a length of IMC to extend from the L-fitting down into the trench uSing a hacksaw. Deburr the cut edges of the conduit Secure the conduit to the L-fitting, then attach a 90' sweep to the bottom end of the condUit using compression fittings. Add a bushing to the end of the sweep to protect the CIrCUIt cable. Anchor the condUit to the wall With a corrosion-resistant pipe strap.
Run conduit from the exterior box down into the trench. Fasten the conduit to the building With a strap. Add a 90' sweep and bushing, as before. Secure the conduit to the box with an offset fitting. Anchor the condUit with pipe straps, and seal the entry hole With caulk.
Inside the shed, drill a %" dia. hole in the shed wall. on the interior of the garage, mount a junction box with an open back to allow the cable to enter through the hole. On the exterior side directly above the end of the UF trench, mount an exterior-rated receptacle box With cover. The plan is to bring power into the garage through the hole in the wall behind the exterior receptacle.
Run underground feeder (UF) cable from the house to the outbUilding. Feed one end of the UF circuit cable up through the sweep and condUit and into the L-fitting at the house (the back or side of the fitting is removable to facilitate cabling). Run the cable through the wall and into the junction box, leaving at least 12" of extra cable at the end .
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 183
Lay the UF cable into the trench, making sure it is not twisted and will not contact any sharp objects. Roll out the cable and then feed the other end of the cable up through the conduit and into the receptacle box in the garage, leaving 12" of slack.
Connect the electrical boxes with conduit and fittings. Inside the garage, you may use inexpensive EMT to connect receptacle, switch, and fixture boxes. Once you've planned your circuit routes, start by attaching couplings to all of the boxes.
Inside the garage, install the remaining boxes for the other switches, receptacles, and lights. With the exception of plastic receptacle boxes for exterior exposure, use metal boxes if you will be connecting the boxes with metal conduit.
Cut a length of conduit to fi t between the coupling and the next box or fitting In the run. If necessary, drill holes for the conduit through the centers of the wall studs. Attach the conduit to the fitting that you attached to the first box.
If you are surface mounting the conduit or running it up or down next to wall studs, secure it with straps no more than 3 ft. apart. use elbow fittings for 900 turns and setscrew couplings for joining straight lengths as needed. Make holes through the wall studs only as large as necessary to feed the conduit through.
Feed the other end of the cable into the next box or fitting in line. It IS much easier to feed cable into 45 0 and 900 elbows if they have not been attached to the conduit yet Continue feeding cable into the conduit and fitting until you have reached the next box in line.
Measure to find how much NM cable you'll need for each run, and cut a piece that's a foot or two longer. Before making L-turns with the conduit, feed the cable through the first condUit run .
Once you've reached the next box in line, coil the end of the cable and repeat the process with new cable for the next run. Keep working until all of the cable is run and all of the conduit and fittings are Installed and secured. If you are running multiple cables into a single box, write the origin or destination on a piece of masking tape and stick it to each cable end.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 185
Make the wiring connections at the receptacles. Strip %" of Insulation from the circuit wires using a wire stripper. connect the white (neutral) wire and black (hot) wire of the UF cable to the LINE screw terminals on the receptacle. connect the white (neutral) and black (hot) wires from the NM cable to the LOAD terminals. Pigtail the bare copper ground wires and connect them to the receptacle ground terminal and the metal box. Install the receptacle and cover plate.
Continue installing receptacles in the circuit run, and then run service from the last receptacle to the switch box for the light fixture or fixtures. (If you anticipate a lot of load on the circuit, you should probably run a separate circUit for the lights.) Twist the white neutral leads and grounding leads together and cap them. Attach the black wires to the appropriate switches. Install the switches and cover plate.
Variation: Installing a GFCI-protected breaker for the new circUit at the main service panel is the best way to protect the circuit and allows you to use regular receptacles in the bUilding. An alternative that IS allowed In many areas IS to run the service into a GFCI-protected receptacle, and then wire the other devices on the circuit in series. If you use thiS approach, only the initial receptacle needs to be GFCI protected.
Install the light fixtures. For this garage, we installed a caged ceiling light inside the garage and a motion-detector security light on the exterior side.
Run NM cable from the electrical box in the house at the start of the new circuit to the main service panel. use cable staples if you are running the cable In floor joist cavities. If the cable IS mounted to the bottom of the floor joists or will be exposed, run it through conduit
Turn on the new circuit and test all of the receptacles and fixtures. Depress the Test button and then the Reset button if you Installed a GFCI receptacle. If any of the fixtures or receptacles is not getting power, check the connections first, and then test the receptacle or sWitch for continUity with a multlmeter.
At the service panel. feed the NM cable In through a cable clamp. Arrange for your final electncallnspectlon before you install the breaker. Then attach the wires to a new cirCUit breaker and install the breaker in an empty slot. Label the new cirCUit on the CIrcuit map.
Lay narrow scraps of lumber over the cable In the trench as an extra layer of protection from digging, and then backfill with dirt to cover. Replace the sad in the trench if you saved it.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 187
I Motion-sensing Floodlights
Most ga rages have floodli ghts on thei r exte riors . You can easily upgrade these fixtures so th at
they provide add itional sec urity by rep lacing them with motion-se nsing floodlights. Motion-sensi ng floods ca n be set lip to detect mot ion in a spec ific
area- like a wal b-vay or driveway- clIld th en cast light into th at area. And there are few th ings
intruders like less than th e spotli gh t. T hese li gh ts typica lly have timers that a llow you to control ho\v long the light stays on an d photoscnsors that preven t
the light from comi ng on during the day.
Tools & Materials ~
Nbrker Drill
Jig saw Fish tape Ca ble ri pper Com bination tool
Sc rc\vdri ver
Voltage se nsor Light fixture box Motion sensor
\t\1irc con nectors
A motion-sensing light fixture prOVides inexpensive and effective protection against intruders. It has an infrared eye that triggers the light fixture when a moving object crosses Its path. Choose a light fixture with: a photo cell to prevent the light from turning on in daylight; an adjustable timer to control how long the light stays on; and range control to adjust the reach of the motion-sensor eye.
An exterior floodlight with a motion sensor is an effective security measure. Keep the motion sensor adjusted to cover only the area you wish to secure- if the coverage area is too large the light will turn on frequently.
I How to Install a New Exterior Fixture Box
On the outside of the house, make the cutout for the motion-sensor light fixture In the same stud cavity with the GFCI cutout. Outline the light fixture box on the wall, then drill a pilot hole and complete the cutout with a wallboard saw or Jigsaw.
Strip about 10" of outer insulation from the end of the cable using a cable ripper. Open a knockout In the retrofit light fixture box with a screwdriver. Insert the cable into the box so that at least y." of outer sheathing reaches into the box.
Estimate the distance between the indoor swi tch box and the outdoor motion-sensor box, and cut a length of NM cable about 2 ft. longer than this distance. Use a fish tape to pull the cable from the switch box to the motion-sensor box.
Insert the box into the cutout opening, and tighten the mounting screws until the brackets draw the outside flange firmly against the siding.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 189
I How to Replace a Floodlight with a Motion-Sensor Light
Turn off power to the old fixture. TO remove It, unscrew the mounting screws on the part of the fixture attached to the wall. There will probably be four of them. Carefully pull the fixture away from the wall, exposing the wires. Don't touch the wires yet.
Examine the ends of the three wires coming from the box (one white, one black, and one bare copper;. They should be clean and free of corrosion. If the ends are in poor condition, clip them off and then strip %" of wire insulation with a combination tool.
Before you touch any wires, use a voltage sensor to verify that the circuit IS dead. With the light switch turned on, insert the sensor's probe into the electrical box and hold the probe within W' of the wires inside to confirm that there IS no voltage flow Disconnect the wire connectors and remove the old fixture.
If the electrical box is nonmetallic and does not have a metal grounding clip install a grounding clip or replace the box with one that does have a clip, and make sure the ground wire is attached to It securely Some light fixtures have a grounding terminal on the base. If yours has one, attach the grounding wire from the house directly to the terminal.
Now you can attach the new fixture. Begin by sliding a rubber or foam gasket (usually provided with the fixture) over the wires and onto the flange of the electrical box. Set the new fixture on top of a ladder or have a helper hold it while you make the wiring connections. There may be as many as three white wires coming from the fixture. Join all white wires, including the feed wire from the house uSing a wire connector.
Neatly tuck all the wires into the box so they are behind the gasket. Align the holes in the gasket with the holes in the box, and then position the fixture over the gasket so ItS mounting holes are also aligned with the gasket. Press the fixture against the gasket and drive the four mounting screws into the box. Install floodlights (exterior rated) and restore power.
Next, join the black wire from the box and the single black wire from the fixture with a wire connector. You may see a couple of black wires and a red wire already joined on the fixture. You can ignore these In your Installation.
Test the fixture. You will still be able to turn it on and off with the light switch inside. Flip the switch on and pass your hand in front of the motion sensor. The light should come on. Adjust the motion sensor to cover the traffic areas and pivot the light head to illuminate the intended area.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 191
I Installing Fluorescent Light Fixtures Aside from natural lighting, Auorcsccnt lights arc the most economical way to brighte n up your garage. The fixtures
are re lat ively inexpensive, the bulbs burn for thousands of hours before they need replacement, and fluorescent lights lise a fraction of the e nergy of incandescent bu lbs. If you buy bulbs ra ted as daylight in the 3,000 kelvin range, you' ll have bright, white light tha t will
make excellent a mbie nt or task lighti ng for a garage. In this project , \ve show you how to install an 8-foot
fluorescent cei li ng fixture, but YOLI ca n [ollm'v the same procedure for mou nting shorter fixed 4-foot lamps. Either way, once YO LI disassemble the fixture to hang it, you'll want to \,vork with a he lpe r. The fixtures are bulky and fai rly delicate. If your on ly option is to work alone, consider renting a wallboard lift to hold the fixture against the cei ling while you fasten it in place.
