Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (2024)

Coffee Facts

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By Starla Gatson

Last updated: December 21, 2021

When you’re in need of a drink that refreshes and satisfies — and obviously caffeinates — Thai iced coffee is the way to go.

As its name implies, this chilled beverage is typically enjoyed in Thailand, though now, the mixture of robusta joe, oliang powder, and sweetened condensed milk has made its way to other parts of the world, including the United States. Naturally, Americanized variations of the recipe began to emerge. Fortunately for you, we’ve compiled a few of them for your viewing (and brewing!) pleasure.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (2)

Spiced Thai Coffee

When it’s time to spice up your morning, you’ll want traditional Thai coffee in your cup. This mixture of your favorite brew, heavy cream, sweetened condensed milk, almond extract, and cardamom puts a bit of pep in your step, and whether you prefer hot or cold beverages, you’ll enjoy every sip of this spiced joe.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (3)

Spiked Thai Iced Coffee

Photo Credit:www.thecookierookie.com

The Cookie Rookie’s recipe gives classic Thai iced coffee a more grown-up twist, thanks to the addition of Amaretto. Intrigued? (No worries if you aren’t much of an alcohol drinker; the site provides a non-alcoholic substitution, too.)

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Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (4)

Simple Thai Iced Coffee

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

Our friends at Roadie Coffee walk you through the steps of making refreshing Thai iced coffee from the comfort of your kitchen in this video. Round up your freshly made cold brew, sweetened condensed milk, and a jar of cardamom before you head over to the recipe to see how it’s made.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (5)

Thai Iced Coffee

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

When instant coffee is your joe of choice and you prefer your caffeinated beverages sweet and creamy, this Thai iced coffee recipe is your saving grace.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (6)

Vanilla Iced Thai Coffee

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

It’s easy to dismiss vanilla as boring, but you couldn’t be more wrong! It’s not boring; it’s a classic, and a hint of the stuff tastes great when mixed into a cool glass of Thai iced coffee.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (7)

Thai Iced Coffee with Oliang Powder

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

When it comes to Thai iced coffee, the more authentic-tasting, the better. Fortunately, this video gives a full rundown of how you, Roasty reader, can enjoy bona fide Thai iced coffee...without having to make a trip to The Land of Smiles.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (8)

Thai Iced Coffee with Evaporated Milk

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

Unlike others in this round-up, this recipe from Dia’s Kitchen includes both sweetened condensed and evaporated milk, yielding an extra creamy morning beverage. Find out how you can start your day with a cup of this smooth coffee goodness.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (9)

3-Ingredient Thai Iced Coffee

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

Need your iced java fix quickly? Then this recipe is just for you! Since only three ingredients are involved, whipping up a cup of this stuff is simple, so long as you prep your cold brew ahead of time.

Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (10)

Coconut Milk Thai Iced Coffee

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

It’s no secret that coconut milk has taken the coffee world by storm. Plenty of vegan and otherwise non-dairy Roasty readers find that a splash of this stuff plays well in their specialty drinks, including the Thai iced coffee.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (11)

Thai-Style Iced Coffee on a Ninja Single-Serve System

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

Fortunately for Ninja Coffee Bar owners, there are plenty of recipes for you to try with your brewer. One we recommend comes from this video, and the result is a smooth and delicious Thai-style iced coffee that hits the spot on a hot summer afternoon.


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (12)

Thai Iced Frappuccino

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

You’d be hard-pressed to find a better midday pick-me-up on a sweltering July afternoon than a chilled and flavorful Frappuccino, and this one is no exception. It has the same sweet taste of a good Thai iced coffee plus all the icy goodness of a coffee shop Frappuccino — that’s a combination you can’t beat!


Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (13)

Dalgona Style Thai Iced Tea

Photo Credit:www.youtube.com

The Dalgona coffee trend captivated the interest of all of us who are joe-obsessed, but unfortunately, it left tea drinkers feeling a bit left out...until now! Chiachia’s Queendom’s video gives all the instructions for making and drinking Dalgona-style Thai iced tea.

Happy Caffeinating!

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Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (14)
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Our Absolute Favorite Thai Iced Coffee Recipes (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.