You might won der how to determine the numbe r of fixtures you need for your garage. T he rule of thumb is one overhead fixture will illumin<:lte <:In area that extends about 4 feet out from the fixture in a ll directions. So, a si ngle 4-foot light \vill illumi nate approxi mately 96 square feet of fl oor space below it. You'll want to have at least two 4-foot fixtures for a single-car garage and four 4-foot or t\vo 8-foot fi xtures
for a two-car ga rage . Of course, adding more fixtures only helps, pa rti cu larly if you wa nt to eliminate most
or all of the shadows in your ga rage workspace. If you instal l the minimum number of ceili ng fixtures, suppl ement the overhead lighting \,vith \vi ndows and addit iona l task lights whe re you need the m.
Although it might be tempting to buy economy
fixtures, you get better val ue and performan ce in the long run if you inves t in industria l-grade fluorescents. These fixtures have co ld-\'\'e<:lther ballasts that start im mediate ly in the winte r, a nd they won't fli c ker o r buzz as loudly as eco nomy lights. The ba llas ts also last much longer than those in ba rgain -priced lights .
Tools & Materials ~
Tape meas ure Stud finder Drill Screwdriver
Combination tool
Fluorescent fixtu re Cable clamp \J\' ire con nectors
An 8-ft.-long fluorescent light fixture can illuminate your entire garage. This model has a heavy-duty ballast that withstands cold weather, making it a good choice for a garage setting.
I How to Install a Hard-wired Light Fixture
Prepare the fixture box for installation by removing the knockout in the box that will align with the electrical box In the ceiling. Raise the fixture to the ceiling. Although fluorescent fixtures are not especially heavy, once you've removed the diffuser there is a danger they will buckle. Have a helper support the other end of the fixture. Position It against the ceiling, threading the end of the cable through the cable clamp installed In the light fixture knockout. Note: The light fixture must be supplied with 120-volt power from a ceiling box with 12- or 14-gauge NM cable. The cable should be routed through finished walls or through conduit, and it should originate from a switch next to the service door. If you do not have wiring experience, hire a professional to provide power to the fixture box. Shut power OFF at the service panel.
Attach the fixture box to the ceiling by driving screws through mounting holes In the box and into ceiling framing members. If the mounting holes do not align with rafters or trusses, mark the holes, remove the fixture, and then install toggle bolts. Or drill new mounting holes in the metal box at the framing member locations.
Make wiring connections. Connect the bare copper ground In the NM cable to the grounding terminal on the fixture box. (This may require a short pigtail wire.) Connect the black power wire from the switch to the black fixture wire with a wire connector. Connect the white neutral from the switch box to the white fixture wire.
Install the bulb and test the fixture. If everything works, remove the bulb and install the deflector shield over the wIring connections. Reinstall the bulb, and then attach the diffuser.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 193
I Installing an Electric Heater
A plug-in portable electric heater is o ne opt ion for
warming your garage, but most of these smal l
room un its won't deliver adequate heat. A better
solution is to instal l a thermostatically contro lled, hard-wired heater suc h as the one shO\vn in this
project. It has a bu ilt -in fan to circ ula te heat qu ickl y
and evenly, and YO LI can mOllnt it to the ceiling where
it's ou t of your way. Louvers o n the fro nt of the heater
enable YO LI to direct the airflow \vhere it's needed most. The unit has a thermal c utout that automatically shuts it off in the event of overheating.
A hard-wired heater generally requi res 220-volt
electric service, and it should be wired to a dedicated
circuit breaker. If you are experienced with advanced
wiring projects, YO LI cou ld vv ire this project yo urself.
However, in th e inte rest of personal sClfety and in
order to meet local building codes, it may make more
sense to hire a professional e lect ri c ian for this job.
T he heater shown here hangs from a brac ket that
fastens to a ccilingjoist or roof truss. Insta lling the
bracket a nd mounting the heater isn't difficult. Be sure
to fo llow the manufacturer's recommendat ions
regarding important \,va ll and ceiling clearances before
proceeding \,vith the installation. If your garage hobbies
create a lot of dust, remember to inspect and clean the
heater on a regular bas is to keep it \"lo rking safely and
effic iently. I f you do not have experience \,vith ho me
wiring, hire a profeSSional to insta ll a new c ircuit and
run the cable to the device.
Tools & Materials ~
Step ladder Sc rewdrivers
240-vo lt heater \"l ith
mounting bracket
Flexible metal
condu it with 10/2
wire Lag screws (%" x 4" )
Cable clamp
A high-output electric heater can Improve the working conditions in your garage dramatically, extending your working-in-thegarage season by weeks or months.
I How to Install an Electric Heater
Turn off power to the CIrCUIt at the main service panel. Mount the heater hanger bracket to the ceiling at a joist location. So you can pivot the heater from side to side, use a single % x 4" lag screw with a washer on each side of the bracket strap to hang the Unit. Don't overtighten the screws.
Run flexible metal conduit containing 1012 cable from the electrical box to the heater unit. use cable clamps to secure the conduit and leave 8 to 10" of free wire extending into the electrical box. connect the other end of the conduit to the cable entry opening in the heater unit.
Hang the heater unit In the mounting bracket. Position it at the desired height and align the bracket screws with the screw slots in the hanger straps. Tighten screws to secure the Unit. If you want to be able to point the heater downward, make sure to use the keyhole-shaped screw slots.
Make wiring connections inside the heater Unit at the power block and Inside the electrical box. A 240-volt heater will have two connection terminals. Connect the black wire from the box to one terminal and connect the white wire to the other terminal. The white wire should be tagged black with electrical tape. Connect the ground wire to the grounding screw terminal.
Run electrical cable to the heater. For finished garages, the easiest way to run cable is to encase it in metal conduit that's surface mounted to the walls and ceiling. The unit seen here requires 240-volt service delivered by 10/2 sheathed cable with a ground. Connections at the circuit breaker box should be made by an electrician. The cable is routed through an electrical box located Within 2 ft of the heater.
Set the thermostat once you have restored power and tested to make sure the heater is operating properly On the model shown here, you set the thermostat to high and then dial it back once the garage reaches your desired temperature. Adjust the heater to the desired pOSition.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 195
I Adding a Garage Window
A rt ific ia l lighting is only one opt ion for illu m inati ng
you r garage. Anot her sensi b le approac h is to add a
vv indO\v or two. No matter wh ic h d irectio n your ga rage
faces , a windO\v increases t he am bient light ing du ri ng
daylight hours. Any wi ndow size and style can v./Ork in
a garage, but sma ller wi ndows a rc less vul nerabl e to
break-ins . If you want you r garage window to serve as
a source of venti lation as well as light, a dou ble-hung style wil l a llow breezes from all d irections a nd it won't
project out fro m the ga rage \vhe n it's open. Be Sli re to buy in sect screens for your new v,rindow.
T h is project shows YOLI how to insta ll a Flange
style window in a f inished garage wall. The process
Tools & Materials ~
\t\1ork gloves & eye H ammer
protectio n Stepladde r Util ity knife Circu la r sm'v
Stra ightedge Reciprocating saw
Tape measure Flat pry bar Marker Caulk gu n
Leve l C halkline Com binat ion sq uare Aviat ion snips
involves locating the window on the inside wa ll ,
removing wal lboa rd and existing fram ing, and the n
framing a new rough opening for the window. Once
the exterior \va ll is opened up a nd the window is
mounted , you patch t he sidi ng and in te rior \,va ll
surfaces to complete the job. Correct fl as h ing and
caulk ing tech n iques are cri t ica l to keep moisture out,
so fo llow those steps carefu lly. Be sure to defer to the insta llation manual that
comes with you r nev\' \,vindo\\' if the inst ructions di ffer
fro m those you see here. Fa iling to do that a nd instCi lling
the \,vindow incorrectly could void the product warranty
and lead to lea ks or a shorter service life.
Common nails S il icone ca ulk
( IOd, 16d) I YJ." roofi ng nails
Panel ad hesive Metal d rip edge Y2" plywood Brickmo ld 2x fram ing lum ber Case mo ld ings
Self-adhes ive 8as hing
Shi ms
Add a window to a dark garage to increase natural light. Although hopperstyle windows and fixed windows are common in garages, a double-hung such as this offers better ventilation.
I How to Add a Garage Window
1 r
......... _----Remove wall coverings in the installation area. Layout the location for the new window on the wall first, according to the rough opening requirements for the window unit you purchased. Extend the opening to the next wall stud on each side, and mark the centers of the studs to outline the removal area. Remove the wall covering material all the way from the ceiling to the floor in the removal area. This will create access for framing the window opening.
Cut and attach the king studs to the sale plate uSing 10d common nails driven toenail-style.
Plumb the tops of the king studs with a level, and then mark the edges onto the cap plate. Toenail the king studs to the cap plate.
Mark the rough opening width on the sale plate of the garage wall. Mark locations for jack studs and king studs Just outside the rough opening marks.
Mark the top of the rough opening onto the king studs, measuring up from the floor. Cut the jack studs to this length.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 197
Measure and mark the top of the header and sill locations on the king studs, and then transfer the lines across the old studs in the rough opening area by positioning a straightedge between the header marks on the king studs. This creates a pair of cutting lines on each old stud .
Make the header. For most garages, a window or door header made from a pair of 2 x 6s sandwiched around a strip of y," plywood meets code requirements, but be sure to check with your local building department. Apply panel adhesive between all the parts, and drive 16d nails through both faces at regular intervals to secure the header parts.
Cut the old studs along the top and bottom cutting lines uSing a circular saw set to full cutting depth. Finish the cuts with a reciprocating saw or handsaw. Pry out the cut studs with a flat pry bar.
Facenail the jack studs to the king studs, making sure the tops align with the layout lines for the bottom of the header (the header will rest on the tops of the jack studs).
Install the header. Set the header (step 8) onto the tops of the jack studs. Attach It to the king studs by facenalling through the king studs and Into the header with 10d common nails. Also toenail through the cut studs (called cripple studs) above the header.
Mark the rough opening on the exterior wall. First, drive a 10d casing nail through the siding at each corner of the opening, nailing from inside the garage. Then on the exterior side, snap a chalk line between the nails to outline the opening.
Install a doubled sill. Attach one sill member by facenailing down and into the tops of the cripple studs. Then, facenail the second sill plate to the first. Also toenail the top Sill to the jack studs. Finally, cut two Cripple studs and install them beneath the ends of the sill.
Cut through the wall with a reciprocating saw, following the cutting lines for the rough opening. Make your cutting lines as straight as you can.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 199
Mark the siding around the opening for trimming to create a recess for the window nailing flange and also the brickmold trim that will be installed (it is preinstalled on some windows). You need to temporarily set the window into the opening to trace the cutting lines.
Flash the rough opening by installing self-adhesive flashing or striPS of building paper around the opening. Tuck the flashing beneath the siding next to the window opening. Flash the sill first, then the side, and then the top so the strips overlap from above.
Remove the siding along the cutting lines. Vinyl, wood, or steel lap siding can be cut with a trim saw or circular saw. Other siding types, such as stucco or brick, require more complicated techniques. Check with a contractor or refer to other resources for more Information. Remove all wall coverings down to the wall sheathing.
Set the window in the opening. Insert wood shims beneath the window and the sill and between the sides of the Unit and rough opening. Adjust the shims until the unit IS level in the opening and the side gaps are even. Tip: For an extra seal, apply a bead of silicone caulk to the back of the nailing flange before installing the window
Nail the window nailing flange to the framing members with 1'Ii' roofing nails. Unless the manufacturer's instructions direct otherwise, drive nails at corners and every 6" along the flanges. Most flanges are predrilled with guide holes for nails. For an extra seal, cut thin strips of self·adheslve flashing and cover the flanges once the nails are driven.
Install brickmold if your window doesn't have preinstalled trim. Start with the top strip, miter cutting the ends at 45 0 to create miter joints with the side pieces. Then install the sides. Install the bottom last. Attach brickmold with 8 galvanized casing nails driven through pilot holes (brrckmold IS prone to splitting). Caulk between the brickmold and the siding.
Cut a piece of metal drip edge molding (also called drip cap or window cap) and insert It behind the siding above the window. Use only caulk (no metal fasteners) to secure the drip edge.
Finish the interior side. Patch in with new drywall (see pages 154 to 157) or reuse the old drywall if posSIble. Then trim the window sill and jambs with mitered case molding.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 20 1
I Installing a Skylight
A skylight wili brighten any room in your house,
inc luding the garage. Skylights a rc reasonably priced,
and tOOay's new high-quality models have improved
nashing that makes them as dependable and weaulertight as othe r windows. Any standard garage roof can
accept a skylight, prOlided it has a reasonable pitch (at leClst 3-in-12) and good drai nage. If your garage has an
unfinished ceiling, YOLI can simply mOllnt the skylight and let it provide general ambient light. On fi nished ceili ngs,
a skylight shaft is needed to direct the light down into the garage, which will creatc a more focused a rea of light .
A skyl ight frame has a header and sill , simi lar to
a sta ndard window frame. However, instead of king
studs, i t has ki ng rafters as wel l as trim mers tha t
defi ne the sides of the rough open ing. Follow the man ufac turer's instruct ions for determ in ing the proper
rough openi ng size fo r your new skylight.
\~l i t h standard rafte r-frame roof construction, you
ca n safely cut into one or two rafters as long as you
permanently support the cut rafters. If your garage has a
truss roof, t he skyl ight needs to fit bet\,veen two trusses.
Never alte r your roof trusses to accommodate a wide r
skyl ight by cu tting or removing parts of thei r framewor k.
If your garage has a heavy slate or clay tile roof, ta lk
with an archi tect or build ing engineer regarding how to
rei nfo rce the new fram ing.
If you in sta ll your ga rage skylight facing west o r
south it w il l receive the grea test amou nt of d irect
sunlight, but the f lip side is that the intensity of the light cou ld overheat your space. For that reason,
you may wa nt to positio n it fac ing east or north
for cooler general room ligh ting. Si nce installi ng a
sky li gh t requires wo rking on the roof, ca refu lly set up
stepladders and wear fall-a rrest ing gear. The job \,vill
go m uch more smooth ly a nd safely w ith a he lpe r.
Tools & Materials ~
Work gloves & eye J igsaw Aviation sni ps protection
Tape measu re
iVli ter saw
Ham mer
2x Fram ing lu m ber
Ut ility sc revvs
I x 4 board Se lf-adhesive D ril l
Ladders Chalkl ine Ci rcu lar saw
fl as hing
Skylight wi th fl as hings
A skylight Introduces natural light into a garage without posing the security risk that makes some homeowners reluctant to install an eye-level window in the garage (Inset). A rafter-style garage roof prOVides clearspans that are impossible with trusses. Here's an attic space you can really usel If you're planning to build a new garage, give traditional rafters some serious thought.
I How to Install a Skylight
Frame the rough opening for the skylight according to the size specifications provided with the unit Skylights are sized so they fit between 24 or 16" on-center roof members, so if you have chosen a model wisely, you only need to insta ll a header and a sill to complete the rough framing. In most areas, single 2 x 4s may be used for the rough frame. For aesthetic purposes or if you Will build a skylight shaft, however, you may prefer to use the same width dimensional lumber as the rafters.
Outline the roof cutout by snapping chalk lines between the paints of the deck screws driven at the corners of the opening. Be sure to follow good safety practices for working on roofs: wear shoes, such as tennis shoes, with nonskid sales; and use roof jacks and fall -arresting gear on roofs with a pitch greater than 4-ln-12. Also be aware of weather conditions.
Mark the cutout area for the roof sheathing by driving a long deck screw or a casing nail at each corner of the framed opening on the interior Side.
Cut out the roof opening. Mount an old blade in a ci rcular saw or cordless trim saw and plunge cut along the top and bottom cutting lines. Stop short of the corners so you don't overcut Before making the side cuts, tack a long 1 x 4 across the opening, perpendicular to the top and bottom cuts, driving a couple of screws through the 1 x 4 and into the cutout area. The 1 x 4 Will keep the waste from falling into the garage through the hole. Make the side cuts, and then finish the cuts at the corners with a Jigsaw or reCiprocating saw Remove the waste.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 203
Remove the shingles surrounding the opening, but try and maintain the integrity of the building paper beneath. Try to salvage the shingles if you can so they can be reinstalled (they'll match better than new shingles). Start with the row of shingles above the opening. Once these are removed you'll have access to the roofing nails on lower courses.
Position the skylight in the opening. Different models use different fastening and centering devices. The one seen here is installed using pairs of adjustable brackets that are fastened to the roof deck and to the sides of the skylight frame.
seal the bottom of the rough frame opening. Apply a strip of self-adhesive flashing at the bottom of the roof opening to create a seal on the curb and to cover the seam between the underlayment and the roof deck. This IS for extra protection.
Fasten the skylight unit. Many models employ adjustable brackets like the ones seen here so the skylight can be raised or lowered and centered In the opening. The brackets seen here have a slot and several nail holes in the horizontal flange. Drive a ring shank nail In all four slots and then shift the unit side to side as necessary until it is centered in the opening. The brackets also allow the unit to be raised or lowered so the bottom edges of the cladding are the recommended distance above the finished roof surface (see manufacturer's recommendations).
Install self-adhesive flashing strips around the skylight curb. Start with the base strip, cutting slits in the corners so the flashing extends all the way up the curb (you'll need to remove metal cladding strips first). Install the head flashing last so all strips overlap from above.
Install the metal flashing beginning with the sill. Some skylights have a 4-piece flashing kit where the side flashing is simply shingled over Others, like the one seen here, include solid base and head flashing components and step flashing that is woven in with the shingles as the roof coverings are installed.
Replace shingles up to the skylight curb. Install shingles in complete rows, notching them to fi t around the curb. Stop once the granular surfaces of the top row of shingles meet the curb.
Install side flashing, Here, metal step flashing is Interwoven with the shingles during the shingling process. Whether it's the shingle layer or the step fiashing layer, make sure that all components always overlap from above and the horizontal tabs on the step fiashing are all covered with shingles. Do not nail through flashing.
Install the head flashing piece so It overlaps the last course of shingle and step flashing. Finish shingling in the Installation area, again taking care not to nail through any metal flashing. Replace the metal cladding and caulk if recommended by the manufacturer.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 205
Floor Improvements
Three flooring solutions allow you to paint your floor or cover it up for a fresh, clean appearance, and all are manageable DIY projects. You won't have to put up with a dull, dirty, or damp garage floor.
If you plan to lise your garage for anything more than
parking or s torage, you're goi ng to spend a lot of time
sta nding and wa l\zjng on the floor, so it makes sense to improve its appearance, cond ition, a nd cleanliness. Garage slabs tend to be the most marginal floor areas of our homes. They ca n be damp, especially when the slab doesn't dra in prope rl y. I f you've got an older
garage, the slab may be cracked or show signs of deterioration from \"Iea thering and hard lise. The good nc\vs is there are a number of ways to improve you r
garage floor econom ica lly as a do-it-you rse lfe r, \,vithout
renting a jackhammer or sa nd blaster. This chapter will highlight several options.
For a garage floor that is d ry and in sou nd cond it ion the most cost-effect ive approac h is to paint
it. Garage floor paint is genera lly a two-part e poxy product that you can apply with a roller and brush.
It comes in a range of co lors, and you ca n add quartz crystals or sa nd to the pClint to help improve tract ion.
Pai nt \,vill brighten dull concrete, a nd when applied correctly, it will stCind up to both foo t traffic and car tires . The first project of this sect ion will show you how to apply garage Hoor paint properly.
The next two projects provide floor-covering op ti ons. If you r garage fl oor has some minor cosmetic
problems, such as tiny cracks or spalling, paint probably won't hide them adequate ly. One a lternative
is to insta ll flexible ro lled floor ing. It's thick e nough to hide surface imperfections in the shlb, and it offers a b it of cushio ni ng for your feet a nd legs. A third op ti on-interlocking fl oor tiles-simply snap togethe r to form a grid ove r the conc rete. These tiles stand s light ly off the fl oor to promote drainage underneath, so they' re a good sol ution for damp concrete.
Because no fl ooring project: should be co nducted on a fl oor that: is in disrepair, the fol lowi ng pages include a brief seq uence showing how to patch you r concrete garage floor.
Patching Garage Floors ~
Use a concrete chisel (called a cold chisel) and a heavy hammer or mallet to deepen the edges of the damaged area until the outer edges are at least Y." thick. Most cracks and depressions in concrete floors are deeper in the center and are tapered at the edges; the feather-thin matenal around the penmeter of the hole is liable to peel or flake off.
A bonding agent (also called a bonding adhesive) helps to chemically bond the patch material to the existing concrete, making the repair matenalless likely to loosen or dislodge. Apply a thin layer of bonding adhesive to the entire repair area with a paintbrush. Some bonding agents need to be applied to a wet surface, others should not Follow the directions carefully
Use the edge of the trowel to smooth the surface, removing any excess material. Slide the trowel back and forth on its edge, while also pulling the excess material toward you, until It is past the edge of the area you're working on. Scoop it up with the trowel and discard.
Clean out the area to be patched using a wire brush or portable drill with a wire wheel attachment Be sure to remove all dirt and loose material from the area to be patched. Th is step will also roughen the edges a bit, creating a better bond.
Mix your concrete patching compound with clean water until all of the material is thoroughly wet and all of the lumps are worked out Most miXing compounds start to set within 10 to 20 minutes. (Inset) Use a trowel to compact the material into the area being repaired until it is slightly raised above the surface of the surrounding concrete. If the hole is deeper than Yo ", allow each layerto dry before applying the next layer.
Finishing work. Slightly raise the flat face of the steel finishing trowel and smooth the patching material until It is even with the adjoining surfaces, creating a seamless repair. Keep the trowel clean and damp to prevent the mix from gumming up the trowel. Finishing is an art and takes practice, so keep trying.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 207
I Garage Floor Treatments
If your garage fl oor is not perfectly dry, smooth, and in good repa ir, you have several options fo r im provi ng
it. A si mple clea ning is the eCis iest and most obviolls
solut io n. For conc rete fl oors, a p rocess called etch ing is done in conjunction \.vith basic cleaning with deterge nt. Etch ing uses mild acid to remove oil , grime, and othe r stain s p lain detergent won't take care of.
Etch ing is recommended as a preparatory treatment for applying paint or acid-based stain. Prior to etc hi ng,
any preexisting pa in t must be completely removed and any m inor cracks or imperfections shou ld be repaired (see fo llowing pages).
Once the garage floor is repaired, cleaned, and etched, YOLI may choose si mply to seal it . T here is some debate about the advisabil ity of scaling concrete because the scaling products remove the concrete's natural
ability to breathe which can lead to proble ms re lated to
moisture entrapme nt. But because garage floors receive so much traffic and fil th, it is genera lly agreed that a seal coat is a defin ite a id in ongoing main tenance.
After etch ing, but before seal ing, is the t ime to paint (or you can use an ac id-based stain if you wish).
To paint an etc hed concrete floor, use a two-part, epoxybased product that you mix together before application.
T he paint can be app lied with ordinary brushes and
rol lers. Each ga llon provides approximately 250 square
feet of floor coverage cmd dries in abo ut 48 hours. W hen fu lly cured, the paint will resist oil and brake
fl u ids and other automotive chemica ls.
Tools & Materials ~
St iff-br istle push
broom Leaf blm·ver Pressu re \ ... 'as her Power buffer Garden hose
Long-ha ndled pai nt ro ller or squeegee
Pa in tbrus h Baking soda Protec t ive glasses
Pa inter's tape Plastic sheet ing
and tape
Dri ll
Mixing paddle
attac hment
C lean ing an d fin ishing products
Shop vacuum Large plast ic bucket Hespirator
specially formulated epoxy-based paint Will give your concrete garage floor a low-cost facellft and comes in a variety of colors from which you can choose.
I Tools & Materials for Painting Garage Floors
Preparation and finishing materials include: (A) ammoniabase detergent for general cleaning of concrete surface;
A power washer does a fast and thorough job of cleaning dirty garage floors prior to painting. Use these tools with caution. If handled carelessly, they are powerful enough to create more mess than they remove.
(B) muriatic aCid for final cleaning immediately before paint application; (C) two-part epoxy floor paint Part A; (D) two-part epoxy floor paint Part B; (E) antiskld granular additive (optional).
A power scrubber/buffer can be rented to clean dirty, oily floors and to help work floor treatment products into the concrete surface. These can be tricky to handle at first, so It'S a good idea to practice with plain water before you use the scrubber with chemicals.
I-=:::' -.~--~ - D
General purpose tools that are useful In a floor maintenance and painting project include: (A) a plastic watering can for broadcasting cleaning and finishing chemicals; (8) a push broom; IC) a long-handled squeegee; ID) a long-handled paint roller; IE) a drill outfitted with a paddle-type mixing attachment; IF) a plastic-body garden sprayer for applying chemical treatments.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 209
I How to Clean & Etch a Garage Floor
Testing Tip ~
Test the floor to make sure moisture is not migrating up from below. Tape a large piece of plastic to the floor and let it rest overnight. If condensation forms on the underside of the plastic it means that transpiration is occurring and the paint will likely fall. Test the floor more than once and in multiple spots to be sure of its suitability for paint.
Prepare the acid-based etching solution by pouring one cup of muriatic acid into a pump sprayer or a plastic watering can containing clean water for the recommended dilution ratio (see acid container labell. Always add acid to water: never add water to acid. Caution: Follow the safety precautions on the acid product container at all times.
Rinse the floor thoroughly after sweeping or vacuuming. A simple garden hose can be used for this process. or you can employ a pressure washer for deep cleaning. Use greasecutting detergent and also scrub with a stiff-bristle brush as necessary to remove oily stains.
Broadcast the acid etching solution with a sprayer or a watering can. Apply it evenly in areas small enough that they will not dry before you can work the acid Into the concrete surface (100 sq. ft. at a time is a good guideline!.
Work the acid solution Into the floor surface with a stiff-bristle push broom or a power scrubber/buffer. Let the acid solution rest for 5 to 10 minutes. A mild foaming action indicates that the product is working.
Neutralize the acid by brushing the floor with a solution of baking soda dissolved in water (1 cup per gallon of water) only after all of the floor surface has been etched. Rinse with a power washer and then vacuum with a wet/dry shop vacuum. Let the floor dry overnight before applying paint.
Rinse the garage floor thoroughly with a hose and clean water, or with a pressure washer Multiple nnsing is advised .
vacuum the wet floor thoroughly with a wet/dry shop vacuum after you have finished nnsing it. vacuuming will help prevent any residue from forming on the floor when it dries.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 211
I How to Seal a Garage Floor
Once etched, clean, and dry, your concrete is ready for clear sealer or liquid repellent. Mix the sealer in a bucket with a stir stick. Lay painter's tape down for a testing patch. Apply sealer to this area and allow to dry to ensure desired appearance. Concrete sealers tend to make the surface slick when wet. Add an antis kid additive to aid with traction, especially on stairs.
Use a long-handled paint roller with at least y," nap to apply an even coat to the rest of the surface. DO small sections at a time (about 2 x 3 ft.). Work in one orientation (e.g., north to south). Avoid lap marks by always maintaining a wet edge. DO not work the area once the coating has partially dried; thiS could cause it to lift from the surface.
2 I
Use wide painter's tape to protect walls, and then use a good-quality 4"-wlde synthetic-bnstle paintbrush to coat the penmeter with sealer.
Allow the surface to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions, usually 8 to 12 hours minimum. Then apply a second coat in the opposite direction of the first coat. If the first coat was north to south, the second coat should be east to west.
I How to Paint a Garage Floor
Mix the first part (Part AI of the two-part epoxy paint. Following the instructions on the can label precisely, add the Part B liquid to the Part A and blend with a mixing paddle attachment mounted in an electric drill. If you plan to add antiskid granules, add them at this pOint and mix them in well .
Paint the floor with a long-handled roller extension and a short-nap sleeve. Work from one corner opposite the garage door and make your way to the overhead door Don't make the coat too thick; a couple of thin coats is much better than one thick one. Once you have completed the first coat, close all doors and do not open them until the paint has dried. Sweep or vacuum the floor after the first coat (the primer coat) dries. wear clean shoes and try and get up as much debris as you can.
Paint the perimeter of the room with a large brush, making sure to get paint all the way into the corners and up against the bottom of the walls. Feather the paint out on the room side so you do not leave any ridges that Will show.
Apply the second coat of paint in the same manner as you applied the firSt. Instructions may vary, but in general It isn't a good idea to apply more than two coats. Reserve any leftover paint for occasional touch-ups in high-wear areas.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 213
Installing Roll-out Floor Covering
A q u ick, simple a lterna tive to pain t ing your gmage
floor is to cover it with rolled PVC flooring. Rolled floo ring is manufactu red in severa l colors and
surface textures, includ ing rib, coin, and t read patterns. T his is the soft floor covering you often sec in ai rports,
shopp ing malls, gyms, and other h igh-traffic areas. The mate ria l is imperviolls to most automotive chem icals as
well as road sal t and water. Patterns help to hide m inor
concrete blemishes and im prove traction. Rolled garage fl ooring is ma nufactu red in 712- to IO-foot-wide ro lls
and in va rious lengths up to 60 feet.
Insta ll ing roll-out covering requires m uch less
preparation than garage floor paint, and the material
is thick enough to lay flat and stay in place without
bondi ng it to the concrete. To prepare fo r insta llation ,
sweep and clean your garage floor. Use cleani ng
chemicals, a nd then ri nse thoroughly to remove
stubborn oil and chemi cal sta ins . P lan to in sta ll t he
floor ing on a warm, su n ny day.
Tools & Materials ~
Stiff-b ri stle push
Tape measure
Utility knife
Hall -out floo r
Doub le-sided
carpet tape
Roll-out flooring is a durable floating-floor solution that requires no special adhesives to Install. In fact, you can lift up and pull the sheets outside for easy cleaning. It's an excellent option for concealing aged, stained, or damp concrete slabs.
I How to Install Roll-out Flooring
Unroll the flooring material, preferably in a clean driveway on a sunny day Let the matenal rest for a few hours to flatten .
Trim the material to fit around door openings and any obstructions using a sharp utility knife. For larger garages, roll out additional rolls of floor covering as needed.
Lay the material on the garage floor in rough position and use a push broom to sweep out any air bubbles.
Tape seams between rolls by curling the edge over and applying double-sided carpet tape to one roll. Lay the edges back down so the edge of the other roll is pressed into the tape.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 215
Installing Interlocking Floor Tiles
Interlocking floor til es are another qui ck, DIYfriend ly solut ion that can give your gClrage floor
a Clls tom checkerboard look. These I x I - ft. t il es
a re molded in a ra nge of co lo rs and are made of recyc led PVC o r other compos ites . You have seve ra l
surface pClttern styles to choose from, depe ndin g on the manufacture r. So me types are ve ntilated to pro mote drying, \,vhi c h ma kes them a good option for in stalli ng over damp co nc rete. The til es will resist gasoline, oil, and most other so lve nts, so they're well suited for parking spaces or other garage
workspace app li catio ns. Interlocking ti les create a floating floor system
simi lar to roll-out flooring (see pages 214 to 215 ). The
fOll r edges have locking tabs that clip toget her like a jigsaw puzzle. O nce in sta lled, the ti le gr id holds itself in place, so there's no need to fas ten or gl ue the t iles permanently to the concrete. You can cut them with standard woodworking saws and tap them together with a mallet. Most tile brands offer beveled trans ition
pieces to borde r the ga rage door edge. The process for insta lling loc ki ng floor tiles is
q uite s imi lar to layi ng perma nent floor ti le. C leCln the floor thoroughly, th e n meaSure it a nd snap c halk lines to determ in e the exact cen te r. Sta rt by laying a
row of tiles a long the lengthwise c halk line fro m the ga rage door to the intersecting c halk line. Adjus t the row as needed to a llm·" fo r full ti les a long the front edge of the ga rage, It's fine to have partial tiles a long the back wa ll. Now, build ou t the tile grid left a nd
right of the cen te r row to fill in the rest of the floor.
Measure and cu t partial tiles as needed to fit against the s ide and back wa ll s. F in ish up by addi ng beveled
trans ition pieces along the ga rage door, and cover the edges of the floor at the \valls with sanitary base or other base moldings . With a he lper, you should be
able to comp le te your new ti led fl oor in an afternoon.
Tools & Materials ~
Pus h broom or leaf
Tape measure C halk line
Stiff-bristle brllsh
C leaning detergent Backer boa rd
Pl astic bucket
Straightedge gu ide Hubber ma llet
Jigsmv or ci rcular saw Grease pencil Surface sealer Floor tiles
Interlocking floor tiles snap together for a Virtua lly foolproof installation, and you' ll have all the conveniences that a floating floor can offer.
I How to Install Interlocking Floor Tiles
Clean the floor by sweeping, vacuuming, or blowing off any debris with a leaf blower.
Measure the floor In both directions, and mark the locations of the centerlines.
Remove any oily stains by scrubbing with detergent and a s!iff-bristle brush.
Snap chalk lines to connect the center points in both directions, forming a point of intersection in the middle of the garage and dividing the floor in to four quadrants.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 217
Lay tiles along one leg of the layout reference line, stopping just short of the wall. Snap the tiles together as you work. use a rubber mallet to gently tap and set the tiles, if necessary
Add tiles along the adjusted reference lines to establish the layout If you find that one row of tiles will need to terminate with tiles that are cut to a couple of inches or less, adjust the layout side to side so the cut tiles will be evenly balanced at both ends of the line. Fill in the tiles in the field area of all quadrants.
----Adjust the position of the first row of tiles so the last tile will fit just short of the overhead door opening Without cutting. It is best to have the cut tiles against the far wall. If you plan to install a beveled transition strip (some, but not all, manufacturers carry them), be sure to allow room for it when repositioning the row Snap new chalk lines parallel to the originals.
Measure the gaps at the ends of the rows requiring cut tiles and subtract Ii" for expansion.
Cut the tiles that need cutting with a Jigsaw. Be sure to place a backer board underneath the tile. Use a straightedge guide for a clean cut.
Option: Seal the tiles to protect against tire marks and other discoloration by applying a surface sealer. (Check with the tile manufacturer for its recommendations.)
Install transition strips at doorways. Not all brands of interlocking tiles have transition strips available.
Add base trim. Conceal the expansion gaps around the perimeter of the installation with molding, such as vinyl-cove base molding.
Gnrage Improl1emell/s • 219
Garage Maintenance
Most of the c hores required whe n taki ng care of you r garage are not muc h different from those
you'd perfor m on your house: some fresh paint, a little
ca ulk around windows and doors, a new roof every 10
or 20 years, and some basic dusting lip and washing. But there are some maintenance act ivi ties tha t a re
unique to the garage. Concrete garage fl oors get morc abuse than most fl oor surfaces and need regular
c lean ing as we ll as the occas iona l touching up of cracks or pop-outs. I f you r ga rage is home to a car or other gaspo\,vered vehicle equipment , YOLI \-v ill a lmost certa inly
face an occasio nal sta in fro m engi ne oi l or other fluid .
In colder cli mates, road salt trac ked in by your vehicles can cause the fl oor to discolor and degrade.
The garage door is another hot spot for garage
maintena nce. Anythi ng that's as big as a garage door and moves regu larly will un do ubtedly need occas ional lubricatio n and adjusting. If yo u have a ga rctge door opener, you ca n plan o n some regular maintenance, as \.\,fe ll as eventual re p lace men t.
The tri c k to garage maintenance is rcally no trick at a ll : don 't procrasti nate . Fix problems as soon as
you spot them so they don 't get wo rse, and stick to a regu lar c lean ing and ma inte na nce sc hedule.
In this chapter
• Renewing a Garage Floor
• Tuning Up Garage Doors
• Garage Door Openers
• 22 1
Renewing a Garage Floor
Over time, exposed concrete sll rfuces can start to show a lot of wear. \I\'eathe r, hard use, and
problems with the ini ti al pOllr and fin ishi ng are among the Illost common causes of surface blem ishes. But despite a shabby appearance, old conc rete is often
structu ra lly sOll nd and ca n last for many more yems. So ins tectd of brea king li p and rep lac ing Cl Il old garage fl oor, you can easily rene\\' its surface with concrete resurfacer. V/ith this simple appl ication, your concrete wil l have a fresh ly poured look and a protective su rface layer that's typica ll y stronger than the garage floo r itself.
Concrete resurfacer is su itable for any size of garage Aoor, outdoors or indoors. You ca n also apply it to vertica l surfaces to put a fres h face on steps, curbs, and exposed patio edges. Depending on the cond ition of the old su rface, the nevv layer can range in thickness fro m
Y l6 to ~". For a smooth fini sh, spreCld the resurfClcer with a sq ueegee or trowel. For a tex tured or nonslip su rface, you ca n hroom the surface before it d ries or use a masonry brush fo r smaller app lications.
Tools & Materials ~
Protective gloves & eyewea r
Scrub brush Pressu re \vas her Trowel
5-ga l. bucket Dri ll with mixing
paddle Squeegee Conc rete cleaner Concrete resurfacer
Duct tape
Concrete resurfacer offers an easy, inexpensive solution for renewing garage floors that have become chipped and flaked with age.
I How to Resurface a Garage Floor
Thoroughly clean the entire project area. If necessary, remove all oil and greasy or wary residue using a concrete cleaner and scrub brush . Water beading on the surface indicates residue that could prevent proper adhesion with the resurfacer; clean these areas again as needed.
Fill sizeable pits and spa lied areas using a small batch of concrete resurfacer. Mix about 5 pt. of water per 40,lb. bag of resurfacer for a trowelable consistency Repair cracks or broken slab edges as shown on page 207. Smooth the repairs level with the surrounding surface and let them harden.
Wash the concrete with a pressure washer. Set the washer at 3,500 psi and hold the fan,spray tip about 3" from the surface or as recommended by the washer manufacturer. Remove standing water.
On a large project, section off the slab Into areas no larger than 100 sq. ft. It'S easiest to delineate sections along existing control joints. On all proJects, cover or seal off all control jOints with duct tape, foam backer rod, or weather stripping to prevent resurfacer from spilling into the joints.
Gamge N/ajlltemlllce • 223
Mix the desired quantity of concrete resurfacer with water following the mixing instructions. Work the mix with a \';" drill and a mixing paddle for 5 minutes to achieve a smooth, pourable consistency. If necessary, add water sparingly until the mix will pour easily and spread well With a squeegee.
Saturate the work area with water, then use a squeegee to remove any standing water. Pour the mix of concrete resurfacer onto the center of the repair area or first repair section.
Spread the resurfacer with the squeegee using a scrubbing motion to make sure all depressions are filled . Then spread it into a smooth, consistent layer. If deSired, broom the surface for a nonslip finish (opposite page). You can also tool the slab edges with a concrete edger within 20 minutes of application. Let the resurfacer cure.
I Options for Finishes For thicker resurfacing, simply add more layers of resurfacer as needed. Wait until the surface can support foot traffic- typically 2 to 6 hours- before applying the next coat
Nonslip broomed finish : Within 5 minutes of applying the resurfacer, drag a clean fine-bristle push broom across the surface. Pull the broom backward In a straight line, moving across the entire area without stopping. Repeat In parallel rows until the entire surface is textured.
Trowel application: A trowel is handy for resurfacing small areas. use a stiffer mix for troweling- approximately 5 pt of water per 40-lb. bag of dry mix. Spread and smooth the resurfacer with a steel concrete finishing trowel.
Gamge N/ajlltemlllce • 225
Tuning Up Garage Doors
I rnCl gine th is: You"re driving home late at night,
it's pouring olltside, and you're shi ve ring because
you've got the fill. T hen you turn into your drive\vay,
punch a li tt le button , and your ga rage door opens, a
li gh t co mcs on, you pu ll in, an d you' re HOM E, You didn't have to get drenched, or li ft a door th at fe lt like heavy metal , or sc rea m Cit the heavens for making
you so miserab le. Thanks to a \ve ll- ma intai ned ga rage doo r and opener, you escaped all of thi s, and that is a
good thing. Unfortunately, over tim e, many good things
become bad things, especially if they aren't we ll ma intain ed. A n overhead garage door is no
except ion . To keep eve ryth ing runnin g smoothly
requ ires effo rt on three fronts: the doo r. the
opener, and the opener's elec tron ic safety sensors.
H ere 's \A/ ha t YO LI need to know to keep <:Ill three in
t iptop sh"pe,
Tools & Materials ~
M ineral spirits
Graphite spray lubrican t
G<:Irctge door
Soft -faced mallet Galvan ized roofing
Penetrating lubri cant
Towel ing
Socket \vrenches
Lightweight oi l
Pliers Open-end wrenches
O ld paintbrush or toothbrush
H ammer
A bit of routine maintenance now and again will help keep your garage door working exactly as it should, rain or shine.
I How to Tune Up a Garage Door
Begin the tune-up by lubricating the door tracks, pulleys, and rollers. Use a lightweight oil, not grease, for this job. The grease catches too much dust and dirt.
Remove clogged or damaged rollers from the door by loosening the nuts that hold the roller brackets. The roller will come with the bracket when the bracket is pulled free.
Mineral spirits and kerosene are good solvents for cleaning roller bearings. Let the bearing Sit for a half-hour in the solvent. Then brush away the grime buildup with an old paintbrush or toothbrush.
Gamge N/ajlltemlllce • 227
6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
It the rollers are making a lot at nOise as they move over the tracks, the tracks are probably out of alignment. TO fix this, check the tracks for plumb. If they are out of plumb, the track mounting brackets must be adjusted .
TO adjust out-at-plumb tracks, loosen all the track mounting brackets (usually 3 or 4 per track) and push the brackets Into alignment.
It'S often easier to adjust the brackets by partially loosening the bolts and tapping the track with a soft-faced mallet. Once the track is plumb, tighten all the bolts.
Sometimes the door lock bar opens sluggishly because the return spring has lost its tension. The only way to fix this is to replace the spring. One end is attached to the body of the lock; the other end hooks onto the lock bar.
If a latch needs lubrication, use graphite in powder or liquid form. Don't use oil because it attracts dust that will clog the lock even more.
Alternative: Sometimes the lock bar won't lock the door because it won't slide Into its opening on the door track. To fix this, loosen the guide bracket that holds the lock bar and move it up or down until the bar hits the opening.
Gamge N/ajlltemlllce • 229
Worn or broken weather stripping on the bottom edge of the door can let in a lot of cold air and stiff breezes. Check to see if this strip is cracked, broken, or has holes along its edges. If so, remove the old strip and pull out any nails left behind.
Measure the width of your garage door, then buy a piece of weather stripping to match. These striPS are standard lumber yard and home center items. Sometimes they are sold in kit form, with fasteners Included. If not just nail the stripping in place with galvanized roofing nails.
If the chain on your garage door opener IS sagging more than W' below the bottom rail, it can make a lot of noise and cause drive sprocket wear. Tighten the chain according to the directions in the owner's manual.
On openers with a chain, lubricate the entire length of the chain with lightweight oil. Do not use grease. use the same lubricant If your opener has a drive screw instead.
Check for proper alignment on the safety sensors near the floor. They should be pointing directly at one another and their lenses should be clean of any dirt and grease.
Test the door's closing force sensitivity and make adjustments at the opener's motor case if needed. Because both the sensitivity and the adjustment mechanism vary greatly between opener models, you'll have to rely on your owner's manual for guidance. If you don 't have the owner's manual, you can usually download one from the manufacturer's website.
Make sure that the sensors are "talking" to the opener properly. Start to close the door, then put your hand down between the two sensors. If the door stops immediately and reverses direction, It's working properly. If it doesn't, make the adjustment recommended in the owner's manual. If that doesn 't do the trick, call a professional door installer and don't use the door until it passes this test.
Gamge N/ajlltemlllce • 23 1
I Garage Door Openers
Screw terminals
Hanging bracket
, .... c .-''< Opener
This illustration indicates all the components of a garage door opener. If your opener style differs, refer to your owner's manual for clarification.
Those cold dashes from your car to the garage door and back can be a thing of the pas t with the
conve nience of a garage door opener. Add to this the benefit of secured access and you have all the reasons you need to install an automatic garage door opener. T Garage door openers come in three basic mode ls, eac h I w ith its ovvn benefits and drmvbClcks, but this projec t
shov,ls the b<:ls ic steps for install ing a chain -d ri ve
system-the most common and least expensive type
on a sectio nal door in a ga rage with exposed joists. If you have a one-piece door, a lightwe ight metal or
glass- p<Jne led door, or <J garage with a fin ished ceiling,
consult the manufact urer's d irec tio ns for alte rnative
installation procedures .
Before YO LI begin , read a ll of the manufactu rer's
instructions and th e li s t of safety tips on the next
page. T hen ma ke su re you r garage door is properly balanced and moves smoothl y. Open and close the
door to see if it stic ks or binds at: any point. lie lease
the door in the half-open position. It shou ld stay in
place supported by its own springs. If yo ur door is
not bala nced or stic ks at a ny point , call a garage door
service profess ional before insta lling the opener.
Most garage door ope ners plug into a sta ndard
grou nded receptacle located ncar the uni t. Some
loca l codes may req uire ope ne rs to be hard-wired into
ci rcuits. C on su lt the manufacturer's directions for
hard-Wiring procedures.
Door bracket
Structural support
Sensor eye
Sensor mounting bracket
Tools & Materials ~
Tape measure Screwdriver
Wire c utters
Pe nc il
Hamme r
Adjustable wrenc h
Y2 and /i,," soc ke ts
and ratchet \\'Tench
Drill an d bits
Gamge door opener kit
2x lumber
Grease pencil
Stap le gun
I nsu lated stap les
I How to Install a Garage Door Opener
Start by aligning the rail pieces in proper order and securing them with the included braces and bolts. Screw the pulley bracket to the door end of the rail and slide the trolley onto the rail. Make sure the pulley and all rail pieces are properly aligned and that the trolley runs smoothly without hitting any hardware along the rail. Remove the two screws from the top of the opener, then attach the rail to the opener using these screws (rnset).
TO locate the header bracket. first extend a vertical line from the center of the door onto the wall above. Raise the door and note the highest point the door reaches. Measure from the floor to this pOint. Add 2" to this distance and mark a hOrizontal line on the front wall where it Intersects the centerline. If there is no structural support behind the cross point. fasten 2 x
lumber across the framing. Then fasten the header bracket to the structural support with the included screws.
The drive chain/cable should be packaged in its own dispensing carton. Attach the cable loop to the front of the trolley using the included linking hardware. Wrap the cable around the pulley, then wrap the remaining chain around the drive sprocket on the opener. Finally, attach it to the other Side of the trolley with linking hardware. Make sure the chain IS not twisted, then attach the cover over the drive sprocket. Tighten the chain by adjusting the nuts on the trolley until the chain is W' above the base of the rail.
Support the opener on the floor with a board or box to prevent stress and twisting to the rail. Attach the rail pulley bracket to the header bracket above the door with the included clevis pin . Then place the opener on a stepladder so it is above the door tracks. Open the door and shim beneath the opener until the rail is 2" above the door
Gamge N/ajlltemlllce • 233
Hang the opener from the ceiling Joists with the included hanging brackets and screws. Angle at least one of the hanging brackets to increase the stability of the unit while in operation. Attach the manual release cord and handle to the release arm of the tro lley.
Strip %" of sheathing from the wallconsole bell wire. Connect the wire to the screw terminals on the console, then attach it to the inside wall of the garage with the included screws. Run the wires up the wall and connect them to the proper terminals on the opener. Secure the wire to the wall with Insulated staples, being careful not to pierce the wire. Insta ll the light bulbs and lenses.
Attach the sensor eyes to the brackets with the included wing nuts, but do not tighten the nuts completely. Make sure the path of the eyes is unobstructed by the door tracks. Run wires from both sensors to the opener Unit and connect the wires to the proper terminals. Plug the opener into a grounded receptacle and adjust the sensors until the indicator light shows the correct eye alignment (inset), then tighten the wing nuts. Unplug the unit and attach the sensor wires to the walls with Insulated staples.
Install the sensor-eye mounting brackets at each side of the garage door, parallel to each other, about 4 to 6" from the floor The sensor brackets can be attached to the door track, the wall, or the floor, depending upon your garage layout. See the manufacturer's directions for the best configuration for your garage.
center the door bracket 2 to 4" below the top of the door. Drill holes and attach the bracket with the included carriage bolts. Connect the straight and culVed arm sections with the Included bolts. Attach the arm to the trolley and door bracket with the Included latch pins. Plug the opener into a grounded receptacle and test the Unit. See the manufacturer's directions for adjustment procedures.
American Garage Floor, LLC 800401 4537
Andrea Rugg Photography
Armor poxy 8887517361 email: [emailprotected]
Black & Decker 800 544 6986
California Closets All photos © 2008 California Closet Co. Inc. All
Rights Reserved. For a complimentary in-home design
consultation, visit or call
American Garage Floor Garage floorcoverings, pages 214 to 217 800-401-4537
Black & Decker Corp. Power tools, utility cabinets 800-544-6986
Photo Credits
p. 3 (second from bottom) Swiss Trax p. 8 (top) IKEA, (lower left & right) Clopay
ClosetMaid 800 874 0008
Coeinero Pty ltd T/A sydney Sheds and Garages
14/46-48 Jedda Rd Prestons NSW 2170 +61 287838177 (CSN stores)
800 505 6893
diamondlife 8889834327
Robert Genat, photographer
IKEA Home Furnishings 8004344532
HDA Inc.
lee Klancher, photographer
Mills Pride
schulte, strong Home storage 800 669 3225 W\
Beth singer Photographer, Inc. W\
Swisstrax Corp. 8667487940 W\
VAULT (Vault Brands, Inc.) 8668285810
Garage plans, pages 92 to 101 800-373-2646/ plan sales 314-770-2228/ technical assistance
Quikrete Cos. Concrete sealer p. 33 800-282-5828
p. 19 (top) Swiss Trax, (lower left) Closet Maid, (lower right) Armor Poxy p. 20 (top left) elfa, (top right) Vault, (lower) Armor Poxy
p. 9 (top left & right) Shutterstock, (lower) California Closets p. 21 (top) vault, (lower) Beth Singer p. 10 (top) Beth Singer, (lower left) Swiss Trax, (lower right) Andrea Rugg p. 11 (top left) Shutterstock, (top right) iStockphoto, (lower) IKEA p. 12 (top) California Closets, (lower left & right) Lee Klancher p. 13 (top left & right) Photolibrary, (lower) Black & Decker p. 14 (top left) IKEA, (top right) Closet Maid, (lower) Armor poxy p. 15 (top left) Shutterstock, (top right) Lee Klancher, (lower) Clopay p. 16 (top left & right) Lee Klancher, (lower) Robert Genant p. 17 (top) CSN, (lower) Schulte p. 18 (top & lower right) Mill's Pride, (lower left) Clopay
p. 50 (top) iStockphoto p. 132 Cocinero Pty Ltd TlA Sydney Sheds and Garages p. 151 Swiss Trax p. 152 IKEA p. 164 California Closets p. 180 Robert Genant p. 202 (inset) iStockphoto p. 214 BLTC
Cmll'crsioll CJwrts • 235
I Conversion Charts
Metric Equivalent Inches Iin.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 36 39.4
feel (fl.)
Yards (yd .) IV"
Millimelers (mm) 0.400.79 I 1.593.186.359.5310 12.7 15.9 50 .8 76.2 101.6127 152 178 203 229 254 279 305 9141,000
Cenlimelers (cm) 0.95 I 1.271.591.912.222 .545.087.6210.1612.7 15 .217.820.322.925.4 27.9 30.5 91.4100
Meiers (m)
Converting Measurements To Convert: To: Multi~l~ b~ :
Inches Millimelers 25.4 Inches Centimeters 2.5 fee l Meiers 0.305 'Yards Meters 0.914 Miles Kilometers 1.609 SguOie inches Sguore centimeters 6.45 2<Juare leel 5 ume melers 0.093 iquare yards S uare meters 0.836 Cubic inches Cubic centimeters 16.4 Cubic feel Cubic meters 0.0283 Cubic ards Cubic melers 0.765 Pinls !U.S') liters 0.473 11m .0.568) Quarls (U .S.) liters 0 . 946I1m~. 1.136) Gallons (U .S') lilers 3.785 11m . .546) Ounces Grams 28.4 Pounds Kilo roms 0.454 Tans Metric tons 0.907
Converting Temperatures Can veri degrees Fahrenheil (F) 10 degrees Celsius (C) by fallowing Ihis simple farmula: Sublracl32 fram Ihe Fahrenheil lempera lure reading . Then mulilply Ihal number by II.. Far example, 7rF· 32 = 45. 45 x If, = 25°C.
To convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius temperoture reading by %, Ihen add 32 . far example, 25°C x % = 45. 45 + 32 = 77 °f.
.30 .91 1.00
To Convert: To: Multipl~ b~:
Millimelers Inches 0.039 Centimeters Inches 0.39 Meters feel 3.28 Meters Yards 1.09 Kilometers Miles 0.621 Sguore centimeters Sguare inches 0.155 l 5 uare metels S uare leel 10.8 Sguore meters S uare ards .2 Cubic centimeters Cubic inches 0.061 Cubic meters Cubic feel 35.3 Cubic melers Cubic ards lilers Pinls !U.S') liters Quarls (U.S.) liters Gallons (U.S.) Grams Ounces Kilo roms Pounds 2.2 Metric tons Tans 1.1
Fahrenheit Celsius
55° 25° 50° 20° 45° W 40° 10° 35° 5° 30° Freezing 0° 25° _5° 20° _10° W -w 10° _20° 5° _25° 0° _30°
A Air quality & ventilation for
workshops, 146 Asphalt shingles
choosing, 61 installing, 63-66
B Base trim, installing, 219 Bleed water, 33 Building section plans
for carport, 135 for compact garage, 105 example, 24 for gambrel garage, 119
C Cabinets
ideas, 12-13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21 installing, 172-175 safety, 19
Carport about, 132 building, 137- 141 materials & cutting list, 133 plans, 134-136
Cast veneer stone sid ing about, 83-84 idea, 83 installing, 84-85
ceiling storage units, installing, 176- 177
Closets ideas, 12-13,15,16,18,21 safety,19
Color, use of, 17 Compact garage with storage
about, 102-103 building, 111-115 materials & cutting list, 104 plans, 105-110
building section, 105 door details, 109 elevation, 106 floori ng, 108 foundation, 105 wall framing, 107-108 windows, 108, 110
Concrete cleaning, 210-211 etching, 208, 210-211 painting, 208-209, 213 patching, 207 resurfacing, 222-225 sealing, 212
Concrete slab foundation, building about, 28 estimating amount of concrete,
31 plans for, 29 pouring concrete, 30-33
Condensation, checking for, 210
o Doors. See Overhead doors; Service
doors Drawings of plans, 24-25 Drywall
fire-rated (type Xl, 155 hanging, 156
Electric heaters, installing, 194-195 Electricity
bringing service to garage about, 180-181 steps in, 182-187
installing subpanels, 188- 191 planning for needs, 146 wiring safety, 179, 180
Elevation plans for carport, 134 for compact garage with storage,
106 examples of, 25 for gambrel garage, 122, 124-125 for single detached garage, 94
Epoxy floor coating about, 19,206, 208 applying, 207, 209-213 condensation testing, 210 tools & materials for, 209
Etching concrete, 208, 210-211
F FaSCia, installing roof, 56- 59 Faux stone siding
about, 83-84 idea, 83 installing, 84-85
Fiber-cement lap siding about, 83 installing, 86- 89 tools for, 86
Fire-rated drywall, 155 Flooring
about, 206 cleaning, 210-211 condensation, checking for, 210
etching, 208, 210-211 ideas, 10, 16, 18,206 installing
base trim, 219 interlocking tiles, 216-219 roll -out PVC, 214-215
painting about, 19, 206, 208 applying, 207, 209-213 tools & materials for, 209
patching, 207 plans for compact garage with
storage, 108 resurfacing concrete, 222-225 sealing, 212 texturized, 20
Fluorescent lighting installing fixtures, 192-193 types of, 145
Foundation building, 28-33 building concrete slab
about, 28 estimating amount of concrete, 31 plans for, 29 pouring concrete, 30-33
plans for compact garage, 105 for single detached garage, 94, 96
Framing roofs
using rafters, 44-49 using trusses, 50-51
service door openings, 40 walls
about, 34 plans
for compact garage with storage, 107-108
for gambrel garage, 125 for single detached garage,
95, 97 steps in, 36-43 tips for, 35
window openings, 40 window plans for
box bay, 109, 110 jamb detail, 124
Gambrel garage about, 116-117 building, 126-131 materials & cutting list, 118
Illi/ex • 237
plans, 119-125 building section, 119 doors, 124 elevations, 122, 125 floor, 120 overhangs, 123 roof,121 window, 124
Garage door openers installing, 232- 234 safety ti ps, 81 tuning up, 230-231
Green insulated grounding wire, 179 Ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI
receptacle), 179
H Heaters, installing electric, 194- 195 Hobby areas, idea, 8 Housewrap, installing, 54- 55
Interlocking floor tiles, installing, 216- 219
L Lap siding
fiber-cement about, 83 installing, 86- 89 tools for, 86
ideas, 82 types, 83
Lighting fluorescent
installing fixtures, 192- 193 types of, 145
natural ideas, 8, 15 installing skylights, 202-205
recessed, 20 safety and, 179 skylights, installing, 202-205 for workshops, 144-145
Living space idea, 8 Locksets, installing, 75 Loft, idea and plan for garage with,
M Multitab shingles, 61
N National Electrical Code (NEC), 179 Nonservice rated panels, installing,
188- 191
o Overhead doors
about, 76, 81 idea, 14 installing, 77- 80 openers
installing, 232- 234 safety tips, 81 tuning up, 230-231
plans for compact garage with storage, 109 for gambrel garage, 124 for single detached garage, 95
tuning up, 226-230
Painting floors about, 19, 206, 208 applying, 207, 209- 213 condensation testing, 210 ideas, 16, 18 tools & materials for, 209
Pegboard about, 158 hanging, 160-161 styles, 159
Plans for attached porch, 98 for compact garage with storage,
105-110 building section, 105 door details, 109 elevation, 106 flooring, 108 foundation, 105 wall framing, 107- 108 windows, 108, 110
considerations when making, 25 drawings needed
making, 24- 25 for roof, 45 for slab, 29
for gambrel garage, 119- 125 building section, 119 doors, 124 elevations, 122, 125 floor, 120 overhangs, 123 roof, 121 window, 124
for single detached garages, 94- 97 elevation, 94 foundation, 94, 96 wall framing, 95, 97
for workshops, 100 Porch, idea and plan for garage with,
98 PVC flooring, installing roll-out,
R Racking and shelf systems
ideas, 9,10,11,16,18,152 installing adjustable shelves,
162- 163 installing slatted shelves, 164-167 installing utility shelves, 168- 171
Reverse gable detached garage, idea and plan for, 100
Ridge caps cutting, 65 installing, 141
Ridge vents, installing continuous, 66- 67
Roll-out PVC flooring, installing, 214- 215
Roofs building
about, 60 continuous ridge vents, 66-67 preparing roof deck, 62- 63 shingles, choosing, 61 shingles installing, 63-66
gable-style framing about, 44-45 using rafters, 46- 49 using trusses, 50-51
installing fascia & soffits, 56- 59 installing metal panels, 140-141 plans
for carport, 135- 136 for compact garage, 110 for gambrel garage, 121, 123
safety measures, 64
S Safety
cabinets and closets, 19 door security, 75 lighting and, 20 roofs and, 64 wiring, 179, 180
Service doors about, 68- 69 choosing, 73 framing openings, 40 installing, 73-75 plans
for compact garage, 109 for single detached garage, 95
security, 75 Service panel, installing subpanels,
188- 191 Shelf systems
ideas, 9, 11, 15, 18, 152 installing adjustable, 162-163 installing slatted, 164-167 installing utility shelves, 168- 171
Shingles, asphalt for roof choosing, 61 installing
preparing roof deck, 62-63 steps in, 63-66
Siding about, 82 cast veneer stone
about, 83-84 idea, 83 installing, 84-85
fiber-cement lap about, 83 installing, 86-89 tools for, 86
types of, 83-84 Single detached garage, building
about, 92 materials & cutting list, 93 plans
elevation, 94 foundation, 94, 96 wall framing, 95, 97
steps in, 26-27 Skylights
idea, 8 installing, 202-205
Slab-on-grade foundation, building about, 28 estimating amount of concrete,
31 plans for, 29 pouring concrete, 30-33
Soffits, installing, 56-59 Speed squares, using, 45 Storage
building compact garage with about, 102-103 materials & cutting list, 104 plans, 105- 110
building section, 105 door details, 109 elevation, 106 flooring, 108 foundation, 105 wall framing, 107-108 windows, 108, 110
steps in, 111-115 ideas, 142
cabinets and closets, 12-13, 15, 16,17,18,21 racking and shel f systems, 9, 10, 11 ,15,16, 18, 152
installing cabinets, 172-175 ceiling units, 176- 177 shelf systems
adjustable, 162-163 slatted,164-167 utility shelves, 168- 171
pegboard about, 158 hanging, 160-161 styles, 159
T Templates, 25 Texturized flooring idea, 20 Three-car detached garage, ideas
and plans for, 98,101 Three-car detached garage/
workshop, idea and plan for, 100 Tiles, installing interlocking, 216-219 TWo-car detached garage, idea and
plan for, 99 Type x drywall, 155
u Utility shelves, installing, 168-171
v Victorian detached garage, idea and
plan for, 99 vinyl lap siding, about, 83
W Walls
finishing interior about, 154-155 hanging drywall, 156 with sheathing, 157
Framing about, 34 plans
for compact garage with storage, 107-108
for gambrel garage, 125 for single detached garage,
95,97 steps in, 36-43 tips for, 35
insulating, 153 raising, 39, 41-43 sheathing, 52-55, 157 sid ing
about, 82 cast veneer stone
about, 83-84 idea, 83 installing, 84-85
fiber-cement lap about, 83 installing, 86- 89 tools for, 86
types of, 83-84 trophy ideas, 14
Windows about, 68-69 adding, 196-201 framing openings, 40 framing plans
box baY,109,110 jamb detail, 124
idea, 11
installing, 70-72 plans for compact garage with
storage, 108, 110 Wiring safety, 179, 180 Wood lap siding, about, 83 Workbenches, 146- 147 Workout area idea, 10 Workshops
about, 142-143 doors for, 73 floor plans, 148- 149 ideas, 8,11,12-13, 21,100 plan, 100 planning
air quality & ventilation, 146 electricity needs, 146 layout, 146-149 lighting, 144-145
Illllex • 239
Complete Guide to A Green Home
Complete Guide to Att ics & Basements
Complete Gu ide to Basic \t\1oodworking
Complete Gu ide Bu ild Your Kids a Treehouse
Complete Guide to Contemporary Sheds
Complete Guide to Creative Landscapes
Complete Gu ide to Custom Shelves & Built- Ins
Complete Gu ide to Decorating with Ceramic T ile
Complete Guide to Decks
Complete Gu ide to DIY Projects for Lm::uriolls Living
Complete Gu ide to Dream Bathrooms
Complete Gu ide to Dream Kitchens
Complete Guide to Finish ing \"/a ll s & Ceilings
Complete Guide to Floor Decor
Complete Gu ide to Gazebos & Arbors
Complete Gu ide to Horne Carpentry
Complete Guide to Landscape Construction
Complete Guide Maintain Your Pool & Spa
Complete Gu ide to Masonry & StonC\vork
Complete Gu ide to Outdoor \Vood Projects
Complete Guide to Painting & Decorating
Complete Guide to Patios
Complete Gu ide to Plumbing
Complete Gu ide to Roofing & Sid ing
Complete Guide to Trim & Finish Carpentry
Complete Guide to \l\1indows & Elltl)'\,vays
Complete Gu ide to \/Viring
Complete Gu ide to \"'ood Storage Projects
Complete Guide to Yard & Garden Fefltures
Complete Outdoor Builder
Complete Photo Gu ide to Home Repair
Complete Photo Gu ide to Home Improvement
Complete Photo Guide to Homeowner Basics
ISBN 1-58923-378-6
ISBN 1-58923-355-7
ISBN 1-58923-377-8
, 400 First Avenue North . SUite 300 • Minneapolis, MN 55401 • wwwcreatlvepubcom